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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


If he texted back before even meeting you it's probably true, otherwise he would just have ghosted you and left it at that.

Either that or Body Slay


How did I never heard this before. Too bad Demi is a flop because she's got some absolute bops.

Edit: Also holy shit I want hips like those.


So some guy asked me out on a date and we were texting for the past couple days. When I asked him if we were still on for tonight he didn't respond. And then I checked my scruff and I think he blocked me on there... I was really looking forward to tonight it would have been my real first date. Why did he ask me out in the first place if he never intended on going? Now I feel like shit

Edit: ok he texted back saying his mom got hurt... Literally what I don't know if I believe him

This is tricky because if he did block you, then that explains that, but why would he even reply? Something is off, way off.

Just becareful. Could his mom be hurt? Possibly.
I'd be like pics or it didn't happen.


So some guy asked me out on a date and we were texting for the past couple days. When I asked him if we were still on for tonight he didn't respond. And then I checked my scruff and I think he blocked me on there... I was really looking forward to tonight it would have been my real first date. Why did he ask me out in the first place if he never intended on going? Now I feel like shit

Edit: ok he texted back saying his mom got hurt... Literally what I don't know if I believe him

Don't put all your stock on guys from apps. Treat apps very casually.


My deaf neighbor called me over today. He wants to upgrade to a newer iphone, and we were looking over some stuff, and taking care of last minute plans for him leaving for AZ, as I house sit for two weeks. I showed him my new sign language skills and he was ecstatic!

Also made him and another neighbor meatloaf for dinner. I still can't wrap my head around how I am single.
I'm forever alone.

Don't put all your stock on guys from apps. Treat apps very casually.

This all the way.


My deaf neighbor called me over today. He wants to upgrade to a newer iphone, and we were looking over some stuff, and taking care of last minute plans for him leaving for AZ, as I house sit for two weeks. I showed him my new sign language skills and he was ecstatic!

Also made him and another neighbor meatloaf for dinner. I still can't wrap my head around how I am single.
I'm forever alone.

Oh, that is so nice Gibbs! I am sure you made his day.


Aww I'm sorry Crayons =( . Still doesn't excuse him bailing. Hopefully you can find another date!

Good work! So, maybe he likes you just not big on the social event? At least now you know, which is better than not knowing, right?

Well what ended up happening is that the guy I originally invited, I got the idea that he's still at least somewhat interested in me, it's just that he doesn't like the prom atmosphere. So I invited him to see a concert of a band we both love (Car Seat Headrest ) and he said he'd go with me!

And I actually have another date for the prom. Cute twink with brown hair and blue eyes.

Prom? As in High School Prom?

College prom. My school has an event called "Second chance" sponsored by the LGBT club. The idea was that a lot of LGBT people did not/could not attend their high school proms.


There's also something I feel like saying that's always going in on my head.

At my job, the assistant manager is a homophobe. There was one day a feminine black gay guy came into the store, and after he left she said some nasty things. She was saying about how he needs to find god and go to church, that she think's he's nasty. This happened like two months ago. And that's not the only thing she's said. She's made it very clear that she doesn't like LGBT people, she thinks they're sick, weirdos, and she even complained that she doesn't know how to explain it to her children. The whole works. What's fucking sad is that this woman is 100% anti-racist but to her homophobia is OK.

So obviously I'm not out at work. Can't afford to have her against me. And I work with two other guys at my job, so in order to avoid outing myself I've been quite dishonest. Whenever the straight guys are talking to me about women they've slept with, I end up telling them stories of guys I hooked up with, just with me saying she instead of he, talk about girls asses instead of guys asses etc. And sometimes women flirt with me in the store or feel me up and I have to pretend it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. So I feel like a huge liar honestly and these guys aren't bad guys, it's just that because we all work in the same workplace I had to lie to them to keep things consistent and pretend to be the straight man I've never been. I wish I could be honest with them, but I can't now, because I can't just tell them that I've been lying to them for months and taking them for a ride into my web of lies.

I'm really tired of doing this. Once I came out to my mom and dad I thought it'd be the last time I'd have to hide who I truly am. But in the real world, I'm reminded that outing myself puts me at risk.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
At my job, the assistant manager is a homophobe ... She's made it very clear that she doesn't like LGBT people, she thinks they're sick, weirdos, and she even complained that she doesn't know how to explain it to her children. The whole works.

