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Let's talk about Japanese Dramas!

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I can't get over how good Orange Days was. It's easily one of the best j-dramas I've seen. Watching Love Shuffle now and it's pretty solid, albeit not as heartwarming as I like my j-dramas. It's fascinating to watch, though.
For N
A friend recommended this to me while we were talking about jDramas and ,well thanks to her, I found the drama to watch this fall. Not only is the ending theme done by the greatest J-POP artist of all time(Leo Ieiri), but the story is pretty engrossing so far. Also liking the main characters.

Now to put the ending song in repeat. <3


Summer Nude
2 episodes in and I like this, I'm a sucker for series with a summery theme/feel and the characters are nice too, except for Nagasawa Masami cockblocking OTP by not even be there. Asahi's contant emo trips are getting on my nerves so hopefully things will start to change soon.

Episode 5
Saw this coming from a mile away but still, worst timing ever, jesus christ.

Episode 6
Oh, that went over quickly, guess I was worried for no... oh for fuck's sake, you gotta be kidding me, why would you do that

Episode 8
I think I know where this is going and I don't like the direction one bit.

Episode 11 (end)
Meh, despite the strong start this was ultimately a forgettable experience. Pretty much everything that involved Asahi was contrived as shit. First he couldn't let go of a someone who disappeared for no reason and after he managed to do that, Hanae simply decided she didn't want him after all now that she could actually get him. Then entered the Tokyo arc where everyone suddenly move there to pursue their dreams, some more time stalling and voila, we have our final pairings.
For N
A friend recommended this to me while we were talking about jDramas and ,well thanks to her, I found the drama to watch this fall. Not only is the ending theme done by the greatest J-POP artist of all time(Leo Ieiri), but the story is pretty engrossing so far. Also liking the main characters.

Now to put the ending song in repeat. <3

Yeah I"m watching this one as well, I just watched the first two episodes.
Pretty interesting so far.


Been watching so many j-dramas and loving them. I ended up absolutely loving Love Shuffle. Saigo was legit good too. On the second season of Hotaru and it's really great. (Bo*chu!)
Yeah I"m watching this one as well, I just watched the first two episodes.
Pretty interesting so far.
Glad you are! Can't wait for your input once this ends next week.

For N
All though the pace for this drama is pretty slow, this drama doesn't contain one boring episode at all. Episode 9 was really great. So much build up and tension!
I really thought Naruse burnt down the house, but it was really his father. Nozomi and the cop(keep forgetting his name lol) misunderstood the whole situation, etc.
Who's really the killer then?
I originally thought it was Naruse, but now they're making me doubt him. At the same time, it seems like he has motivation now; cause an incident to prevent the proposal.
Who will Nozomi end up with?
I bet she will turn down Naruse and live the remainder of her life with Ando :(.
This drama is making me consider picking up the book but it seems like the build up is better in the drama. Really can't wait until episode 10!


What's the crack Jdrama Gaf?

anything good been airing over the last 9 months?

fallen completely out of the loop!

also any new promising projects been announced?

-More Freeter?
-Hanzawa Naoki S2?
-Legal High S3?
-Saikon no Rikon S2?
-New project from the Mother/Woman creator?



What's the crack Jdrama Gaf?

anything good been airing over the last 9 months?

fallen completely out of the loop!

also any new promising projects been announced?

-More Freeter?
-Hanzawa Naoki S2?
-Legal High S3?
-Saikon no Rikon S2?
-New project from the Mother/Woman creator?


Man can't wait for hanzawa naoki s2, "Yararetara yarikaesu, bai-gaeshi da!”.


I'm also out of the loop, shame on me!
Need to check what came out recently when I have time... I still have two episodes of No Con Kid to watch.
For N - finale
Do not read the following spoilers if you're wondering who's the killer!!
I remember when they first showed Naoko holding the knife, I expected her to kill her husband, Noguchi. Then I expected Nozomi to kill her for some reason and thus Nishizaki took the burden of the blame. I threw this thought out the window later on lol. So in the end, none of them killed anyone.
But in this episode, we finally get to see everyone smiling happily: Ando, Naruse, and especially Nozomi!

