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Letting off steam: Repairing my playstation 2, part 2


So about 2 weeks ago I sent my playstation 2 off to be repair by them. I got the free repair thing they have and all is good. 2 weeks later I just got my playstation2 back a half hour ago. Two things are wrong with it. The back is raised and wont go down. Plus the reset button is jammed in and can't be moved. The games work, but those two things (the mostly the reset button) piss me off. I just wonder if it got damaged when I shipped it there, or something happened during the repair, or when it was being shipped back to me via UPS. I think I'll just called Sony up to see if anything can be done on my end because I'd rather not want to send it to them agian.

Ploid 3.0

If you're careful you can fix both easily without doing anything to they system other than opening the case. If you open the case just remove the screws that are holding the top half of the PS2 down (the long screws on the smaller bottom plane, and the screws all over the edge of the PS2). Careful with you take the top off because the reset button and eject button/cord is attached to the PS2 base. Just straighten up the Reset/eject box and lock it into place, then find out why or what is causing the back of the PS2 stick up or whatever. (Do not attempt this while the PS2 is plugged in ;) and do this at your own risk. In fact I'm telling you not to do it. If it's works don't fix it).


Anyone know if sony insures it when the return it? I can't find anything about insurance save a my own insurance that I used to ship it to them (I used US postal service, they used UPS.) I don't see anything on the final invoice warranty receipt about insurance.


Update, I tried to fix it my self, so I opened up my playstation 2. Reset button wasn't just jammed, it was broken off. Long story short the reset button kinda works, I just have to press it a certain way. The problem with the back being up, was fixed when the thing that was keeping it up fell back down. I found a couple of plastic shards but I don't know if they were the ones that caused it to be up.
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