Nin was the only one who seemed open to it, ty and melon defended bronx iirc.
Well I understood why sorian was eager to push him out but thats it. We talked briefly about it and I moved on. ( Went to sleep )
Good morning everyone !
Nin was the only one who seemed open to it, ty and melon defended bronx iirc.
My problem is that your vote wasn't a prod. He posted 20 minutes before your vote, so we know he was playing and there was no need to push him to post. His post was completely unrelated to the game so I could understand a vote to push him to participate more in the game but his second point was also completely unrelated. If the vote was made to push for a more active participation in the game it made more sense to keep it that to unvote so fast.
That vote makes no sense to me.
Wait he posted before my prod?
It's been awhile since I last played, so apologies in advance for any mafia rust.
I usually hate when people do these useless surveys and ignore them, but I'll bite out of curiosity.
My answer to all three questions is absolutely not.
It's been awhile since I last played, so apologies in advance for any mafia rust.
I usually hate when people do these useless surveys and ignore them, but I'll bite out of curiosity.
My answer to all three questions is absolutely not.
and somehow he still needs prodding!
Mag, what are your thoughts on Sophia?
CCS is worrying me because he chose two very easy votes. First was for me for the lulz then turned into 'wait until I post'
second is a no poster (admittedly I'm doing the same, but thats my part and parcel of D1. More relevant votes will come).
Looking at his posts now, these two stuck out:
Okay, I guess? can we get more feelings on others please?
This isn't productive. You're lying or you're helping scum narrow down the PR hunt. Come on, CCS.
I'm reading as Town though, seems to vibe with Pop, though that of course ignores the ability to learn from past mistakes :|
I have vaguely scummy feelings on Sophia, vaguely towny on Bronx, not a whole lot of strong others. Bronx feels towny based on how he handled the early push on him from a couple of people.
Haha so he did, well feck me, that was much ado about nothing!
I went to bed. Give me a break. Half you didn't even do it. Most of you failed but I'll recap when I'm not on mobile.
Also. She.
Doctor, I may come across as defensive of Bronx if only because it seems such an easy narrative to make.
He could be scum, sure. But he paranoia about being lynched and general focus on self- preservation seem consistent with his normal style of play of town. All I'm saying is he is not my primary focus on day thus far.
@Sophia, I missed it. Why are you voting for Sorian currently?
Also. She.
Isn't magnum a he?
My bad. I thought you meant me. Disregard.
yo acohrs now you're sheeping my prod vote?
Haha I missed that too...
I'm just going to go lie down in the corner and cry for a little bit, don't mind me!
melon is anyone rubbing you the wrong way?
That's not literal, Doctor.
Like thisThis feels scummy, but I can't quite rationalize it. Just feels like something scum does.
This_is_Gafia.gifevery other game:
"bronx doesn't post much on d1, he's scum"
this game:
"bronx is posting on d1, he's scum"
I realize you're not actually pushing Bronx in your post, but I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the insanity of "Bronx's meta". Like, we're so far into the gafia rabbit hole that people have individual metas now.Does that actually look like Bronx's meta, then?
Less than 12 hours after game start, a Friday night game start mind, and you're post shaming people in a game with some of the highest volume posters in all of gafia. DudeNo posters:
7. [m] AbsolutBro
11. [m] Splinter
15. [m] Kawl
Does make nice vote camo though.Cheers.
VOTE: AbsolutBro
;_; I thought we were cool CzarTim.yeah, that'll show em
Uh, aren't they talking about Sophia, not Sorian? Or is your post referring to the interaction between the two? Slightly confused, sorry.Sorian being aggressive out the gate isn't anything particularly telling. Seems normal to me.
No, its because that he usually is more of a scared person. This time around he is bold and that is making some people curious as why that is.
Yeah but what about Zelda?
It's not that odd imo. Like it was said before, this game has some, if not most, of Gafia's biggest personalities. So an abscence is gonna be more notable than usual. If he hasn't posted by 6, I'll start being little concerned.Unvote
I still will be paying attention to acohrs due to how well he slid by as scum in his debut game. He did move his vote though so no reason to leave mine.
I find it strange Kawl hasn't checked in. Not going to put a vote down there though when other people have put out a prod vote. Currently no one is screaming at me as a good vote, but I do have a few players that I feel good about not voting for currently. I'll think on it some more. Also morning everyone.
I know Tim just pointed it out, but this was the standout post to me so far. Ty's post on Sophia was vague, and I think this response feels off because Sophia felt obliged to respond when there wasn't really anything to respond to. So we got this weird kinda-nonsense kinda-overdefensive post.
@Sophia, I missed it. Why are you voting for Sorian currently?
I still will be paying attention to acohrs due to how well he slid by as scum in his debut game. He did move his vote though so no reason to leave mine.
I find it strange Kawl hasn't checked in. Not going to put a vote down there though when other people have put out a prod vote. Currently no one is screaming at me as a good vote, but I do have a few players that I feel good about not voting for currently. I'll think on it some more. Also morning everyone.
Aw, you watched? Did you think I was the Truest Pop Queen??
It's very thin pickings at the moment. I wonder if the best logic to apply now is to lynch the least active? I don't think they're scum, but a neutral role that only needs 1 or 2 nights to complete their objective. That would make sense right? Anyone else agree that's the way to go for now or am I full of shit?
You're full of DooDoo. We have still over 2 days to talk. Usually I would be for the lynch if the most inactive players but we are still very early into day 1 so I would rather put more weight into generating discussion about whatever else comes into our small minds.
All in all I do not agree with least inactive lynch for now.
Not to mention there's still plenty of time for the bottom of the inactive list to shuffle around more. Seems a bit premature.
The one thing I don't like about mafia is that by time I wake up or get out of work, people have already commented on most of the things I wanted to say. I'd hate for it to look like I'm just copying them, but I guess that's how it has to be.
Yeah, I don't think I've ever gotten the impression of Bronx being a scared player. Frustrated? Definitely. This statement stands out to me, and while it could just be a difference of opinion of play styles, there already seems to be a narrative being imposed on Bronx from a few players.
I'm a fan of the series, but haven't really played the most recent ones. I'm hoping to change that with Breath of the Wild, though.
Oh! You meant this Zelda!
Honestly, I've played with most of the players this game (Nice to meet you Natiko, CCS, Acohrs, and Pop!), and no one seems to be playing outside of how I'd expect them to so far.
This certainly feels like one of the chattiest games I've been in, though, so it will be easy to lose people in the crowd. Even though this includes me, we should all be careful to not let people slip by unnoticed.
You're giving me an unsettling feeling, acohrs.
Also lol at "thin pickings" in what is basically a GAFia all-star game on Day 1.
These read weird to me. I know we're all jokes and giggles here but it could be useful for scum as far as sowing confusion. Especially Kyan's.
Kyan's post more than sowing confusion seems to be looking for scum partners. But it's a very bold move to make. If mafia side really have a secret partner we would know after we get the first of them, and after that Kyan would be our main suspect.
This. Kyan painted a target if there is actually a secret partner in the game, it's a bad joke (if it actually was one) for that exact reason.
then there is cabots who seems to be doubting my ability to be amazings
silly cabot
Check to see how I react me thinks. Do tell me how much you love me.
Kyan why don't you share some insights with us? I mean, instead of coasting.
acohrs feels all over the place to me. Eager. Not getting good vibes per se but I have no idea how much that comes from the fact that I am not familiar with his playstyle.