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Let's talk about Japanese Dramas!

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Aren't you guys watching Blue Flame (or Blue Blazes, or Aoi Honō, or whatever else is called)? Please, do it just to see the smug face of Hideaki Anno's impersonator...

Just finished watching the first episode and this was pretty great. Outside of Anno I was surprised to see the MC was also classmate of Hiroyuki Yamaga and Minami Masahiko.

Curious to see now how they will talk about the other manga from the 80s specifically Akira and how it will influence the MC.


Just finished watching the first episode and this was pretty great. Outside of Anno I was surprised to see the MC was also classmate of Hiroyuki Yamaga and Minami Masahiko.
Yeah, from the same promotion as Takami Akai too! In fact, Mr. Akai said on an interview that the author Mr. Shimamoto wanted GAiNAX to do an animated adaptation, and he didn't make the same offer to BONES' Mr. Minami because he thought they are people "too serious" at that studio!

Well, as you can see I'm pretty excited about this 'dorama'. A story about a bunch of outliers that changed a whole medium and told by one of the outliers, but without taking itself seriously at any moment... just lovely.
Just watched the Kagi No Kakatta Heya special.
I'm a little disappointed to be honest, from the length I expected a movie-like experience with closure, but in the end it was basically just another episode.
The case was cool as always but I hoped they concentrated more on the characters.
I loved the fact that Enomoto turned
, it's something you don't see happen often.
Is there any chance whatsoever for a continuation?
Finished Oyaji a couple weeks ago, quite enjoyable, although the "lover" subplot felt quite forced by the end. Anyway, it had a good mix between comedy and drama.

Now I´m in the mood for some comedy, checking out d-addicts I saw some recommendations for Papa to Musume no Nanokakan, I think I´ll give it a shot. Anyone seen this yet?


Hi Kurita!

My wife and I just watched the first episode of Freeter, Ie o Kau. It was good! A bit odd, but good. I'll be interested to watch more.


Hi Kurita!

My wife and I just watched the first episode of Freeter, Ie o Kau. It was good! A bit odd, but good. I'll be interested to watch more.

We're partway through Ep. 3 now and it's really good! We were so surprised that
Nishimoto-san was messing with the trash!


Haven't watched it yet actually, but I will do that soon.
It's a pretty well-known drama and a lot of people say it's good so I guess it's enjoyable.


Okay we finished Freeter but can't find the one hour special anywhere; anyone know where to find it? Show was terrific though. Really loved it.

Watched the first 20 mins of Kekkon Dekinai Otoko tonight and I think we will dig it a lot. Ken-Chan for President!


Ken-Chan is so great. Someone get Ken-Chan a Japanese Emmy!

We're partway into episode 4 now and really getting into it. So addictive!



Kaneda updated his site!

Kekkon Dekinai Otoko was great! I haven't seen many Japanese dramas but from those few I have seen, this one was best by miles. Show was very low key in it's humor and I liked it that way. The romance aspect has been played out more then few times but didn't matter since other vise the show felt fresh. Series also made great use of it's side characters. It was bit sad to see
Ken and Kuwano depart, no more cucumbers. Kuwano finding something to like about Kaneda was also nice add.



4 episodes in IWGP and it is great. IWGP falls into category of mystery show but it most certainly has unique flavor to it. Show deals with issues such as rape, murder, gang violence, prostitution and drugs. You don't see this kind of stuff often in J-Dramas. It has has low production values but it doesn't matter since IWGP also has cast that makes it work (Kubozuka Yosuke, Ken Watanabe, and others). While the show uses heavy issues on the background it's not a serious show. It is still very much a mystery show with new case for every episode and there is lot of goofy stuff happening all the time but the dark atmosphere separates it from mystery shows we have today.
Anyone watching kazokugari?
It has me hooked.

Besides that Hero is pretty good, though the last episode was meh.

Hirugao,deals with adultery but
I found it interesting as it deals with adultery in Japanese society , shows how the marriage system might be a llittle broken.

Arasachan- I saw the first two episodes. Lots of crude sex jokes . I will keep watching as each episode is short and funny enough .
Haven't watched much lately, got to 1x06 of Hanzawa Naoki.

Didn't expect the case to end so soon and the timeskip, but I can't say I don't like it. Keeps things fresh and the new one seems interesting. I still think it's a little overdramatic at certain points and that it could use more strength, but I like it.
Is the end definitive? Or is a second season with other two storylines in the work?