Whenever the straight guys are talking to me about women they've slept with, I end up telling them stories of guys I hooked up with, just with me saying she instead of he, talk about girls asses instead of guys asses etc. And sometimes women flirt with me in the store or feel me up and I have to pretend it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable

What in the hell kind of job do you have? All of this is absolutely, positively sexual and discriminatory harassment (yes, including the actions of those changes female customers) and needs to be reported to the manager and HR. That shit ain't gonna stop unless you're willing to stand up for yourself.


What in the hell kind of job do you have? All of this is absolutely, positively sexual and discriminatory harassment (yes, including the actions of those changes female customers) and needs to be reported to the manager and HR. That shit ain't gonna stop unless you're willing to stand up for yourself.

I'm a salesman in a phone store. The thing is I feel like I'm already in too deep.

I'd look like such a fraud if I just came out and said hey guys I've actually been gay the whole time.
I'm a salesman in a phone store. The thing is I feel like I'm already in too deep.

I'd look like such a fraud if I just came out and said hey guys I've actually been gay the whole time.

I think people understand that people have reasons to be closeted. It's not a matter of fraud, but of protection and comfort (as emotionally harmful as it can be to be closeted).



I think people understand that people have reasons to be closeted. It's not a matter of fraud, but of protection and comfort (as emotionally harmful as it can be to be closeted).
I've found that people dont like it when they find out you've been lying for months :p


Yeah fuck being out at work, honestly. I heard someone make a crass reference to one of my gay coworkers sucking dick and then laugh like it was the funniest joke ever. I don't need to be the target of that bullshit when I'm just trying to go about my day.

I've found that people dont like it when they find out you've been lying for months :p
And this too. I'm not about draw attention to myself. It might be wrong and unfair to feel the need to hide in plain sight, but what's new? Welcome to the gay experience.
If someone reacts hurt that a coworker wasn't out to them earlier then they are pretty selfish and clueless. Like, being out or not is a personal thing and they are putting their wants where they don't belong.

I come out at job interviews in the personal interests discussion part. Not in terms of saying 'hey these are my sexual interests here' but in terms of my interests in activism. But when it comes to work beyond that, I have rarely come out since it rarely comes up.

Once at work years ago, there was a small group activity for training and we had to write down a major decision we made. I decided on having come out. But then we had to tell a small group of others what our decision was! Now, they assumed since I just talked about coming out, not specifying beyond that since anything would have felt like too much information...so naturally they assumed I was gay because of monosexist assumptions and other words. About a year later, I cleared it up with one of them a year later when it came up and she rolled her eyes at me. She was one of the nicest people I worked with. She was totally warm thinking I was gay but when I clarified I was bi she rolled her eyes in that moment as much as humanly possible. And she never said anything on the subject again. :(

There was a time working in a shop that people donate stuff to and we sold things for charitable causes, where a book titled something like Gay and Lesbian Short Stories was donated. Things stayed for a few weeks at one of our locations before moving to the next site and cycling. This book did the cycle once and when it came back, a worker reacted horribly to it. She repeated endlessly "they're men" (lesbians are invisible I guess) and arguing we shouldn't sell it. The manager was unsure as these stores were connected to the uniting church and maybe some higher ups wouldn't agree with it being sold. I argued that like a quarter of our books were romance books with like a shelf dedicated to a Mills and Boon subseries called Sexy Romance or something. The manager agreed with me at that point and said we should sell it. But...the book disappeared. I suspect the complainer took the book and threw it in the dumpster out the back, but I didn't realise until too late that it might have been where it went so it is only a suspicion.
I've been awake all night, can't sleep at all.

And on the subject above, people can be quite shit so I don't disclose much about myself especially my sexuality at the work place.


If someone reacts hurt that a coworker wasn't out to them earlier then they are pretty selfish and clueless. Like, being out or not is a personal thing and they are putting their wants where they don't belong.

I know youre absolutely right Aargle, the thing is I'm 90% sure that these coworkers of mine would have a really negative reaction to me coming out. My manager has told me that she hates black people on several occasions, my assistant manager is black and she is a homophobe and I'm gay and I just want everyone to get along but its never happening. Who am I kidding, because I know that my assistant manager is a homophobe and I know that she's Christian I make jokes about jesus dying on the cross because of how much I secretly hate her. It definitely gets to her. We're one big dysfunctional family.

