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Let's go down the list: what has Bush accomplished?

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"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Man, you're in for a rude awakening when you take your first post-collegiate class in downsizing 101. Computer programmers/engineers are a dime a dozen these days, thanks to every school under the sun offering programs in the field."

Not really.

I already work for the company. Hours are 8-5 pm with an hour for lunch. As a student engineer I make roughly 30 K/year already if I were to work all year. I've talked to some friends there (co-workers), and I know what people get paid there.

The company was founded and is still managed by engineers. We aren't governed by bullshit businessmen.

I'm surrounded by full time workers and I already have as much load as them.


Wow, this is a really good thread. Thanks for the input so far. Indeed, this place will be a madhouse if Bush gets re-elected. I'll be irate myself. It's disturbing to know how much other countries hate us now.

'cept, in the 80's, I'm pretty sure a lot of Europeans weren't too fond of the Reagan administration. So it surprises me that someone said people in Europe loved America in the 80's. And while obesity and violence may be very high in our society, it's not like it didn't exist 10 or 20 years ago...


xsarien said:
Let's see here...

- Successfully turned worldwide compassion into worldwide resentment
- Managed to give tax cuts to those who least need them
- Stretching the military to dangerous levels, to the point that future enlistment is jeopardized
- Refused to let Congress investigate the government's (in)actions related to 9/11 until his arm got twisted so far it nearly broke off
- Appointed an attorney general - and kept him on - who has the gall to insinuate that "asking questions" during war is unpatriotic
- Managed to let his administration convince a good portion of the populace that Iraq had an active role in 9/11
- Hung a sign on the oval office door that says "The buck stops anywhere but here, pardner."
- To this day, continues to rape the English language everytime he tries to go off the script

And people say he didn't do anything... Shame on them.


Gold Member
Diablos said:
'cept, in the 80's, I'm pretty sure a lot of Europeans weren't too fond of the Reagan administration. So it surprises me that someone said people in Europe loved America in the 80's. And while obesity and violence may be very high in our society, it's not like it didn't exist 10 or 20 years ago...

Well, it's not so black and white of course. Although Reagan adminstration was not without it's faults, America was indeed pretty hot in Europe then - especially in fashion. I remember the California fad (bright colours, wacky designs, first surfers then skaters), the Miami fad (pastel, luxury, big shoulders), hell, even the Southern fad (bandanas, flags, Levi's). That, and Top Gun + RayBan all the way. Pretty hard to imagine that happen again anytime soon.

What I was trying to say with my remark about perception of crime is that the overall negative spin propelled by Bush has attracted lots of attention to everything that is wrong in the US, although there hasn't been a significant change in reality.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
teh_pwn said:
Avg starting salary:


The computer ENGINEERING market is not bad. I think you guys are confusing it with programers or computer techs. Way different fields. We design the hardware.

I'm not claiming it's good or bad, but I think you're overestimating how far that abount of money will get you in life, especially if you plan on a family. I'm looking at making about 80,000 when I get out of law school and I'm not gonna be able to own a single family home in my area for quite a while.
teh_pwn said:
"Modernize Social Security and Medicare - Maybe for specific classes."

F*ck social security and medicare. Everyone should pay for themselves, except in extreme cases. Can't afford retirement? Too bad!






"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"I'm not claiming it's good or bad, but I think you're overestimating how far that abount of money will get you in life, especially if you plan on a family. I'm looking at making about 80,000 when I get out of law school and I'm not gonna be able to own a single family home in my area for quite a while."

Okay, now that I can understand. If I were to marry a girl that doesn't work and had like 3-5 kids, then the income would dry up fast.

Right now I'm already investing, though. I saw that if you invest $2000 a year into a government tax free individual retirement account from age 20-30, you'd retire with $650,000.

The whole point of me listing the income was that somone said that'll have bad health in the future and I'll beg for medicare/social security without knowing my situation at all. I know how to invest, and if I had all the money that I paid for all these government retirement programs, I could retire easy. It's my belief that I shouldn't have to be grouped up with a bunch of people that can't prepare for retirement on their own, and have to pay tons for it.
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