Finished IWGP. It was good, in it's own way. I did doze on/off when the focus was on the two rival gangs. Makoto's antics were enjoyable from start to end. Main mystery's conclusion was bit off. It didn't bother me, since the main mystery wasn't talked much during course of the show, still felt bit cheap. There is SP episode to watch but they did tie up everything, so I don't know if I'm going to bother with it.

edit. I ended up watching the SP and it was hilarious. Movie basically dropped all the dark themes and was straight out comedy. Most of the old characters returned, some had short appearances and others played more prominent part. There was flanderization of the characters but in honesty I didn't mind. It was fun special and even with it's long runtime it didn't get boring at any point.


I started watching Freeter and it's a dam fine show! My only complain is that the show doesn't let me hate anybody. Every time character does something infuriating and I'm ready to get aboard the hate train they go and show that the character actually has sad life and their motives become somewhat understandable. Freeter family could use some lessons in communication. I will probably wrap this show during the weekend. Is the special worth watching?


Just started watching ギフト (Gift) and it's so much fun! It's really ancient (1997 I think) but very enjoyable. :3


Started watching No Con Kid

Really entertaining so far. I'm not a Japanese teenager from the 80s so I can't really relate to the character but it's not a problem.
The setting and the tone are pretty good. I love Tanaka Kei, Hamano Kenta and Sato Jiro so I knew I'd like this drama.
In this drama the actors all play their characters in the 80s AND in 2013. For some reason, thirty something people playing 15 years old characters doesn't look that out of place. That's Asian Genes™ for you I guess.

Watched this the other week.

I think it could have been better, but it has to be said that this is a must-see if you are into gaming.

All those lovely cabs!

Only problem is that I havve the Xevious music on my brain at the moment.
I finally finished Hanzawa Naoki.
It didn't clicked on me for a while but goddamn the last few episodes were an awesome ride. The second case of the hotel is much better than the first one, which was too cheesy (especially the villain seemed like a cliched mob boss lol). It was still a little too rhetoric for my taste but the final episode was a damn masterpiece.
I didn't expect Kondo's
betrayal but when they forgive him is an awesome scene
. Owada was a great villain, his face just transpired hate and the actor pulled off his character amazingly. Him and the actor who played Hanzawa Naoki are two beasts, this scene was incredible:



I think the only thing I didn't enjoy quite much is Kurosaki's character. He was way too over the top (when he grabbed that dude's balls LOL) and ridiculous.

Also I'm happy that the series is obviously going to continue, because it is right? What's the point of leaving it at that?


I started watching Freeter and it's a dam fine show! My only complain is that the show doesn't let me hate anybody. Every time character does something infuriating and I'm ready to get aboard the hate train they go and show that the character actually has sad life and their motives become somewhat understandable. Freeter family could use some lessons in communication. I will probably wrap this show during the weekend. Is the special worth watching?

I'm really interested in watching the special but wasn't able to find it streaming with subtitles anywhere. If you do find a link, please let me know. Thanks!

In the meantime, we finished The Man Who Can't Get Married and absolutely loved it. It was just pitch perfect. We're about halfway through Rich Man, Poor Woman and although the protag is a bit grating in her supplicant-ness at times, it's still very compelling to watch, just not quite up to the level of quality of Freeter or TMWCGM. I'd love any recommendations as to what we should watch next!
Has anyone watched the entire Spec series with Erika Toda? I just watched the final movie (Spec - Close Reincarnation) and I need to talk to someone about what the crap happened. Sorry If I'm 10 months late, the english subs were just released a few days ago.
Young people 4-6.
The one thing I love about this drama is that not one episode is really dedicated to one character's main story. Instead, you get to see the other characters developing or seeing what problems will be addresses in the future episodes.

Also, thank god for Satoru in episode 6. lol Asahi lets his emotions get the best of him at times but with good intentions. This and Border are probably my favorite drama this year so far.
Edit: as well as mysterious transfer student. Forgot that came out this year. That one was great as well. Thanks to that drama, I still listen to Chopin's "raindrop".

1 Litre of Tears gave me all the feels ;^;
Still is my favorite jdrama and the only form of entertainment that made me tear up.



Just finished Seigi no Mikata and it's become one of my favorite comedy drama series of all time. It's based on the manga series with the same name and is about an odd pair of sisters. Yoko is a pretty normal 15-year-old girl but her big sister Makiko is exceptional in every sense, she's smart, beautiful and works for a government office after having graduated from a famous university. Except Makiko is an absolute selfish and possible downright evil human being but somehow only Yoko is aware of that, as such she's the one who has to keep up with the whims of her big sister day and night.
Even though it's Makiko who is supposed to be the eponymous heroine but Shida Mirai as Yoko totally stole the show with her performance, I'm kinda want to check out what she has done recently.


