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Let's go down the list: what has Bush accomplished?

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He was sworn into office January 20, 2001, after a campaign in which he outlined sweeping proposals to reform America's public schools, transform our national defense, provide tax relief, modernize Social Security and Medicare, and encourage faith-based and community organizations to work with government to help Americans in need.


Helped fix America's public schools? Uhh, no.
Transformed our national defense? Certainly not before 9/11 when he probably should have known.
Provide tax relief - Eh.
Modernize Social Security and Medicare - Maybe for specific classes.
Encourage faith-based and community organizations to work with government - Who gives a fuck.


Let's see here...

- Successfully turned worldwide compassion into worldwide resentment
- Managed to give tax cuts to those who least need them
- Stretching the military to dangerous levels, to the point that future enlistment is jeopardized
- Refused to let Congress investigate the government's (in)actions related to 9/11 until his arm got twisted so far it nearly broke off
- Appointed an attorney general - and kept him on - who has the gall to insinuate that "asking questions" during war is unpatriotic
- Managed to let his administration convince a good portion of the populace that Iraq had an active role in 9/11
- Hung a sign on the oval office door that says "The buck stops anywhere but here, pardner."
- To this day, continues to rape the English language everytime he tries to go off the script


Kills Photobucket
-has made The Daily Show with John Stewart the funniest it's ever been.
-Has exposed John Kerry's plans to go to war against the Gung Ho Guns.


His best positive accomplishment.....

that a white C student can aspire to run this great nation if you know the right people.
DrForester said:
-has made The Daily Show with John Stewart the funniest it's ever been.
-Has exposed John Kerry's plans to go to war agains teh Gung Ho Guns.

The only positive thing.

It's really a shame The Daily Show owns Mabus(h) more than actual news outlets.


ManDudeChild said:
The only positive thing.

It's really a shame The Daily Show owns Mabus(h) more than actual news outlets.

Oh fuck, I thought i would only see the Mabus(h) term at OA. Deadmeat is that you?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Modernize Social Security and Medicare - Maybe for specific classes."

F*ck social security and medicare. Everyone should pay for themselves, except in extreme cases. Can't afford retirement? Too bad!

"Encourage faith-based and community organizations to work with government - Who gives a fuck."

Agreed. Bush is taking religion too far into government. I can't believe the ignorance where I live (Alabama) about putting the 10 commandments on government buildings.

There were conservative ads, and all they did would say

"such and such is against putting the 10 commandments on government buildings. *tense music*

*cheesy happy music*
Keep America free by supporting such and such2, who supports the 10 commandments."

It's so ignorant. Aren't we forgetting the seperation of church and state? Aren't we ignoring the free beliefs of all people? Why needlessly create such hatred?

The argument that the laws are already in the government is retarded because there is no law that says "only worship me and no other God." And if it's already in law, why the fuck add it?

The argument that our nation was founded on the principle that In 'God we Trust' is flawed because the nation was founded horrible things, like one religious sect forcing another to flee to the Americas and slavery. Also, the founding father's weren't strictly Christian. They merely believed in higher being.
Cubsfan23 said:
More Terrorists are dead!

That's because the John Edwards written Patriot Act labels just about anyone opposing the American government as a "Terrorist."

Of course more terrorists will be dead...not only have they added more by bombing Iraq but they've changed the "terms" of what makes a terrorist. Just like the Bush Administration changed the definitions of "pollution" to actually make it seem like they've reduced "pollution" under their reign.

Don't play into labels...labels can be changed around easily as the Bush Administration has done easily with the environment and terrorists(with the help of John Edwards and all the congressmen who voted for the Patriot Act).


Gold Member
America has become the laughing stock of Western Europe.

Bush has actually managed to loose virtually all the overseas respect and admiration towards US during one term, which is quite an achievement. The majority of the young people I have met in Western Europe view now the US as an ineffective society deeply troubled with crime, violence, overweight and lack of a social security system, unaware of what rest of the world looks like, lagging behind other countries in technological and economical progress. Whether there is truth in it or not, the negativity towards the US is in an alltime high.

I remember back in the 80s, America was fashionable over here even down to the point that people bought shitloads of stripe and star gear, shirts, underwear etc. Now one would be seen wearing stripes and stars only as an ironical joke.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
He has made the world hate us even more.

Showed us the reason why we don't lie on tape.


Small balls, big fun!
He did make it a bit cheaper for old people to buy the drugs they need.

He did get rid of Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime.

A portion of the tax shift money went to people to whom it really mattered.

I won't pretend that none of Bush's policies have had any benefits. I just think that there have been way too many minuses, and there were much, much better ways to accomplish the things that have actually been done.
Mandark said:
He did get rid of Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime.

Yeah, because Iraq was sure a threat to the United States. If it is our duty to police the world's "evil" regime leaders then why did we stop with Iraq? What about the many other problem countries in the Middle East? Why not North Korea? What about a lot of the African states in bad shape right now due to their corrupt leaders? Hell, you could argue Iraq is in even worse shape now. But that's okay. Hundreds of our men have died, but Bush got his "stuff," and a high five from Bush Sr. for finishing daddy's business.

Post Legend:

Stuff = oil


America has become the laughing stock of Western Europe.

Bush has actually managed to loose virtually all the overseas respect and admiration towards US during one term, which is quite an achievement. The majority of the young people I have met in Western Europe view now the US as an ineffective society deeply troubled with crime, violence, overweight and lack of a social security system, unaware of what rest of the world looks like, lagging behind other countries in technological and economical progress. Whether there is truth in it or not, the negativity towards the US is in an alltime high.