I've been awake all night, can't sleep at all.

And on the subject above, people can be quite shit so I don't disclose much about myself especially my sexuality at the work place.
Probably the best decision, honestly.


Yeah, I've never felt like anything positive would come from being out at work. At least now I just have to deal with mild discomfort when the subject of marriage equality and unisex bathrooms heralding the literal apocalypse comes up.


I guess it really depends on where you live and your profession.

One of the more common question I get at work is "whats your accent/where are you from?" Then they ask why I moved from chicago. I moved 2000 miles across the country because my boyfriend had a job waiting. I mean, it isn't that complicated.

Most of my coworkers are around 20's-30's so I've never had an issue. I am ready to joanlamp.gif them if anyone comes at me with shade. :)


There's also something I feel like saying that's always going in on my head.

At my job, [bold]the assistant manager is a homophobe. There was one day a feminine black gay guy came into the store, and after he left she said some nasty things.[/bold]

HR would of cured her instantly. Like conversion therapy, but for the straight idiot.

I've been awake all night, can't sleep at all.

And on the subject above, people can be quite shit so I don't disclose much about myself especially my sexuality at the work place.

I haven't slept in days. The joys of it.

I don't get why we're still discussing someones sexuality in 2017. We are all adults, I don't like pancakes but I don't force the world to not eat them. Fucking people man.

Well what ended up happening is that the guy I originally invited, I got the idea that he's still at least somewhat interested in me, it's just that he doesn't like the prom atmosphere. So I invited him to see a concert of a band we both love (Car Seat Headrest ) and he said he'd go with me!

And I actually have another date for the prom. Cute twink with brown hair and blue eyes.

Glad you got another date! Also fantastic news you are going to a concert together!

Oh, that is so nice Gibbs! I am sure you made his day.

It was rewarding admittedly for myself, and his face lighting up made it worth it. Its all about making his life easier,


I haven't came out to my co workers and I seriously don't plan to do it, I've heard some homophobic quotes here and there and I really don't want to deal with that shit until I feel I absolutely need to.

like for example, if I get a boyfriend, then in that time I might need to tell some co workers, and may be with a little more emotional support from someone else than just myself. People can be cruelly harsh about this.

I don't get why we're still discussing someones sexuality in 2017. We are all adults, I don't like pancakes but I don't force the world to not eat them. Fucking people man.

you might be trivializing how some people somehow can be enigmatically bamboozled by the fact that other people are different.

It is amazing to see some reactions when there are people on a different page talking to each other

in summary: it is because people are a little too selfish most of the time.


I haven't came out to my co workers and I seriously don't plan to do it, I've heard some homophobic quotes here and there and I really don't want to deal with that shit until I feel I absolutely need to.

like for example, if I get a boyfriend, then in that time I might need to tell some co workers, and may be with a little more emotional support from someone else than just myself. People can be cruelly harsh about this.

you might be trivializing how some people somehow can be enigmatically bamboozled by the fact that other people are different.

It is amazing to see some reactions when there are people on a different page talking to each other

in summary: it is because people are a little too selfish most of the time.

Oh totally, and I'm not trying to come off as an asshole. To me, its so stupid its still a conversation thing. If you can't accept someone is gay, then get over it. Though countries are different and other aspects.


I was as at the bank this morning when an elderly gentleman tripped over a cement block separating parking spaces. He hit hard. I jumped out of the car and rushed to him. He was bleeding from his head and finger. A few others in the parking lot joined in, and someone from the road saw him fall.

I called his sister who lived up the road, and we were talking to him, and he was hilarious. He is 88yrs old,a veteran, he isn't a fan of Donald Trump, thinks the VA is evil with wait times, and was just insanely funny with his comments.

We got him up on his feet and another guy was going to drive him down the road to his sisters. He told me "You are a good american, we need more guys like you!" and then told me "I'm glad to see good still exist in this world"

He was a veteran, a gentleman, and overall hilarious guy. I just wish he didn't get hurt. He was looking forward to visiting his wife in the nursing home today. I have his sisters number still, so I may call later and check up on him.
Yeah, I prefer to be closeted at work too. My current boss is extremely prejudiced toward any LGBTQ+ person. He's two faced though since he'll be friendly to any LGBTQ+ customer and take their money, but as soon as they leave the comments start. I don't want my sexuality like that out in the open, because I'd prefer people not talk about it behind my back in a negative way.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I've found that people dont like it when they find out you've been lying for months :p

Yeah fuck being out at work, honestly. I heard someone make a crass reference to one of my gay coworkers sucking dick and then laugh like it was the funniest joke ever. I don't need to be the target of that bullshit when I'm just trying to go about my day.

