Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii | Review Thread


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HRK69 HRK69 laughed at my dog ruining my playthrough so now we are enemies.
Kendrick Lamar GIF by SZA


I'm enjoying it, but it does still feel more like Infinite Wealth DLC than its own game.

Say what you want about Dead Souls, but it wasn't an expansion pack.
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I've played until reaching Honolulu... which took me around 6 hours since I want to explore everything, collect all loot (even if it respawns) and participate in every minigame. :)

I'm liking it so far, including the new cast. I have to admit the graphics can be underwhelming and somehow I didn't have that problem when I played Infinite Wealth. The grassy surfaces can have flat low-quality textures, some character models lack details and the ship doesn't ride the waves in a realistic looking way. Plus I think that the framerate can drop a bit sometimes during storms (playing on PS5).
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I'm enjoying it, but it does still feel more like Infinite Wealth DLC than its own game.

Say what you want about Dead Souls, but it wasn't an expansion pack.
From my observation, this is the new norm for the series. mainline -> gaiden/spinoff -> mainline -> gaiden/spinoff.

Like a Dragon Gaiden was also small scaled.


I think what people are noticing (at least me), is that they seem to be reusing many of the same sound effects, and animations from the prior games. That to me, when noticeable makes it look like they're not putting as much effort in some areas?
I love this about the series. A lot of the reused music and animations etc gives the series this grounded one-world feel.

I was doing a substory yesterday where upon finishing it the touching story theme played while the characters were talking while something hilarious was happening in the background.

I also love seeing so many returning faces and gags from previous entries. It feels like this series, more than any I’ve ever played, really rewards the player for doing sub stories through the games.


I’m having so much fun with this game. I just got to the arcade in the mall and found the arcade. The thing is, every emulated game I play is in slow motion. I think when you run this game in 4k, it borks them-even the Master System games. Running a 4070TI, so this game ain’t pushing that hard.
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Gold Member
Just started mine, played for a little over an hour. I'm having a good time so far. Majima is such a likeable character. The others in the cast seem good so far, too. I found a couple of the scenes touching or charming. Combat is fun, as always. I'm trying to get a feel for the aerial combat.

I hope the "collect-grow-harvest-cook" loop doesn't get too old. They made the cooking part fun, at least.


Gold Member
The 7 golden ball were in LAD Gaiden: TMWEHN, too. I didn't collect them, so I never found out what the payoff was.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Where is my legendary outfit pack?

I've got to chapter 2 there is fuck all I can get changed into...

EDIT: Nothing that looks legendary anyway.

EDIT2: There are no legendary outfits to change into
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I reached the point where side quests are available.
Good bye main story for a dozen hours.
And karaoke. :)

I like how this game quickly recaps all of the collectibles & activities related to map exploration (like finding tickets or taking photos). Won't have to redo exploring the map to find the new ones.
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Mhmmm 2077

So my main issue with y8 was how you couldn't say hi to the NPCs while driving that thing and here they "fixed" it, which is awesome, no longer have to step down from the vehicle to wave to others.
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3 months ago i saw some site that i forget said the game is just 15 hours but its not

Same as previous yakuza games i prefer doing side quests more than the main story line

PS4 load times are very long , but i am grateful that RGG studio still supports PS4 for the fans :messenger_smiling_hearts:

Personal Rant : i am not a fan of turned based system in Yakuza 7 and Infinite Wealth thus Pirate Hawaii is a day one for me , i will get both titles when i get a PS5 in the near future
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Gold Member
3 months ago i saw some site that i forget said the game is just 15 hours but its not

Same as previous yakuza games i prefer doing side quests more than the main story line

That's good to hear. I heard a reviewer say it was "15+ hours." Based on the Steam thread, that estimate sounds very misleading, unless you put heavy emphasis on the plus symbol. People in the thread are reporting being at 15-20 hours while still in Chapter 2 or 3.

You can probably get through it in 15 hours if you blow through the main story and ignore most of the side content (which is probably how the reviewer played it, to get his review out quickly). But no Yakuza fan would play the game that way. You might skip some/most minigames (I do), but skipping most of the side content is unthinkable.


I am currently at 13h ingame time, still in chapter 2. I am guessing at the end of it, just need to trigger the next one, but I am just running around the city, doing side content.

I gotta say, the "Copirate Compliance" substory alone is worth getting this game for.
As a corporate wageslave myself, this shit had me rolling.


Lol, ok, I underestimated chapter 2 lenght. I am now at 15.5h and its not over and things just got more complicated.
I feel it's gonna be another 100h game for me.
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20 hours in.

I think I enjoy this much more than Infinite Wealth mainly due to less bloat and real time combat. Pity it is a side story.
I think Sega has to review their decision for the main games. I don't hate the turn based system but real time fits better these games.

Don't worry about length and content.
Tons and tons of stuff to do. 40 to 50 hours for completionists I believe.


I greatly enjoy this video game. The combat could be better, that’s my only complaint.

