I've gone out and splurged on an LG OLED this christmas and although the picture quality is super impressive, I've been struggling with a problem getting my desktop PC's video output to display on the TV. My TV is in a different (adjacent) room to the TV so I need to bridge a significant distance. The problem is the LG TV seems EXTREMELY fickle about its HDMI inputs. I previously had a panasonic plasma, and the cable I was using previously produces a 'no signal' message from the LG (even though the panasonic worked perfectly). So I bought a new cable at significant cost. It worked well for a couple of weeks, and now all of the sudden we're back to 'no signal'. Checking the manual, it says that no HDMI cable longer than 3 M (!!!) is accepted, which basically makes the TV mostly useless for what I bought it for, since I use my desktop PC for almost everything these days, and there is no way of getting that within 3m of the TV. I struggle to understand how cable length matters and why a brand new cable that previously worked should stop working so quickly. I've tried several solutions like resetting to factory default and unplugging the tv and everything, but nothing seems to help. Anyone else struggle with this or have advice?