It seems that any system treatment or add-on can be justified as long as its purported benefits are expressed in the patois of Western rationalism. For example, the Combak Harmonix tuning devices have been promoted, auditioned, reviewed, and discussed in what appears, superficially at least, to be within the wide perimeters of audio science. Thus, they acquire a degree of respectability, even though they appear to have no more basis in logic than any of Peter Belt's famous innovations (footnote 3).
Shun Mook's products are being summarily rejected because the belief system they're based in is different from traditional Western thought. This isn't fair. Until we become familiar enough with the belief system in which they were developed to have a "feel" for what they can or cannot do, we cannot really evaluate them. Out of this same belief system came acupuncture and herbalism---healing practices from traditions which were fully developed before Western medicine existed. When acupuncture began making inroads in North America, it was rejected by Western physicians as "meaningless," "impossible," and "preposterous," because it was outside their sphere of reference. Now that it has been subjected to enough controlled studies to document and verify its benefits, acupuncture enjoys widespread acceptance in modern medical practice, especially in California. On the other hand, this same belief system holds that drinking a potion of powdered rhino horn will improve one's virility. But virility, like a baseball player's batting average, is in part a function of belief.
At the WCES---see my report in this issue---I spent approximately 20 minutes in the Shun Mook suite. I examined all the products they had to offer, and was given a demonstration. I didn't hear anything which I could attribute to their products, but that doesn't mean the products didn't perform; I just didn't hear whatever it was they were supposed to do. The noise from the hallway and adjacent suites was quite high; a demo at the CES is perhaps the worst place to evaluate something as subtle as the possible sonic effects of a small wooden disc. I have many doubts. The rational part of me says:
1) Any object (which, according to physics, must have resonant properties) introduced into the listening room will have some effect on the sound;
2) Any object (weight/mass/resonance) placed on a turntable (which must convert mechanical vibrations on the order of a few millionths of an inch into a stable audio signal) will have an effect on the sound;
3) Any wood, no matter how common, with a mass and density similar to African ebony root will produce similar effects if similarly machined and treated;
4) There's no way to verify the supernatural properties of African ebony root, except by faith alone; and
5) The audible effect of a single small wooden disc placed atop a loudspeaker will be overwhelmed to the point of inconsequence by the combined ambient noise of all other resonances in the room, unless its specific resonant frequency is excited.
But that's my belief system talking. Western science doesn't have all the answers, or even all the questions. I'm willing to allow that I, like a novice tasting wine for the first time, failed to perceive the performance because I lacked the necessary background. I didn't get it in Las Vegas; back home in New York, with a system he knew intimately, Jonathan obviously did.
My Internet-surfing friend also said that, among Asian audiophiles, Shun Mook devices are very highly regarded. I suggest we subject them (the devices, not the 'philes) to the same scrutiny, or lack of it, that we apply to all those products which sneak in the door and into our systems masquerading as the latest work of a Nobel laureate. We like to delude ourselves that the purpose of audiophilia is to achieve the Ultimate in Realism. If that were the case, we would spend our disposable income on concert tickets, not on recordings or things associated with getting the information off them. What we're really after is the Convincing Illusion, and both the power of belief and the practice of ritual magic help make that illusion real. High-end audio is simply another vessel into which we pour our persistent religiosity. If a few more mystical objects make that exercise a bit easier or more rewarding, well then, why not?