I'm glad Nozomi made amends with her mother. To my surprise, Nozomi didn't pick Ando. This whole thing happened because she wanted to protect Ando, since he chained the door and wanted Nozomi to call him to open the door up. Thus she told Noguchi that Naoki is planning to flee. But it makes me wonder if she wasn't sick, would she still haven't pick Ando? The ultimate love is one who can share each others sin...perhaps she still would have.

And with that, I think one of the best drama this year has ended. Funny considering I mainly wanted to watch it only because Leo Ieiri's song was featured in it. Yet, it was really good. A friend also did recommend to watch it so I had to. I'm going to try to finish up Sorry Youth! since that first episode was really great, really funny. Plus Asou from 1 litre of tears is in it. What's the drama to look forward to next? I have no idea, but I really hope next season has something in store that is as good as For N!

What's the crack Jdrama Gaf?

anything good been airing over the last 9 months?
For N was definitely my crack this season. Its progress is a bit slow but each episode makes you want the next one. Lucky for you, you can watch everything in one sitting now instead of waiting a week. I think this is probably my contender for best jDrama of the year.
Sorry Youth! - I’ve only seen one episode, but it's funny! I'll be watching this later this week and probably report if it's good. lol

There are other series that are good, but those are the most recent ones. Like Young People from last season was decent, I just wouldn't really recommend it though lol.


What's the crack Jdrama Gaf?

anything good been airing over the last 9 months?

fallen completely out of the loop!

also any new promising projects been announced?

-More Freeter?
-Hanzawa Naoki S2?
-Legal High S3?
-Saikon no Rikon S2?
-New project from the Mother/Woman creator?


There's a Legal High Special coming. I think I heard more Freeter is looking increasingly unlikely. Haven't heard about any Saiko S2 or new Mother/Woman creator project.

Oh, I looked up Sakamoto-san's projects:

http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Mosaic_Japan (from this year)

http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Mondai_no_Aru_Restaurant (coming in January, yes please)


I've heard mixed to good things about Aruka-san's Kyo wa Kaisha Yasumimasu. She was so good in Hotaru and Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi. I hear Tamaki is under-utliized in this new show, though.


We've been watching tons of j-dramas so I'll try to report back soon with some thoughts. Finishing up Marumo which we have absolutely loved. Just one more SP to watch. Kurita, M_Night, and others in this thread, I sincerely cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart for getting me and my wife into j-dramas. We're absolutely obsessed with them and they have been a huge impetus to and aid in getting me to finally work on learning Japanese. Domo!!


Just one more SP to watch. Kurita, M_Night, and others in this thread, I sincerely cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart for getting me and my wife into j-dramas. We're absolutely obsessed with them and they have been a huge impetus to and aid in getting me to finally work on learning Japanese. Domo!!

You're very welcome, honestly I didn't expect this thread to survive when I made it haha
I started it just because I was really obsessed about dramas and simply wanted to share that. :p


You're very welcome, honestly I didn't expect this thread to survive when I made it haha
I started it just because I was really obsessed about dramas and simply wanted to share that. :p

It's really been one of the most significant cultural discoveries for us, ever. Hontou, hontou arigatou gozaimasu!

Marumo no Okite? will do! thanks

Yes!!! That's it. There's one 11 ep season and two specials, one from 2011 and one from this year. Keep in mind though the SPs are sometimes mislabeled in my experience so if you use a certain drama streaming site it will tell you you're watching the 2011 one but you'll get to the credits five mins in and it'll tell you it's the 2014 one. So, the 2011 SP starts with Marumo inflating something. That way if you watch it, you'll know that's the right one. :) (Start with the series first of course though!) I think you'll really dig it as a Hotaru/Zenkai fan. I'll be eager to hear your thoughts! Also let me know if you need any help finding it to watch.
Just recently finished up Freeter and my gosh did I love that show. While I felt it took some deeper subjects and oversimplified them I did really enjoy the protagonist and his entire family. I'm not sure just how exactly accurate it portrays Japanese job hunting but it definitely sounded soul crushing much like it is anywhere else.

