I was into Pratt during his chubbier days on Parks and Rec, but now that he's hunkified himself I am just...You mean to tell me you really wouldn't climb this?
Guess I shouldn't complain about less competition, but still.

I was into Pratt during his chubbier days on Parks and Rec, but now that he's hunkified himself I am just...You mean to tell me you really wouldn't climb this?
Guess I shouldn't complain about less competition, but still.
Just catching up on thread, let me controversiál by saying that Chris Pratt is in no way attractive and shame on you all for not posting Natalia's true opus, her authentic urban smash.
It's sort of looking that way!! Since Mariah isn't there right now :'( LOL
Salmon it is then. I'm batch-cooking a load of pasta tomorrow for the week ahead, and want something to go with it. I'm going with either salmon or chicken.In terms of nutrition, they're both similarly healthy where protein, fats, and vitamins are concerned since they're both oily fish. However, while mercury levels vary with differing kinds, tuna is pretty much universally higher on that scale than salmon which is typically classified as a low risk fish whether wild or farmed.
Generally speaking, the higher up on the food chain you go, the more mercury & other toxins tend to bio-accumulate, and tuna are much larger predatory fish while salmon mostly eat aquatic insects and that sort of thing from what I recall.
chub pratt > hunk pratt
Fuck, I should find my boyfriend at the doormat factory as well.
Okay I could sympathise with you when your point of view was 'cheating and hiding things from your partner is disrespectful' but what the heck is this?
Now that he's talked to his boyfriend and sorted it out, you should be happy, yeah? Relationship issues resolved. But instead, you want to be judgemental now about his boyfriend not being mad enough?
Not every cheater is whoever it was that hurt you, so you can drop the attitude already. Quit being passive aggressive about anyone who violates your superior moral code.
Lol I was never cheated on. You're living in a cheesy film if you think that's my reason for calling his boyfriend a doormat. His boyfriend is a doormat who is going to be cheated on again because he let the whole thing slide after some makeup sex***. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
As some others have pointed out, open relationships exist. If you want to fuck around with other people, or don't care if your partner does, then have an open relationship.
***Does anyone else relish the thought of having makeup sex with someone who has been unfaithful? Boy oh boy do I love the increased chance of getting an STD.
Pretty easy:I really don't see the issue.
He cheated
Did you purposefully miss out the rest? He came clean to his partner, he apologised, and the boyfriend accepted the apology. As far as I and everyone else is concerned, that should be it for that little episode. A member of LettersGAF resolved their issue. We should be happy for him, yet people seem intent on dragging him down. But it's whatever, I'm not getting dragged in to another argument.Pretty easy.
I just don't see why you can't be happy for our fellow Gaffers instead of assuming the worst of them. Perhaps it really was a one time mistake and there'll be no re-offence.
Right right. Notice how my initial post was only that the boyfriend was a doormat. I said nothing of Blackstarhat.
It's sort of looking that way!! Since Mariah isn't there right now :'( LOL
Chubby Pratt is more huggable, but I could swing either way.chub pratt > hunk pratt
persuadable of a cheaters virtue.
Never been one for getting angry at the guilty.
Girl... no.
You should have seen the look on my face when I heard she wasnt there :'( LOLWhy would someone go to Vegas when Mariah isn't there.
I just don't understand.Have fun in Vegas!!!
Chubby Pratt is more huggable, but I could swing either way.
This is true.
But I mean, I'd rather jump Hulk.
Hulk smashme.
Ikr, this shit needs to stop. Not here for obesity supporters
thanks for the kind words y'all.
doctor confirmed my strong suspicion it was a panic attack, on both occasions. started some tests, to rule out any physical causes. in the meantime, i've got some prescriptions to help, and a referral to doctors specializing in anxiety i can make an appointment with.
not a surprising diagnosis given how i feel lately, and i expect there's more to come whenever i go in and talk to my referred mental health doctors.
Chris Pratt was never obese.
Or is this "gay obese"?
what the hell is gay obese?
Chris Pratt was never obese.
Or is this "gay obese"?
Chris Pratt was never obese.
Or is this "gay obese"?
"Gay fat" is something I've been called before , so I'm sure gay obese probably and unfortunately exists as well :/what the hell is gay obese?
Also ugh of course some people want to rail on fat people HERE. Whatever. It's the neogaf way anyways.
if you don't have an 8-pac, you're gay obese, duh!
"Gay fat" is something I've been called before , so I'm sure gay obese probably and unfortunately exists as well :/
Why would someone go to Vegas when Mariah isn't there.
I just don't understand.Have fun in Vegas!!!
Chubby Pratt is more huggable, but I could swing either way.
This is how I feel as far as myself sadly, hence my obsession with fitness.
2,3,4 and 6
Pratt > Hemsworth >>>>>>>>> Evans
Hiddelston THE GOD
Pratt > Hemsworth >>>>>>>>> Evans
Hiddelston THE GOD
And Tom Hiddleston (...really?) looks only slightly less like an alien than Benedict Cumberbatch. Two can play at that game, friend.
Ach, mein eyeballs!a woman.
Pratt > Hemsworth >>>>>>>>> Evans
Hiddelston THE GOD
Evans has the personality of plywood.
My forever Marvel fave though. Linked so that no one in here will have to be tainted by the visage of a woman.
And Tom Hiddleston (...really?) looks only slightly less like an alien than Benedict Cumberbatch.
I'm too lazy to put much thought into this but this seems at least vaguely correct. Alex continues to be insane.
And Tom Hiddleston (...really?) looks only slightly less like an alien than Benedict Cumberbatch. Two can play at that game, friend.
It is what it is, I suppose :SSigh, why do people have to be like that?
Great idea!! HahaThey would come to visit me, obviously.