Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
VOTE: MagnumBoy20xx
I know day has ended, but Magnum wants me to let you know he is so angry, he's not even going to post about it.
I am so going to pay for that one IRL...
I know day has ended, but Magnum wants me to let you know he is so angry, he's not even going to post about it.
Some say legends never die...
They'd be wrong of course.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Young Link, an Ordinary Non-Speaking Character (this means Vanilla Townie). Youve lived your whole in the Kokiri Forest and yet you dont have your own fairy. Sad!
Like the beginning of a particular franchise, you have nothing at your disposal. Not even a jump button. The only thing you can do is VOTE.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is 7 years in the past.
Oh gee imagine thatI know day has ended, but Magnum wants me to let you know he is so angry, he's not even going to post about it.
I am so going to pay for that one IRL...
Dawn of the Final Day
Ynnek7 and Terrabyte20xx burst through a door onto the roof of Lyrule Castle.
”We did it!" shouts Ynnek.
Terrabyte peers over the edge carefully. ”Is that MagnumBoy20xx?" He points towards a small, crumpled body on the ground.
Ynnek slowly lumbers over and looks. ”Yes, the last hero. It is over! Time to celebrate. Where did I put my fireworks-"
Terrabyte holds his hand out, a pile of fireworks on it.
Ynnek glowers. ”Seriously, we're on the same team."
Terrabyte shrugs. ”It's a bad habit to break."
”Ooh, fireworks!" a terribly annoying voice cries out. ”Tingle wants to play!"
”What-" Terrabyte and Ynnek look around to see where the sound is coming from. A middle-aged man in a green suit dashes towards them and snatches the fireworks out of Terrabyte's hand.
”Kooloo-Limpah!" Bronx-Man yells.
”Oh now you're asking for it," roars Ynnek. He stomps the ground, sending a current of electricity out. It hits the green man and knocks him to the ground.
”Oww!" the man wails. ”You can't kill Tingle, I'm a fairy!"
”As if," sneers Terrabyte. He raises his hand and a bolt of dark energy flies out, slamming into Bronx. He is sent flying from the impact.
The goddesses have chosen me! I can be a fairy now! No one can stand in my way!
You are Tingle, an Ascetic Serial Killer. Is this a joke? You bet it isn't!
Once per night, you may kill a fellow player with the command FAIRY: Player. You will turn them into a fairy, but since you haven't perfected the formula yet, it doesn't work, with disastrous and very messy side effects.
You are aligned with yourself and win when you are the only player left in the game.
Since you are Ascetic, you cannot be targeted at Night, unless that action results in your death. You can also be the recipient of something, although you don't quite know what that something is.
The game thread is masquerading as a fairy.
”Now that's taken care of. So where's the Triforce?" asks Terrabyte nonchalantly.
”Look!" Ynnek raises a stubby toe upwards (and almost loses his balance because of it). A brilliant glowing light descends from the sky. As it approaches, Ynnek and Terrabyte can make out a ethereal human wrapped in red.
”I feel like I should kneel," whispers Terrabyte.
”Be my guest," rumbles Ynnek.
”Greetings, mortals," the figure intones. Its face suddenly brightens up.
”I'm Din, what's up?"
”One of the three goddesses!" exclaims Terrabyte, who is genuflecting.
”Seems awfully young to be a goddess," says Ynnek skeptically.
”Hush, none of that blasphemy," shushes Terrabyte.
”Congratulations on winning the 1st ever Lyrulean Battle Royale, sponsored by us!" says Din cheerfully. ”I have a question, though. Why did you expect the Triforce on the roof of the castle?. It's always been in the Sacred Realm."
Ynnek and Terrabyte share a look of disappointment. ”Uh, good point," says Ynnek.
”Beloved Din, we mean no disrespect. Please forgive us puny mortals!" cries Terrabyte. He grovels, hitting his head on the ground.
Ynnek can only shake his head in disbelief.
”Nah, it's okay," says Din. ”Anyway, we never really thought about a prize because we were always going to wipe your memories and put you back on your original world. I guess we'll let you fulfill your wildest dreams for a couple days, within reason of course." The goddess looks at Ynnek, then Terrabyte, reading their minds. She recoils in disgust.
”Eww, that's totally not work-safe! Ugh, you villains are the worst! I changed my mind, no prizes for you! Back to your worlds!" She waves her hands and Ynnek and Terrabyte disappear.
In the ensuing silence, a chime sounds.
”That's the low-battery alarm for the Switch," exclaims Din. ”Mrgrgr, Farore forgot to dock it again!" She ascends up into the sky.
With a poof, Terra appears on a volcanic island. ”Wait, this isn't my hideout!" he complains as fire and brimstone consume him. ”Is this what I get for my devotion? Argh!"
The goddesses have chosen you. Vanquish those who would stand in your way. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Blind the Thief, a Mafia Thief. You love stealing, and you hate light. That's why you act during the night. Bright lights give you stage fright and make you take flight.