A little surprised to see such a dismissive attitude from you two about harassment. Like, you're literally giving precedence to bigots' opinion of you over your own rights.

When you don't report harassment, it's going to continue, and it may get worse. It's going to affect other employees, later it's going to happen to people who come after you, and the behavior is going to spread the longer it goes unchecked. I'm pretty goddamn sure you wouldn't give someone a pass on the street if they were calling you slurs and grabbing you, and yet it's apparently just dandy because "what if they find out I was gay all along?!" smdh


I'm an English teacher so I have to prepare materials, and they are inherently political. So yeah I kind of have to be out at work. If the class is about relationships, a student might ask something about me, and I don't lie about my sexuality. That's a promise I made since I was a little boy.

But the thing is I totally get people who don't come out - this is a personal issue. I just advocate for the opposite because we need to fight oppression from the inside.


A little surprised to see such a dismissive attitude from you two about harassment. Like, you're literally giving precedence to bigots' opinion of you over your own rights.

When you don't report harassment, it's going to continue, and it may get worse. It's going to affect other employees, later it's going to happen to people who come after you, and the behavior is going to spread the longer it goes unchecked. I'm pretty goddamn sure you wouldn't give someone a pass on the street if they were calling you slurs and grabbing you, and yet it's apparently just dandy because "what if they find out I was gay all along?!" smdh
It may just put you in a position you can't afford

If your company or business supervisors and owners and HR are on the same page, they will use it against you if you come out in some fashion against their views. I am happily out at one job and not at the other because the man in charge of HR is a racist homophobe and so are the company owners and supervisors and salespeople. I need to work and do not need the inevitable dead end of trying to push their comments into HR.


And I actually have another date for the prom. Cute twink with brown hair and blue eyes.

College prom. My school has an event called "Second chance" sponsored by the LGBT club. The idea was that a lot of LGBT people did not/could not attend their high school proms.

Awww... that's so sweet. :3

My school doesn't do anything like that. I never went to prom in High School but I would love something like that.


A little surprised to see such a dismissive attitude from you two about harassment. Like, you're literally giving precedence to bigots' opinion of you over your own rights.

When you don't report harassment, it's going to continue, and it may get worse. It's going to affect other employees, later it's going to happen to people who come after you, and the behavior is going to spread the longer it goes unchecked. I'm pretty goddamn sure you wouldn't give someone a pass on the street if they were calling you slurs and grabbing you, and yet it's apparently just dandy because "what if they find out I was gay all along?!" smdh
I'm at this job because I wanna move up in the world. I'm suffering now when I'm 20 and in a shitty, dangerous neighborhood where guys would hate crime the shit out of me if they knew, working with bigots because beggars can't be choosers. The reason why I bend over and accept all this shit is so I can move up quickly and get the hell out of the ghetto.

A few days ago on my walk to work this scary looking dude with a teardrop tattoo on his face tried to sell me cocaine and heroin. I was so intimidated I didn't want to say no to his face so I took his number and then afterwards he started asking me if I had 'bitches' and where he could find some over here. Once again another situation in which hmmm maybe scary gangster man won't be cool with the fact that i like men. This is the kind of place I live

Pride is an expense I can't afford right now. I'm not at all saying that her saying these disparaging remarks against gay people are fine. I'm saying that I need her on my side in order to move up the ladder. And I am, I'm getting promoted
Awww... that's so sweet. :3

My school doesn't do anything like that. I never went to prom in High School but I would love something like that.
I'm grateful for the opportunity. I didn't go to mine either. I met my date for it on an internet message board


Yeah I'm back in the closet at work too, beside my breastie who works there. But I don't recall seeing "sexual orientation" in that standard discrimination section so...


Speaking of being out at work... I go back and forth between two agencies for my job (sometimes I go to different sites depending on the task), and I'm at different locations depending on the day of the week. For one place where I work, it's an LGBT Center and everyone knows that I'm out, no questions asked... lol.

