Okay, have been really hammering through the shows the past few months (its amazing how much time I have after getting divorced haha). So far I have watched:
35 Sai no Koukousei : enjoyed it on the whole, had a couple of slow moments but a good show
Densha Otoko: Okay, so this had some really good bits but it really dragged out some story lines to the point where I wasn't really paying attention. Still haven't watched all of the special yet
Freeter, ie wo kau : Really enjoyed this one, nice light hearted moments to balance out the more serious side and characters I liked and felt attached to
Hungry! : Discovered this by chance and enjoyed immensely, very funny at times
Kekkon Dekinai Otoko : Another one I cant really fault, good fun
Rich Man, Poor Woman : This was actually the first J- Drama I watched and while I enjoyed some parts its not one of my favourite shows
Summer Nude : Okay so the title of the show is pretty awful but the show itself was good fun, not seen it mentioned in here so will link it for those interested -
Sunao ni Narenakute : Was a little hard going at some points I think due to the occasionally serious subject matter but a good show ad well worth a watch
Anyone have any suggestions for what I should watch next? I seem to prefer the more light hearted stuff like Freeter so anything on those lines is good. Otherwise I guess just suggest what you have enjoyed