Really? I didn't know much about the audiophile community coming into this thread. I'm trusting you, Zap.
It's a tricky area. There is some degree of efficacy to what audiophiles say. They're not quite as bad as homeopaths... but many of them can be.
Basically, the likelihood of people conflating subjectivity with objectivity is far more apparent and far more likely to occur when it comes to audio and acoustic products.
The threshold for good listening isn't all that high - doesn't require multi-thousand dollar audio setups, where things like audible pops, clicks and hiss (which can occur on multi-thousand dollar setups, because of how accurately they reproduce all the defects) have significantly more impact on a person's perception of the audio quality than things like bit-rate (128 v 320 is the common one that goes around)... but is commonly ignored, even from time to time exhorted by self styled audiophiles.
The problem with audiophiles is when they start to go pseudoscience, conflating real differences, with percievable differences. As in the article in the OP; claiming that the real, but unpercievable differences of high bit rate and kHz range improves listening quality, when it doesn't.
This goes for things like gold plate connectors too. One of the largest selling points of audio-equipment over the last 2-3 decades, it does actually have electrical efficacy in its impedance and noise... but do an A-B blind test, and you'd be lucky to find a greater than chance threshold of hearing differences.
Another common one is burning in headphones - as though the scant milliwatts of energy that are sent through the headphones could actually change... melt the metal and components just enough so as to change its acoustic characteristics. But it's a meme that gets repeated again and again and again, with the straightest face by the guys that review this stuff and the people that consume those reviews.
To put it all another way... if effective knowledge in audiophile circles is a drug... then audiophiles in general have had their shit cut and mixed with a whole fuck-load of crazy.