Thanks much for the recommendation! Now onto another show... so uhhh that N drama is pretty good, huh?
Just recently finished up Freeter and my gosh did I love that show. While I felt it took some deeper subjects and oversimplified them I did really enjoy the protagonist and his entire family. I'm not sure just how exactly accurate it portrays Japanese job hunting but it definitely sounded soul crushing much like it is anywhere else.

Thanks much for the recommendation! Now onto another show... so uhhh that N drama is pretty good, huh?
For N is more romance and mystery, way different from Freeter. If you want something closer to that, I would recommend Late Blooming Sunflower or No Continue Kid (No Con Kid).

Dramas I would recommend:
Non-2014 dramas:
1. 1 Litre of Tears - warning: you will cry/feel depress but at the same time, feel moved by Aya.
2. Amachan - You'll love the characters! Probably one of the most positive reviewed drama on this thread. I think only one person disliked it .
3. Rich Man, Poor Woman
4. No Continue Kid - Funny and has a little side of gaming history(as a gaf member, I bet you should somewhat be interested in it now). Don't take this drama seriously though.
5....probably pick anything on that front page. They're all good, even though I haven't seen all of them myself but heard great things about them.

1. Border -The ending in this drama is soooo good. And I mean it's good. Pay attention to the main character's development!
2. Mysterious Transfer Student - Parallel universes, Chopin's rain drop in the background, what isn't there to love about it?
3. For N - The suspense in each episode is great. A touch of romance and, of course, mystery. Who killed Takahiro and Naoko? ;)
4. Sorry Youth! - I've seen only 8 episodes thus far and each episode made me laugh. Great uplifting drama. A bit silly at times. Highly recommend it if you want to laugh.

If I have to choose only one drama from what I listed in the 2014 category...it would be a three-way tie with Border, Mysterious Transfer Student, and For N. Though I would probably go with Border. Older dramas, without a doubt, 1 Litre of tears and Amachan(2013). Happy watching!


Just wanted to add a few recommendations.

Hotaru's a good one. Love Shuffle, too, although I think it's an acquired taste. I'll recommend Kekkon Dekinai Otoko as an offbeat romcom. Zenkai Girl and Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi would be two other recommendations. Late Blooming Sunflower as mentioned above is another fave.

Regarding Amachan, I wasn't able to get into it yet because each episode is 15 minutes or so but there are like 100+ of them. So I found it kind of daunting and the credits sequence is a bit long for such a brief episode. I'll try it again sometime though.

FWIW, I couldn't get into No Continue Kid at all and found the characters kind of gross and/or unpleasant for the most part.

On a different note entirely, Rich Man, Poor Woman is a bit slow-going at first but we really dug it and found it addictive.

I'll have to report back in soon though with all the j-dramas we've been watching lately!
For N is more romance and mystery, way different from Freeter. If you want something closer to that, I would recommend Late Blooming Sunflower or No Continue Kid (No Con Kid).

Dramas I would recommend:
Non-2014 dramas:
1. 1 Litre of Tears - warning: you will cry/feel depress but at the same time, feel moved by Aya.
2. Amachan - You'll love the characters! Probably one of the most positive reviewed drama on this thread. I think only one person disliked it .
3. Rich Man, Poor Woman
4. No Continue Kid - Funny and has a little side of gaming history(as a gaf member, I bet you should somewhat be interested in it now). Don't take this drama seriously though.
5....probably pick anything on that front page. They're all good, even though I haven't seen all of them myself but heard great things about them.

1. Border -The ending in this drama is soooo good. And I mean it's good. Pay attention to the main character's development!
2. Mysterious Transfer Student - Parallel universes, Chopin's rain drop in the background, what isn't there to love about it?
3. For N - The suspense in each episode is great. A touch of romance and, of course, mystery. Who killed Takahiro and Naoko? ;)
4. Sorry Youth! - I've seen only 8 episodes thus far and each episode made me laugh. Great uplifting drama. A bit silly at times. Highly recommend it if you want to laugh.

If I have to choose only one drama from what I listed in the 2014 category...it would be a three-way tie with Border, Mysterious Transfer Student, and For N. Though I would probably go with Border. Older dramas, without a doubt, 1 Litre of tears and Amachan(2013). Happy watching!