The other place I'm in is a little bit more traditional in a way, but I recently mentioned to my supervisor that I was gay and she wasn't surprised much. She suspected it in a way but wasn't sure. She did say that I can pass and act as straight and it's definitely harder to tell compared to my other coworker (who is also gay). She mentioned how he has more mannerisms and it's easy to tell... So ummm.... yeah, interesting.

I've heard that before. I wish I looked/acted more gay! People tell me I'm too serious and seem distant/not very social/not very approacheble. I:

I'm grateful for the opportunity. I didn't go to mine either. I met my date for it on an internet message board

That's great! You should take advantage of that. I wish more college schools would offer something like that. The amount of LGBT people that didn't attend their High School Proms or didn't enjoy it must be really high.


I called to check up on the elderly gentleman, and he is banged up but is doing fine. His sister and her husband patched him up. They were extremely thankful I called to check up on him. We discussed him, his life in the military(26 years!) and his wife. It was heart breaking to learn how far he goes to make her happy and comfortable in there. This guy is just incredible. I was lucky to have had a chance to meet him and talk with him.

He honestly is, great guy.

I wish I could be a better friend to you, because you deserve so much more honestly. You are an amazing person and I appreciate your friendship dude.

Gibbs sounds like a great person tbh

I aim to be someone who any, and everyone can rely on from friends to strangers. I'd help the world if I could, it's just how I am. I try everyday to be a better person then I was yesterday because the world has become a negative place, and I know how it feels to have a small act of kindness or help can help a tremendously and change your mood.

I'm the friend people call at 3am when they are going through a rough time, or I'll buy someone dinner and listen to whats going on just so they aren't alone. Hell I've even made people dinner so they didn't have to cook after working all day. I've been told I care too much. Possibly so, but I don't see it that way.

If I can do one good deed a day, or if I can help someone, then I know I'm living up to what i expect out of myself. I don't do it for the praise, or for the feel goods... I do it because its a human thing, and knowing you helped someone, or turned someones day around is what matters.

Though to be completely honest DOWN, I don't see myself being a great person, I just see myself as "me."


Speaking of being out at work... I go back and forth between two agencies for my job (sometimes I go to different sites depending on the task), and I'm at different locations depending on the day of the week. For one place where I work, it's an LGBT Center and everyone knows that I'm out, no questions asked... lol.

The other place I'm in is a little bit more traditional in a way, but I recently mentioned to my supervisor that I was gay and she wasn't surprised much. She suspected it in a way but wasn't sure. She did say that I can pass and act as straight and it's definitely harder to tell compared to my other coworker (who is also gay). She mentioned how he has more mannerisms and it's easy to tell... So ummm.... yeah, interesting.

I've heard that before. I wish I looked/acted more gay! People tell me I'm too serious and seem distant/not very social. I:

That's great! You should take advantage of that. I wish more college schools would offer something like that. The amount of LGBT people that didn't attend their High School Proms or didn't enjoy it must be really high.
Yeah man, i took the day off work way im advance so I could go. I'm really excited for it
I wish I could be a better friend to you, because you deserve so much more honestly. You are an amazing person and I appreciate your friendship dude

I appreciate it, you help in making me feel like I matter as a friend to someone. You do enough already more than you especially when I just cut off a friendship that was toxic.

And you should give yourself more credit, but the modesty is a nice trait to have.
Do I smell a romance brewing


lol he's a good friend that's all. He's a nice guy and helped me through some things and not judgmental.

He's done more than the "friend" I had here who despite telling him about my depression hangs out with people he considered more friend worthy than me.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Yeah I'm back in the closet at work too, beside my breastie who works there. But I don't recall seeing "sexual orientation" in that standard discrimination section so...

Sexual orientation is covered by the Civil Rights Act, period.