Okay, have been really hammering through the shows the past few months (its amazing how much time I have after getting divorced haha). So far I have watched:

35 Sai no Koukousei : enjoyed it on the whole, had a couple of slow moments but a good show

Densha Otoko: Okay, so this had some really good bits but it really dragged out some story lines to the point where I wasn't really paying attention. Still haven't watched all of the special yet

Freeter, ie wo kau : Really enjoyed this one, nice light hearted moments to balance out the more serious side and characters I liked and felt attached to

Hungry! : Discovered this by chance and enjoyed immensely, very funny at times

Kekkon Dekinai Otoko : Another one I cant really fault, good fun

Rich Man, Poor Woman : This was actually the first J- Drama I watched and while I enjoyed some parts its not one of my favourite shows

Summer Nude : Okay so the title of the show is pretty awful but the show itself was good fun, not seen it mentioned in here so will link it for those interested - http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Summer_Nude

Sunao ni Narenakute : Was a little hard going at some points I think due to the occasionally serious subject matter but a good show ad well worth a watch


Anyone have any suggestions for what I should watch next? I seem to prefer the more light hearted stuff like Freeter so anything on those lines is good. Otherwise I guess just suggest what you have enjoyed :D


Okay, have been really hammering through the shows the past few months (its amazing how much time I have after getting divorced haha). So far I have watched:

Anyone have any suggestions for what I should watch next? I seem to prefer the more light hearted stuff like Freeter so anything on those lines is good. Otherwise I guess just suggest what you have enjoyed :D

Yep, a couple since I like stuff like Freeter and Ken-Chan (Kekkon Dekinai Otoko) best, too!

Osen: great little drama about a countryside restaurant and its okami. Awesome show.

7 Days of Daddy and Daughter: a shorter one, just 7 eps. Really sweet, clever show. Think Freaky Friday with a Japanese salaryman and his high school-age daughter.


Ok, I need a recommendation ASAP please :)

We're about to finish the amazing Zenkai Girl, and have especially loved Freeter and Kekkon Dekinai Otoko. We also really dug Rich Man, Poor Woman, Osen and 7 Days of Daddy and Daughter. Please recommend something similarly wonderful and not too heavy!


Ok, I need a recommendation ASAP please :)

We're about to finish the amazing Zenkai Girl, and have especially loved Freeter and Kekkon Dekinai Otoko. We also really dug Rich Man, Poor Woman, Osen and 7 Days of Daddy and Daughter. Please recommend something similarly wonderful and not too heavy!

Legal High is a must-see in my opinion. It's hilarious. And it stars Aragaki Yui from Zenkai Girl.


Legal High is a must-see in my opinion. It's hilarious. And it stars Aragaki Yui from Zenkai Girl.

Sounds good, thank you. I'll add it to the list. I think it would be too weird to go from one starring role for her to another immediately, though. Anything else? I'm thinking of Hungry as one option....


Sounds good, thank you. I'll add it to the list. I think it would be too weird to go from one starring role for her to another immediately, though. Anything else? I'm thinking of Hungry as one option....

Saikou no Rikon is also one of my all-time favorite. The cast and the chemistry between the characters is rock solid. It's funny but there are a few moments (not a lot really, but still) that can be quite moving.


Saikou no Rikon is also one of my all-time favorite. The cast and the chemistry between the characters is rock solid. It's funny but there are a few moments (not a lot really, but still) that can be quite moving.

Is it pretty heavy? I had that impression of it from your write-up in the OP.

I'm also thinking of Late Blooming Sunflower My Life Renewed.
Hero has been pretty good so far.
This seems to be season 2 though; has anyone watches the first season ?

The first few episodes of seijo were pretty good, but it seems it might fall off from here on out.
Is it pretty heavy? I had that impression of it from your write-up in the OP.

I'm also thinking of Late Blooming Sunflower My Life Renewed.
This is a good drama to watch btw. One of my favorites actually. The later episodes decline in quality, but it's still a good drama.

Young People 7-10
All I can say is I love this drama. It's the drama I go to if I want to smile or get some feels. Sadly, the last episode is this Wednesday :(

What's everyone watching for the fall? I haven't looked at a list yet so I don't know what's to come next season.


4 eps into Late Blooming Sunflower and loving it. The theme song/credits might be up there with Kekkon Dekinai Otoko as my fave. It's just full of heart and complex, compelling characters. More shows like this, please!


Yep, a couple since I like stuff like Freeter and Ken-Chan (Kekkon Dekinai Otoko) best, too!

Osen: great little drama about a countryside restaurant and its okami. Awesome show.

7 Days of Daddy and Daughter: a shorter one, just 7 eps. Really sweet, clever show. Think Freaky Friday with a Japanese salaryman and his high school-age daughter.

Sorry, have only just seen your reply! Thanks for the advice, will give those two a try :)


Finished Late Blooming Sunflower and absolutely adored it. The opening credits are some of my favorite yet of any J-drama and the show provided an extremely satisfying look into the character's lives. Highly recommended.
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