Not necessarily looking for anything like Freeter but just a quality one. Seems everyone is into N so I'll look into that. Any suggestions on where to watch it? And also where other dramas I can find. I had to go to places like dramatube, any better sites?


Any suggestions for source sites now that D-Addicts has shut down its tracker??? I know about jdramacity but looking for variety and etc. programs too.


Not necessarily looking for anything like Freeter but just a quality one. Seems everyone is into N so I'll look into that. Any suggestions on where to watch it? And also where other dramas I can find. I had to go to places like dramatube, any better sites?

Any suggestions for source sites now that D-Addicts has shut down its tracker??? I know about jdramacity but looking for variety and etc. programs too.

I mostly use drama.net for streaming/watching, occasionally gooddrama.net. For downloads I like http://doramax264.com/. :)

Is there anything musical like Nodame Cantabile?

Not super musical but if a bit of music is enough for you, Orange Days is wonderful. It's about a violinist in the last months of college and her meet-cute with a fellow student. I don't want to give too much away.

Oh, and more on the periphery, I loved Muri na Renai (aka "Impossible Love"). Chappy-san is a 60 year-old man formerly of a 60's rock group in Japan, a la The Beatles. (Smaller than Jesus, though.) He falls for a woman many, many years his junior, who is pursuing an acting career. Very sweet and compelling series. Hilarious, too.
Just wanted to add a few recommendations.

Hotaru's a good one. Love Shuffle, too, although I think it's an acquired taste. I'll recommend Kekkon Dekinai Otoko as an offbeat romcom. Zenkai Girl and Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi would be two other recommendations. Late Blooming Sunflower as mentioned above is another fave.

Regarding Amachan, I wasn't able to get into it yet because each episode is 15 minutes or so but there are like 100+ of them. So I found it kind of daunting and the credits sequence is a bit long for such a brief episode. I'll try it again sometime though.

FWIW, I couldn't get into No Continue Kid at all and found the characters kind of gross and/or unpleasant for the most part.

On a different note entirely, Rich Man, Poor Woman is a bit slow-going at first but we really dug it and found it addictive.

I'll have to report back in soon though with all the j-dramas we've been watching lately!
Regarding Amachan, I can definitely see that. This other gaf member and I were watching it when it was airing so we never had to digest so much. Plus, it was the perfect drama to watch between classes lol. I digress. M-Night found it daunting before too, but I'm pretty sure he fell in love with it and managed to watch the whole thing.

No Continue Kid- How can you say that about Haru?! Haru, gross?! But it did take me until the 3rd episode to like it. I also think you're not the only one in this thread who didn't like it.

Not necessarily looking for anything like Freeter but just a quality one. Seems everyone is into N so I'll look into that. Any suggestions on where to watch it? And also where other dramas I can find. I had to go to places like dramatube, any better sites?
Sorry, I'm more of a downloader since I can't stand low quality videos. I was using d-addicts but they took down their torrents section. So I had to finish watching it on sites like Pandora or google the drama's name. When I used to watch dramas with English subs, I used goodrama so I recommend that. I don't know if it's better or worse now though.

Any suggestions for source sites now that D-Addicts has shut down its tracker??? I know about jdramacity but looking for variety and etc. programs too.
It really sucks that d-addicts took down their torrents. :( I know a site that might have what you're looking....but I can't post it. I'll send you a pm.


Regarding Amachan, I can definitely see that. This other gaf member and I were watching it when it was airing so we never had to digest so much. Plus, it was the perfect drama to watch between classes lol. I digress. M-Night found it daunting before too, but I'm pretty sure he fell in love with it and managed to watch the whole thing.

No Continue Kid- How can you say that about Haru?! Haru, gross?! But it did take me until the 3rd episode to like it. I also think you're not the only one in this thread who didn't like it.

Wow, no English subs. I'm really hoping to be at that point some time but I'm just starting to really learn Japanese now. That's so impressive!

Anyway, No Con Kid--only tried the first ep but it was actually the father's gross/perviness that really put us off watching the show. It wasn't the main character, he was more sad/awkward/dumb in a teenager way than gross.