Once per night, you may target a Player with the command STEAL: Player. If they are holding anything interesting, you will get it. You cannot steal if you have anything in your possession (your inventory is limited).
As the mafia team, you share a faction kill that you may perform once per night with the command KILL: Player. This faction kill is done in lieu of your night action, except when you are the last mafia member. Only then may you perform both your night action and the faction kill.
You are aligned with mafia and win when the mafia team has a majority (50%+1) of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Your fellow mafia members are acohrs, AbsolutBro, and Ynnek7. You share a mafia chat at the Thieves' Town hideout.
The game thread is darkness, no parents.
Item jingle
You got A Fairy in a Bottle! Poor thing has no air, you should let it out and maybe it'll reward you.
Once per game, you may use the command USE: Fairy at night to use this item. The item will make you bulletproof for that night only.
Note that you can only use this item once, and is used in lieu of your night action (if applicable). That means you CANNOT use both a night action and an item.
The goddesses have chosen you. Vanquish those who would stand in your way. Fulfill your destiny.
You are The Imprisoned, a Mafia Roleblocker. You are some weird scaly thing with big toes that is slowly on its way to wreak havoc.
Once per night, you may target a Player with the command SEAL ME: Player. That player will be roleblocked and unable to perform any Night action (if they have one), because they have to go and seal you away... again.
As the mafia team, you share a faction kill that you may perform once per night with the command KILL: Player. This faction kill is done in lieu of your night action, except when you are the last mafia member. Only then may you perform both your night action and the faction kill.
You are aligned with mafia and win when the mafia team has a majority (50%+1) of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Your fellow mafia members are acohrs, AbsoluteBro, and Terrabyte20xx. You share a mafia chat at the Sealed Grounds.
The game thread is a spike in your head.
A hand appears on the edge of the roof, followed by a man wearing a rabbit hood.
”So, what did I miss?" he calls out. He looks around but sees nothing except Bronx's scorched body.
nin shrugs and heads towards a door. ”I'm taking the stairs this time."
Welcome, welcome! Come on in!
The goddesses have chosen me. Want to rent, or buy? Oh heck, just take it!
You are Ravio, a Compulsive Backup Survivor Item Vendor (try saying that 3 times fast). You are a shopkeeper with a bag full of neat items that you can't wait to share with your fellow players.
Once per night you MUST vend an item to another player with the command GIFT: Player. You do NOT know what items you are giving out. You also cannot target the same player twice, nor can you target yourself.
However, at the start of the game you will be unable to Vend items. You aren't quite sure what it is but you feel like you need to wait for the perfect moment before you can give them out. You will be notified when you can begin to give out your items.
You are aligned with yourself and win when you survive until the end of the game.
You also have a secondary win condition. If you successfully vend all your items, you will win and be removed from the game.
The game thread is a dark parallel world.
Hey dawg you gotta hunt scum as SK![]()
I was this goddamn close!
Yeah maybe if you killed more scum instead.![]()
Hey dawg you gotta hunt scum as SK
And yea I'm salty you killed me you ass
Yeah Bronx, you would have had that in the bag had you shot some scum. x.x;
Not only were they town, but they were our biggest foils in the form of a doctor and a watcher (that you were immune to to boot!).![]()
Literally every goddamn kill I made, I thought it was scum and ended up being town. My intuition is fucking garbage.
.Didn't you kill confirmed towns person?
My intuition is fucking garbage.
Yea but that's reading comprehension, not intuition lol
Congrats scum team and nin! Nin did a good job towards the end.
Don't mind all my salty posts in the spectator thread lol
I ain't got time to read, I got classes n shit.Yea but that's reading comprehension, not intuition lol
Fair play budI ain't got time to read, I got classes n shit.
Not only were they town, but they were our biggest foils in the form of a doctor and a watcher (that you were immune to to boot!).
GG everyone!![]()
I ain't got time to read, I got classes n shit.
GG guys. Sorry playing like crap.
huh, I read Kawl's ability wrong and just went with it because he was dead. Whoops!Actually, he could be seen by the Watcher. He can't be directly targeted, nothing stops the Watcher from passively seeing him murder someone. n_n
Y'know, if you didn't make the dumbest possible move of lynching Magnum, scum would've lost.HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA![]()
Y'know, if you didn't make the dumbest possible move of lynching Magnum, scum would've lost.
Hey, we had nothing to do with your birthday "present"!*grumbles at AB and Terra*
Congrats to scum and my hero - nin!
I'm so proud of you, nin. (well, thanks splinter) This is the one time you, nin, randomly voted someone during lylo and you won. So glad you made it <3
The two kills per Night Phase being too much was a complaint I got from a few people. I do think that losing Doctor and Watcher right after one another so early ( you can thank Bronx for that one ) definitely did not help, neither did having the BP Item get stolen on Night 1 by Scum. But ultimately I think we should have added something else, probably a Commuter to help negative the possible deaths a little more. It's something I plan to take into account next time.