Here is a comic-book whose adaptation to the screen has been done extremely well and yet never seems to get its due when it comes to discussions about these sorts of films, especially since it's perhaps the most thematically interesting and potent.
Moore's graphic novel and the film are entirely different beasts, both great, but both completely different. The change to Evey's character was one of the most fundamental changes that would work for the screen much more than staying true to the comic would have. The story was distilled and re-imagined in a way that was executed perfectly in The Wachowskis' script.
It contains an absolutely gorgeous photography, a resonant and memorable score by Dario Marianelli, while also featuring a great performances by Hugo Weaving, Stephen Fry, John Hurt and Natalie Portman.
It's also the only good film James McTiegue has directed - somehow following it up with the shit that is Ninja Assasin and The Raven.
Valerie's Letter
God is in the Rain
The Dominoes Fall
Let's talk about V for Vendetta.