With Amachan, I'm glad to hear M_Night was able to get into it, and we'll definitely try it again sometime. Thanks :)


Gold Member
I've only ever seen 1 Japanese drama/romantic comedy. A 10 year old show called Satorare. I thought it was very very good. The story was interesting throughout the show and it made me laugh on more then one occasion. It made me want to watch more J-drama.

Does anyone have any recommendations for someone who enjoyed that show?


I've only ever seen 1 Japanese drama/romantic comedy. A 10 year old show called Satorare. I thought it was very very good. The story was interesting throughout the show and it made me laugh on more then one occasion. It made me want to watch more J-drama.

Does anyone have any recommendations for someone who enjoyed that show?

I haven't seen much of Satorare or gotten into it yet, but on the vague similarity of countryside Japan (IIRC), romance and medicine, perhaps I can recommend Late Blooming Sunflower. The theme song/credits might be up there with Kekkon Dekinai Otoko as my fave. It's just full of heart and complex, compelling characters. The show provided an extremely satisfying look into the character's lives. I suppose I don't want to give too much away, so I won't say more, but I hope you enjoy it if you check it out!


Recently finished No Con Kid and Shitsuren Chocolatier. No Con Kid is definitely one of my favorite dramas ever, loved everything about it. Shitsuren Chocolatier's ending was bittersweet to say the least, but I really really enjoyed this show, I need to check out the manga now.


Recently finished No Con Kid and Shitsuren Chocolatier. No Con Kid is definitely one of my favorite dramas ever, loved everything about it. Shitsuren Chocolatier's ending was bittersweet to say the least, but I really really enjoyed this show, I need to check out the manga now.

Shitsuren is on my list and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to checking it out. Have you seen Ando Natsu? I found that one...painfully boring ;__;. Is Shitsuren faster-paced like Osen or My Little Chef? Thanks Kurita, and Happy New Year BTW!
Been a long time since I watched some japanese dramas (stopped mainly because they were more about the actors/idols themselves, than about the story. Look at Kurosagi. It sometimes felt like a masturbation tool for fans of the actor) and started The Hero Yoshihiko. Wow. Even film-students can make better movies/short films than that.

Somehow I wonder if all the budget went to the main actor. I mean you can make such a show like a b-movie, but I mean. It feels far too cheap, even if you assume its intentional.
Been a long time since I watched some japanese dramas (stopped mainly because they were more about the actors/idols themselves, than about the story. Look at Kurosagi. It sometimes felt like a masturbation tool for fans of the actor) and started The Hero Yoshihiko. Wow. Even film-students can make better movies/short films than that.

Somehow I wonder if all the budget went to the main actor. I mean you can make such a show like a b-movie, but I mean. It feels far too cheap, even if you assume its intentional.

Yoshihiko is amazing. It had a low budget and they embraced it. Don't watch it for amazing cinematography, watch it for the laughs.


Been a long time since I watched some japanese dramas (stopped mainly because they were more about the actors/idols themselves, than about the story. Look at Kurosagi. It sometimes felt like a masturbation tool for fans of the actor) and started The Hero Yoshihiko. Wow. Even film-students can make better movies/short films than that.

Somehow I wonder if all the budget went to the main actor. I mean you can make such a show like a b-movie, but I mean. It feels far too cheap, even if you assume its intentional.
That's the whole point of this amazing show though. Even in the opening credits you see "Low-budget aventure" or something along these lines!
zeni no sensou

Anyone else watching this&#65311;

The first episode should get you hooked.
The first few episodes were really, really good.
I remember, years ago, when I was a teenager, I watched Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho, just because Ai Kago was in it.

It was kind of nice. Especially the parts with Aibon. &#10084;
I've watched every single Drama with her in it.

You all know how much I like cuteness and kindness and things like that. Are there any J-Dramas you think I would like? I really liked Ikemen Shin Sobaya Tantei.


I remember, years ago, when I was a teenager, I watched Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho, just because Ai Kago was in it.

It was kind of nice. Especially the parts with Aibon. &#10084;
I've watched every single Drama with her in it.

