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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me


I picked up the LE. I wanted to support this game, I prefer physical over digital, and now I finally get to play it!

Though I can't find the Director's Commentary anywhere. Where I download it? I didn't see it on the PSN Store.

It's coming as a patch the 25th.
Any of you with the disc version having trouble syncing your trophies?

Could indicate a separate trophy list, not sure.

Edit: seems you got it working anf it's not a separate list.


damn, shame about the LE. I was really hoping all that stuff would come out great because I love this game, but not enough to buy it twice if the LE is disappointing


Could indicate a separate trophy list, not sure.

Edit: seems you got it working anf it's not a separate list.
Yeah, seems like it was a PSN issue.

I could've sworn there was music when you drop into the game tile for the digital version but there isn't any for me with my physical install.

Finished Episode 1. Don't think I'll binge play this like I did my first time. Enjoying it all the same but being sick has drained me of energy. :(
Just found this in the mailbox!


So excited to get playing :D


Neo Member
Just found this in the mailbox!

So excited to get playing :D

Awesome! If you haven't played it get ready for one of the finest games in recent history! And if you have already played it get ready to replay one of the finest games in recent history! Can't wait to get mine. I need that Soundtrack in my veins like now! I want all the beautiful original songs composed for LiS on the ready so I don't have to rely on Youtube for them. Oh, and the licensed tracks are a plus too.
Just got the LE and I'm already feeling the buyer's remorse. I haven't opened it yet and tempted to return it to Amazon. Keep in mind that I own it on PSN already and I already have the soundtrack on Spotify. Considering that apparently the commentaries are free DLC and the book is just rehashed from the game, not sure if this was worth it in the end.
Yeah. I don't recommend this LE to anyone who isn't a huge fan of the game and who simply wants to own whatever Life is Strange stuff they can manage. It's pretty bare with such a small art book. I feel it would've been better and more worth the price if it has also come with with a 22"x30" poster.

Essentially, you're really just paying for the game and a physical copy of the soundtrack. The art book seems a bit like an afterthought. No regerts though. I'm blinded with fandom.

Only reason I'm buying it is because I want a physical copy of the game, the rest is going straight to the back of a drawer somewhere never to be seen again :p
Awesome! If you haven't played it get ready for one of the finest games in recent history! And if you have already played it get ready to replay one of the finest games in recent history! Can't wait to get mine. I need that Soundtrack in my veins like now! I want all the beautiful original songs composed for LiS on the ready so I don't have to rely on Youtube for them. Oh, and the licensed tracks are a plus too.

Nope, first playthrough. I had intended on buying it several times on the network, and it never worked out. lol So finally it is time :D

Hope you get yours soon!
Just finished chapter 1. This game has sooooooo much charm.

Love it. Wish I didn't accidentally get spoiled the number of endings of the game, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it just the same.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Looking forward to my visit to Dontnod tomorrow. I get to interview the director (Barbet) and the soundtrack producer if all goes well.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Dang, that's awesome.


I don't even know! The soundtrack itv was an extra option I got today, but I of course said yes. It could be him, because Morali is apparently Paris-based. It would be great, but it could also be someone else from the audio team.

Either way, if anyone has soundtrack-specific questions, shoot! I can always add em to my list.

That's pretty awesome. Learn neuro-linguistic programming tonight and force them to make a sequel :D

Hah, I will!


Question to those who installed the physical PS4 version...

Are you having any music play when you drop into the game tile's overview. The digital version definitely does.

Looking forward to my visit to Dontnod tomorrow. I get to interview the director (Barbet) and the soundtrack producer if all goes well.
Very cool! Good luck.
Absolutely fine. I can't imagine it running badly on anything, tbh. Well, except an Amiga.
You'd think.

After playing this on Xbox One, I bought it on 360 as well since I loved it so much. And let me tell you, this game on Xbox 360 is a mess. Simply walking or moving the camera causes the screen to tear completely in half, 100% of the time. Basically the screen is torn for the entirety of your playthrough.


Finished this a few days ago. And also watched the Giant Bomb (East) full playthrough right after, which I finished last night. Really liked it.

The only things I wish were done better were:
-the graphics/animations (would help make the performances/lines seem better, I've seen people complain about the voice acting, but honestly I think it's more about the overall performance you're seeing, the stilted animations that sometimes don't even fit with what the characters are saying makes the voice acting seem worse than it actually is)
-ep 5 (some stuff just seems like filler, unnecessary, should've been cut out)
-Endings (
one ending was fine, the other should've been more fleshed out or given as much care as the good ending

Oh and also:
tasty plasma
. That was just bad.
I don't even know! The soundtrack itv was an extra option I got today, but I of course said yes. It could be him, because Morali is apparently Paris-based. It would be great, but it could also be someone else from the audio team.

Either way, if anyone has soundtrack-specific questions, shoot! I can always add em to my list.

If you could possibly ask about synthesizers and software used aside the acoustic guitars, I would be very thankful. One way or another, good luck and hope it's really fun trip.


Hella yeah! It just arrived.

Tiny bit of a knock on the side, because Amazon thought a simple jiffy bag would be fine for international delivery, but it's alllll good.
Colors are great on this photo. I think I should buy the retail version, too.

This thread—still on my subscription list—reminds me of the emptyness that fills me, knowing Max and Chloe's journey, that started a year ago, is over :(


Artbook - yes, honestly
CD - nope, I love the music in this game.

Pretty much my thoughts on it too. I do like the art in the book but I was hoping for exclusive art I hadn't seen before personally. The CD though is almost perfect and I love having a physical copy of the game so I'm not disappointed with the LE whatsoever overall.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
If you could possibly ask about synthesizers and software used aside the acoustic guitars, I would be very thankful. One way or another, good luck and hope it's really fun trip.

I'm back. Turns out it was Jonathan who'd be available for itv's, but his baby girl got sick, so he had to cancel. So that was a bummer. We got a tour of the studio, then did the itv with the director + producer, which unfortunately had to be a group talk because of time constraints. Only had half an hour for the interview. It's a shame it was a bit rushed, but I had a good time. The director's eyes lit up when I told him I also played and enjoyed Remember Me.

And now for the part where I make you guys jealous... I got the OST on vinyl.

Just got an email from GAME saying that they don't have enough stock to cover my order, cancelled it and ordered from Amazon instead. How hard is it to cover off your preorders?


I'm sad I had to cancel my LE preorder. Had a rather huge expense a month ago and had to cancel it. :(

Looks like Dontnod and SE came through though. The LE's look great. :)


Damn, got the LE today and just finished Episode 1.
Shame I have to prepare an exam for monday or I would play the hell out of it all weekend! Seems like a great experience and I love the setting and the soundtrack.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Dude that looks amazing. Please tell me it will be for sale eventually. Or hell, even the CD soundtrack.

I have no idea, should've asked. Here's hoping they will put it out at some point!

What they did say is that after the LE sells out, the game will be released in a regular case. So they'll continue to put physical versions out there even after this LE.
I'm back. Turns out it was Jonathan who'd be available for itv's, but his baby girl got sick, so he had to cancel. So that was a bummer. We got a tour of the studio, then did the itv with the director + producer, which unfortunately had to be a group talk because of time constraints. Only had half an hour for the interview. It's a shame it was a bit rushed, but I had a good time. The director's eyes lit up when I told him I also played and enjoyed Remember Me.

And now for the part where I make you guys jealous... I got the OST on vinyl.

Oh sweet momma, gimme. Congrats!

My LE still not arrived. Harrumph.
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