I'm at this job because I wanna move up in the world. I'm suffering now when I'm 20 and in a shitty, dangerous neighborhood where guys would hate crime the shit out of me if they knew, working with bigots because beggars can't be choosers. The reason why I bend over and accept all this shit is so I can move up quickly and get the hell out of the ghetto. Pride is an expense I can't afford right now. I'm not at all saying that her saying these disparaging remarks against gay people are fine. I'm saying that I need her on my side in order to move up the ladder. And I am, I'm getting promoted

I'm not even talking about specifically being out at work, but that the comments, the physical contact from customers, the disparaging remarks are all discrimination and harassment that would apply every bit as much to a straight employee as it does to a homosexual employee. No one is asking you to prance around flamboyantly in order to really shove it in their faces, geez. It need to be reported to create a better workplace for yourself and anyone else who may come to work there in the future. These aren't just uncomfortable situations you're being put into, they are illegal acts and people will be disciplined and/or fired over, along with being grounds for potential lawsuits -- none of which will happen when someone continues to accept it as the status quo.

What about when there's harassment after you're promoted? At your next job? At what point does it stop being something to quietly put up with?



lol he's a good friend that's all. He's a nice guy and helped me through some things and not judgmental.

He's done more than the "friend" I had here who despite telling him about my depression hangs out with people he considered more friend worthy than me.

I try to be a friend, and even if I can't help as much as I wish, I do my best. You're a great guy, remember that. The "friend" you are talking about is a selfish asshole. Friends don't leave friends behind.

Do I smell a romance brewing

Perhaps ;) Vazra is sexting me up on instagram also. Its a wild time. All jokes aside though, he is a good guy. Any guy would be lucky to have him honestly.


irresponsible vagina leak
Perhaps ;) Vazra is sexting me up on instagram also. Its a wild time. All jokes aside though, he is a good guy. Any guy would be lucky to have him honestly.
Haha Im not that interesting really but I am definitely a big flirt. The benefits of me as a potential bf is mostly cooking and probably since Im so soft a nice cuddle buddy to Netflix and chill. 😜


Haha Im not that interesting really but I am definitely a big flirt. The benefits of me as a potential bf is mostly cooking and probably since Im so soft a nice cuddle buddy to Netflix and chill. 😜

Dude I imagine you are interesting. I mean, you are a huggable teddy bear and you liked my shirtless video hahahahhaha.

Seriously you are a sweet guy. Never change.

Correct! I cook also so its a double win.


So some guy asked me out on a date and we were texting for the past couple days. When I asked him if we were still on for tonight he didn't respond. And then I checked my scruff and I think he blocked me on there... I was really looking forward to tonight it would have been my real first date. Why did he ask me out in the first place if he never intended on going? Now I feel like shit

Edit: ok he texted back saying his mom got hurt... Literally what I don't know if I believe him

Sounds like dishonesty. Maybe he got cold feet (could be nerves or lack of interest) then made up the world's most psychopathic excuse. Maybe his Mum is hurt. Doubt it though.

Btw don't feel like shit please, he's the one who sounds very much like shit. Also good luck putting yourself out there, just remember to enjoy it!


Well what ended up happening is that the guy I originally invited, I got the idea that he's still at least somewhat interested in me, it's just that he doesn't like the prom atmosphere. So I invited him to see a concert of a band we both love (Car Seat Headrest ) and he said he'd go with me!

And I actually have another date for the prom. Cute twink with brown hair and blue eyes.

See, that call was hard to make, but it all worked out for the best. That's great!


So...I am analysing a spreadsheet for volunteer work where the gender column is labelled 'M/F/LBGTI' for some reason.
When I came out to my mom and she was filling out a form for her taxes a few days later, she said she didn't think there was an option for my LGBT gender so she asked what to put and I'm like???


A little surprised to see such a dismissive attitude from you two about harassment. Like, you're literally giving precedence to bigots' opinion of you over your own rights.

When you don't report harassment, it's going to continue, and it may get worse. It's going to affect other employees, later it's going to happen to people who come after you, and the behavior is going to spread the longer it goes unchecked. I'm pretty goddamn sure you wouldn't give someone a pass on the street if they were calling you slurs and grabbing you, and yet it's apparently just dandy because "what if they find out I was gay all along?!" smdh
Dismissive? I just want to minimize the bullshit in my life. Anyway, the person the "joke" was directed toward wasn't even in the room. If I'd seen direct harassment or was a target myself, then I would have taken steps with HR.

My issue is I don't want to be thought of as "that gay guy." I'm not worried about open harassment so much as being the subject of vile conversations when I'm not in the room. I don't want to be a joke. As far as I know, I'm well regarded by my co-workers at the moment. That makes work about as tolerable as a place can be when you're forced to go there and give up enormous portions of your life doing stupid shit you don't want to do.
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