Does this count?
Mama? Where are you, Mama?
Here in New York and just walked out the LEGO store with the Farnsworth House.
New thread soon?
Went to a toys r us today looking for Apple tree house. No luck, but I got two of the lawn mower poly bags. I also found the last series 11 minifig I needed. Picked up 3 elves at target. Good times!
New thread soon?
PhoncipleBone is on it - probably be a couple days until we will need it though.
Jesus. I need to get one together. Some slight tweaks to this one should do it.
WOW. Just amazed we need one already.
On a different note, my week at work has been shitty. Thinking of making the long drive to the LEGO store to get something for double VIP. Planned on waiting for the 14th to get the free set, but I am itching for something new, and a really shitty work week is making me want to go further in debt and use the credit card to buy plastic bricks I want but do not need.
Let me know if you need any info or images for the OP.
My week has also been crap - I have the urge to get something, but am going to try to remain strong until the 14th.
Trying to remain strong so I can get two free holiday sets. But tempted to splurge now, then order the winter village set online since I will hold that one for a bit. Have that delivered with the free holiday set.
As for images, I usually pillage Brickset for stuff. Probably wont change much from this OP except the sets mentioned.
The timing of this new thread is great, because 2014 info/images should start showing up in the next week or two.
I want! That's a custom though I assume. LEGO has all the parts, just needs the print.
I don't want to go all Suze Orman on anyone, but paying off debt is an alternative therapeutic option.
Eliminating debt is a damn great feeling.
It's the CMF Coldstream Guard with a police hat, isn't it?
Did anyone here manage to order the Series 4 Star Wars globe kits off of Amazon France? I've been trying to place an order and, even though it states they ship to the US, it keeps telling me that they cannot deliver to any of my addresses.
I don't want to go all Suze Orman on anyone, but paying off debt is an alternative therapeutic option.
Eliminating debt is a damn great feeling.
does Amazon FR usually ship to the US then? Did you make sure it's not a reseller but Amazon itself? hmmm
speaking of the planet sets, just finished assembling this little guy here:
Obviously not as great as the magnificent Snowspeeder i did earlier in the year but it's still decent! I like the Rebel Soldier and the actual Planet (which can be used as an Earth type planet for further shenanigans lol)
The seller is Amazon. What I'm finding confusing is that, in the shipping help section "Toys" appear in two sections. One includes the US and one doesn't. Not sure what toys are disqualified and which aren't. It may be that these are of the kind that do not qualify. The few articles I found that mention having them indicate that they will ship to the US so I was wondering if it was just something about my address.
I don't want to go all Suze Orman on anyone, but paying off debt is an alternative therapeutic option.
Eliminating debt is a damn great feeling.
You need to work on your enabling skills.
You are correct. It isn't a custom fig.
The seller is Amazon. What I'm finding confusing is that, in the shipping help section "Toys" appear in two sections. One includes the US and one doesn't. Not sure what toys are disqualified and which aren't. It may be that these are of the kind that do not qualify. The few articles I found that mention having them indicate that they will ship to the US so I was wondering if it was just something about my address.
This is $64 at TRU tomorrow, down from $129:
4202 CITY Mining Truck also on sale tomorrow at Canadian TRU's for $30 (regular $50).
I saw that too. That price has always seemed irrationally high.
Any idea if the sales on these sets will qualify for the free Minifig pack and the Brick Turkey?
The turkey fine print says that it excludes LEGO Games and LEGO Friends - which is strange.
The minifig pack says it excludes clearance items. Not sure if these two sales would qualify as clearance.
That is strange. My friend just got our order from Saves on shipping to order a bunch of stuff. Try online chat support?
4202 CITY Mining Truck also on sale tomorrow at Canadian TRU's for $30 (regular $50).
I have no idea. It says it's sold by Amazon EU S.a.r.L. which is the EU hq in Luxembourg it seems. Not sure if that's the issue but regardless it's not working. Not really sure if I want them badly enough to deal with online cs, at least not at the moment.
OP for the new thread is ready to go. And it is a tad big, so will need the first two posts to create it. Might add a bit more if I feel like it. From the looks of it I will have to post it by Friday night or Saturday afternoon at this rate.
Do you have a new title mind?
I still like that "...enabler thread, you're in one!" Suggestion from last time.
I still like that "...enabler thread, you're in one!" Suggestion from last time.
RIP Harry Potter.
What happened to him?
What happened to him?
Voldemort finally got him.
Anybody know why he posted that thread? He's gotta be on a couple month ban right?... :/
I didn't see it. Was it bad?