Just finished putting together the newer X-Wing - 9493. It's a beaut. As everyone says, it's a great build, probably the best of the licensed vehicles, if not most of the space/Star Wars line.
I've always held off getting it for the same things that I still think, after building it, make it a 9/10 rather than a 10. Specifically: the fact R2D2 is side on. I know it helps streamline the build, but it isn't movie-accurate and looks weird. Also think it's weird the ship goes to the effort of putting forward landing gear in, but not rear ones.
But on the whole - excellent.
I bought it for £29.99 here in the UK - it was cheap on Asda Direct for a while. At that price, this was great. (By comparison I also put together part of the new Spider-Man/Nick Fury set with my son, and the bike is pretty cheap - and that set cost £20 earlier in the year.)
It's a must buy if you like the Star Wars line and can get it cheap. It's otherwise pricey (especially the £50 RRP in the UK). Although it will be OOP relatively soon I assume as other waves come in; it's already been through clearance sales a few times here at supermarkets in the UK.