Water is not wet!

In the Las Vegas metropolitan area the AM radio landscape is unfortunately what one would expect anywhere in the country. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingrahm, Michael Savage, Mark Levine, and countless other national and local ultra-right wing conservatives. There is one exception to the madness.. Las Vegas' very own candle in the dark, Doug Basham. He is a liberal talk radio host that has been on AM radio for at least 15 years. The shows timeslot is generously financed by a friend of his and he plays weekly smack dab right in the middle of ultra conservative hosts. The audience listening and calling in is extremely hostile but Doug Basham runs circles around them all owning everyone with reality and a sharp wit. To give you an idea of what a treat every Saturday is for me here is but a tiny sliver of an excerpt from last weeks show:
Doug Basham said:But I am sorry right wing nuts, while everything Liz Mair just said is 100% true, this has gone way beyond the point of mere dickishness. We have come to the point where by this is no longer a topic for debate among intelligent, patriotic Americans. In fact, this just might be your last jumping off moment, as in jumping off the Trump train. And if you dont, it wont matter if you shower five times a day for the rest of your miserable, hate-filled lives. It wont matter if you use ten brands of soap and steel wool. You will never, ever, be able to eradicate the stench you will have acquired for betraying your country so profoundly, for having been so misguided, so brainwashed, so woefully and willfully ignorant to actually support and advocate for this monumentally unqualified, embarrassing, dangerous, unhinged, narcissistic, pathological sociopath to actually become our next President.
And theres so many things we can discuss this week.. it seems almost a lifetime ago when we were chastising Trump for having committed treason. That was only last week! Only Donald Trump would be capable of relegating a story of treason to the back burner.
Every Saturday his show is on 2-4pm Pacific on AM720 if you are in southern Nevada or streaming KDWN.com. He also has years worth of shows up on his websites audio archives. There are even deeper cuts from years ago on his older, defunct website here. His Facebook page is also active and he interacts with people.
i've done a fair bit of Google searching but it seems like Doug Basham is an anomaly. Are there other liberal/progressive AM radio hosts out there in America because Basham is a-mazing and i need more than two hours per week.