If the Batman set came out at retail for $50, you're absolutely right, nobody would buy it. Lego knows that, and knows that they can get away with it by making a 152 piece set an SDCC exclusive. Fans around the world can see they are being taken advantage of quite clearly, and it's pissing people off. It isn't just "kids and adults need to learn they can't always get the toys they want" it's being bent over by a company you like for trying to get a product that you want. It's not difficult to understand.
At retail, the Warbird and Ghost would be $13 sets, and the Batmobile would be $20. I don't think anyone other than scalpers are happily paying $40 and $50 for these sets, even the actual fans that manage to get them. I know I wasn't, getting in line this morning. I actually want to build the set and put it in my town. Looks like I'll be buying the Chase McCain set (which I wanted anyway because Lego City Undercover is amazing) and using a Batman and Robin I already have to moc the '66 instead.