You all know how much I like cuteness and kindness and things like that. Are there any J-Dramas you think I would like? I really liked Ikemen Shin Sobaya Tantei.

Marumo no Okite. Marumo no Okite. Marumo. No. Okite!!!

zeni no sensou

Anyone else watching this&#65311;

The first episode should get you hooked.
The first few episodes were really, really good.

Hadn't heard of it but the summary sounds like Kimtaku drama Priceless, which we really loved. If you've seen that, is this one similar?


Recently started Ouroboros
"Ouroboros" is an ancient symbol that depicts a snake eating its own tail - meaning infinity. Based on a popular comic, a clumsy detective and a cool gang stand up to true evil. Ikuo and Tatsuya grew up in a children's orphanage together. When their favorite teacher, Yuiko, is murdered, a policeman wearing a gold watch covers up the incident. Ikuo and Tatsuya promise each other to avenge their teacher someday. Twenty years later, Ikuo is a detective in Shinjuku second police station investigating various cases with elite detective - Mizuki, while smart and handsome Tatsuya has become one of the top members of a gang group

It's pretty entertaining so far, I like how each "case of the week" get tackled by the police and the yakuza. I love the 3 main actors so I might be biased. It might be a little over the top at times but heh, I still like it.

Also watched the first episode of Gakkou no Kaidan
Haruna Tsubame, an inconspicuous high school girl, is always sensitive to people’s moods and keeps the peace in school. One day, she gets pushed to become the president of the student council by the people around her. Tsubame's encounter with a man who is a genius speechwriter, leads to a revolution in school. She struggles to change a school full of irrationality and dissatisfaction with the power of words.
The setting isn't really original. New girl enters a huge school were the rich kids are untouchable and has to fight for what she believes in. It's predictable but still entertaining. Kamiki Ryunosuke's character is kinda nuts, he doesn't do this kind of character usually so it's cool to see him in that role.


Started Mondai no Aru Restaurant this week.
Tanaka Tamako had been working for a male-dominated restaurant business but was betrayed by her boyfriend who was hired as the chef. In addition, she is taken to the police as a result of an incident she caused because her friend Morimura Kyoko was subjected to sexual harassment. Tamako resigns from her unreasonable company and starts a bistro selling homemade pot-au-feu on a rooftop in an alley in Jingumae, Tokyo. This is the story of females who are labelled "write-offs" and the restaurant they have established in order for them to get out from life's abyss. They battle difficulties and search for ways to change their lives as they experience the joys of work. This is a problem restaurant because they are all females with problems, but it is certainly not lousy. The women who have a common enemy &#8211; men, and the restaurant unites them in a fight to the death.

I think it's going to be my drama of the season, and one of my favorite dramas ever. I really like Maki Yoko so that's why I wanted to watch it, out of curiosity, didn't expect to like it this much.
I thought it'd be just another generic cooking drama but I'm pleasantly suprised to see that it's more than that. It adresses sexism, harassment... that women face in their daily life, at their workplace. Each female character embodies one aspect of sexism like "Shut your mouth, just be pretty", "Just be an obedient housewife", "Successful women scare men"...
It's pretty funny while being about some serious issues. Great drama so far. First episode is kind of slow though, it's mostly a way to introduce the main character.



Wow, we just finished Queen's Classroom. Whoa. It was a heck of a ride. Very intense. Shocking what the kids were put through and I'm not sure what I think about the resolution, but at the same time it's hard to picture it ending up any other way necessarily. It's like...it was just brutal to watch at times. Incredible acting from the kids and from Amami Yuku. She's like the Meryl Streep of Japan for me, between roles like this and Kekkon Shinai. We still need to watch the second Special, but found the main show and first Special very compelling.
I watched the first episode of "Mondai no Resutoran" and I didn't really like it.

I've been watching "Ouroboros" and I've been enjoying it.
Some of the dialogue is a little cheesy and the action scene are really unrealistic, though It's fun.

I saw the first episode of "Ryusei Wagon" (It was recommended) and the concept is pretty interesting - going back in time to fix up the mistakes you made in the past.
Back to the Future-type concept.
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