Lets see, after a quick audit, there's 20 movies on that list I haven't seen.
46 : Toy Story 3 (2010)
72 : A Separation (2011)
108 : Up (2009)
118 : Rebecca (1940)
144 : The King's Speech (2010)
148 : Black Swan (2010)
151 : Warrior (2011)
153 : The Artist (2011)
156 : Into the Wild (2007)
158 : The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
169 : There Will Be Blood (2007)
<-- Sitting on shelf waiting to be watched
190 : Mary and Max (2009)
198 : District 9 (2009)
216 : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
220 : Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
222 : Star Trek (2009)
239 : Monsters, Inc. (2001)
244 : Like Stars on Earth (2007)
247 : Shutter Island (2010)
Basically, I've got no interest in watching half of the above (italicised). Others have just come out in the last year so. Will probably get round to watching the rest of them at some point.
There's some bad movies on the IMDB Top250, and some ridiculously highly rated ones... but I guess thats all a matter of opinion.
I'll have to add the AFI and BFI lists (below) onto the above as well.
I'm up for this - lots of films I have yet to see there, but I'd rather takes films from the AFI & BFI top 100's;
Both has the distinct advantage of not ranking The Dark Knight at the 8th best film of all time :/
Cool, I'll have to go through those lists sometime...
Holy shit what an absolutely ridiculous list.
I hope nobody holds this in any sort of esteem. It's terrible.
This is the ONLY 'film list' that matters.
And thats the opposite extreme...
I think I read somewhere there is like only 4 people who have actually seen all those movies on there? Some movie from 1912 thats only available by approved viewing at a library in Paris or something... one of the greatest works of world cinema?*
* I might have made that last bit up