Welcome.Thank you!
It's a weird one because of what it is, but I'll explain-- we're in our mid-thirties and started dating in high school. Back then, I knew I liked girls, but I also liked boys. Hadn't been with either in any sort of romantic or sexual way, so I guess there wasn't much to base anything off of? Just a "sure I like him/her! He/she is fun and cute!"
Husband and I started dating casually at the end of grade 12. Over the next couple years, I'd have experience with girls (he didn't care) and him. I loved being with the girlsbut didn't meet any I felt "more" for. After a while, husband and I decided fuck it, let's be exclusive. We get along so well, the chemistry is more than I could ask for, he knows what he's doing sexually.
In my late twenties, I had a massive breakdown and we split up. I moved out for a little while (a year maybe?) and during that time was diagnosed with OCD and depression. My head was a disaster, and I more or less decided he could do better, etc etc. I missed him, though, and eventually we started talking about the things I would think and how I felt re: OCD thoughts and the like. I also told him I felt guilty for being in a relationship with a guy when I preferred women overall. He was just... stupidly understanding. I mean, I don't think I've ever met someone that open, and who actually got what I was feeling. We had the best talks we'll probably ever have during that time, because of the situation and stuff. At that point, it hit me that he could have a muppet for genitals and I'd still be with the guy. I told him that, too, and he thought it was hilarious (but knew what I meant).
Essentially, I know I'm in a weird situation, but I'm with someone who's seen me at my absolute worst and was beyond supportive. We'll be together til one of us dies, or til one of us suffers a massive personality change and goes batshit asshole![]()
It's been nearly impossible to get into the gay community in our town-- no one seems to buy a girl who prefers girls being married to a male, no matter the story behind it. What I know is that it's made me very aware of how strange relationships and feelings can be. I like to think it's made me more open minded? Maybe. I have no idea.
Would you describe yourself as biromantic? Also I wonder when people say they 'prefer x' with regards to sexuality, whether this is an exclusive preference or comparative.