I remember back in the 80s, America was fashionable over here even down to the point that people bought shitloads of stripe and star gear, shirts, underwear etc. Now one would be seen wearing stripes and stars only as an ironical joke.

I would say the same. And that his predecessor Clinton did the opposite and treasured the name of USA over the world. Back in the days of Clinton administration i was having some teen thing that I would become a communist and all should overcome, but I still didn't think that bad of the US. Today 100% of the people I speak with about Bush say, without me saying it first, that it is really remarkable how such a clown can rule the most powerful country in the world. It is one thing that he does rule, but it is a real shame that he takes the whole country's name and respect worldwide with him down the drain. If I would have such and idiot president here, I would be really upset.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Yeah, because Iraq was sure a threat to the United States. If it is our duty to police the world's "evil" regime leaders then why did we stop with Iraq? What about the many other problem countries in the Middle East? Why not North Korea? What about a lot of the African states in bad shape right now due to their corrupt leaders? Hell, you could argue Iraq is in even worse shape now. But that's okay. Hundreds of our men have died, but Bush got his "stuff," and a high five from Bush Sr. for finishing daddy's business.

Post Legend:

Stuff = oil

How about one at a time? What, do you expect them to just conquer countries as they go, like napoleon or some shit?
A few years ago American tourists used to be very loud around here, you could hear them everywhere, these days, they just get on the subway, sit down quietly and thats that. I wonder why :p


I think most people have said what I wanted to say in this thread...that Bush has managed to turn the world against the States. Heck, he's slowly turning his own people against himself.

I don't hate Americans. I just hate the people in power and all of the greed that exists within them.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
that no call list has been great... don't know what bush had to do with it though.


Unconfirmed Member
I must say, they do still love the US here in Japan (to an absurd degree, really), but it's very clear while reading and watching the news and in talking to people that they ALL hate Bush.


teh_pwn said:
F*ck social security and medicare. Everyone should pay for themselves, except in extreme cases. Can't afford retirement? Too bad!

When you're old you'll be begging for it. You just take your health for granted.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Doesn't really even deserve an "eh" on this one. He lowered taxes... For him and his millionaire goons. Not the masses.
I have to disagree on this one. His tax cuts mostly affected the middle and upper class, not just millionaires. And compared to the rich (either as a percentage of income or total amount), the poor pay very little taxes. It only seems fair those who pay more taxes should recieve the benefits of tax relief.

EDIT: I'm not saying they were appropriete or could cause (are causing) other problems, but they did help more than just the rich.
From an Australia perspective, We're glad USA has a president that can bring such comedy into our television sets.

**To this day, continues to rape the English language everytime he tries to go off the script**

Comedy gold...


As a practicing Satanist, I can publicly confirm that Dubya is doing an excellent job of advancing our Church's platform, thus moving the world closer to Armageddon. He will get the Satanic Church of the United States' endorsement next week.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"When you're old you'll be begging for it. You just take your health for granted."

Seriously doubt it. And if I did need a crazy amount of money for health, I wouldn't accept it. I wouldn't lag down society so I can live a vegetable for 5 years.

I'm a computer engineer. Well, I'll graduate soon. I've already been hired by a company for student co-op that hires about 95% of their student work force. I've already made great impressions, so full time is a given.

We comp engineers get 60 K US average for starting salaries (my company does more), and well over 100 K/year senior.

I'm not here to brag about salaries. I did not get where I am by luck. I spent 80% of my time totally focused on studying in High School and now in college. Every day.

Now I have more free time because in the real world we don't have to work like dogs until 6am-2am like we do at school frequently.

I'm also is great physical shape because of my diet/excercise.


teh_pwn said:
"When you're old you'll be begging for it. You just take your health for granted."

Seriously doubt it. And if I did need a crazy amount of money for health, I wouldn't accept it. I wouldn't lag down society so I can live a vegetable for 5 years.

I'm a computer engineer. Well, I'll graduate soon. I've already been hired by a company for student co-op that hires about 95% of their student work force. I've already made great impressions, so full time is a given.

We comp engineers get 60 K US average for starting salaries (my company does more), and well over 100 K/year senior.

I'm not here to brag about salaries. I did not get where I am by luck. I spent 80% of my time totally focused on studying in High School and now in college. Every day.

Now I have more free time because in the real world we don't have to work like dogs until 6am-2am like we do at school frequently.

I'm also is great physical shape because of my diet/excercise.

I don't know why exactly, but this post reeks of hilarity.


Banstick Emeritus


Man, the Boston convention is going to be so fucked up. Walking around outside would be like a constant drug trip.


teh_pwn said:
We comp engineers get 60 K US average for starting salaries (my company does more), and well over 100 K/year senior.

Man, you're in for a rude awakening when you take your first post-collegiate class in downsizing 101. Computer programmers/engineers are a dime a dozen these days, thanks to every school under the sun offering programs in the field.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
teh_pwn said:
Now I have more free time because in the real world we don't have to work like dogs until 6am-2am like we do at school frequently.

worked harder in college then you do in the real world? This man is destined for success!


levious said:
worked harder in college then you do in the real world? This man is destined for success!

Actually, at least so far, that's my experience as well, but anyone going into programming or engineering thinking that they'll be working 9-5 all the time is, again, in for a surprise.


Yup, computers will have you working 50-60 hour weeks often to make that dime. Worth is ultimately if you can handle being a desk jockey for 10 hours a day. I can't do it long-term. Teaching is bad enough. I can't handle working even half the year. I just want to sit on my ass and collect a check. It's time to start an internet porn site. LOL! PEACE.
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