I love how dense Yaluza games are. There’s always a new thing around the corner and there’s a ton of heart and soul in everything.
They crank them shits out too. (not a dig btw)

RGG acts like old gen’s when we’d get 5-6 games from a studio during the gen, unlike this “best we can do is a remaster from last gen and 1 new game” from western AAAs now
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Gold Member
I take back my complaint about the combat. I finally got the hang of it and it functions better as you unlock things.

I need to play more Yakuza...
breaking bad jeans GIF


This game is absurd in all the best ways

I also usually play all the games with Japanese audio but wanted to check out Mercier’s performance - he delivers in spades.


Spent idk how much time just running around Hawaii collecting bounties. Got over 100k. Its rare i care about how my character looks...but ive bought a LOT of clothes. And some expensive rings. Upgraded my cannons to laser.

Absolutely amazing!


So... I'll try to be as generic as I can. But at one point, a side mission opens. One of your crewmates, basically trying to hook him up with some girls. And in order to do so, you must complete many side activities.

Fucking do it. I don't think I've laughed as hard in a long time at the eventual outcome. It kinda does take it too far with the FMV, but OTOH, you don't see it coming. It's just... quintessential Yakuza. Taking too much time with the joke, but at the same time, oh so incredible.


Gold Member
Haven’t started the final chapter yet since it’s the point of no return. Taking my time to experience the rest of the content while I upgrade my shit. Very good game.


Seems like I'm about to be able to start upgrading and altering my ship. Just gotta go to some karaoke bar in Honolulu. Stopped playing outside where I have to be.
Games keeps on giving and I wonder if it will become a little easier/faster to get points so I can get more upgrades all around.

a'la mode

While IW was brilliant, this one is a solid 7 from me; Noah is really annoying, the naval sections are boring as the map is just empty, naval battles get boring and tedious quickly as they are not fun but escaping comes at a major morale hit so you're kind of forced into them anyway, it doesn't really have great setpiece fights, and the new music is a letdown. Still okay for a playthrough though, and Majima is one of my fav characters in the franchise.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Quick question. I have this installed on the PS5 Pro - should there be any settings (as it says its is Pro enhanced) that I need to change so that I'm getting the best experience or is this an automatic thing?

There is no favour resolution or favour graphics options if that is supposed to be there?
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Quick question. I have this installed on the PS5 Pro - should there be any settings (as it says its is Pro enhanced) that I need to change so that I'm getting the best experience or is this an automatic thing?

There is no favour resolution or favour graphics options if that is supposed to be there?
I could not find one. It is in the list of supported games, but I have no clue what it does.


I could not find one. It is in the list of supported games, but I have no clue what it does.
I played this on PS5 basic, but... look around hair in any cutscene with even a moderate amount of contrast. If it doesn't look like complete ass, then you're probably either using PSSR or a higher resolution.

(FSR4 may be great, who knows, but FSR 1 to 3 suck ass with anything remotely transparent)


Finished it after 31 hours.

Initial impressions were very strong and I spent almost 16h in the first 2 chapters, doing all the available side stuff.

In ch3 and ch4 it unfortunately falls off the cliff. You are constanly running around, just to speak to one npc and then go back.

The Minami Girls subquest was... uhhh... strange, let's say that.

Worst of all, the game is WAAAY too easy on normal difficulty. In previous yakuza games every story boss had a ton of health and hit like a truck. In this one you just shrug everything off and your damage is also too high. I did not even do the last round of health/power upgrades, there was no point in that.
Only the very last boss was on par with older yakuzas, but even he was too easy.
I should have played on Hard, I guess.

Pivoting to a certain other character at the very ending is also very strange to me.
Let the man die, ffs, stop dragging him to spinoffs!

Started off as a solid 9, finished as a 7, unfortunately.

I should go replay Kiwami duo.


I played this on PS5 basic, but... look around hair in any cutscene with even a moderate amount of contrast. If it doesn't look like complete ass, then you're probably either using PSSR or a higher resolution.

(FSR4 may be great, who knows, but FSR 1 to 3 suck ass with anything remotely transparent)
Hair looked good on the pro.
My only complaint about graphics was one island battle under heavy rain, the whole scene was very unpleasant to look at, seems like rain ruined the antialiasing there.
Some shimmering in Madlantis, but nothing too bad.


This is a real-time combat RPG with dozens of enemies on the screen at once, Infinite Wealth is a turn-based JRPG.
Of course this game was going to look worse.


Gold Member
I'm seeing a lot of "cozy game" elements - collecting ingredients, planting, harvesting, and cooking; giving gifts to your crewmates to boost their mood; chatting with your mates to build bonds between you; waving to people and building your "friends list," photo contests, etc. Also, the tone of the game (so far, anyhow) is whimsical, frivolous, childlike. Noah and the cute little tagalong pet add to this feeling. Combat also seems easier than normal, although maybe it'll get harder later in the game.

It's more frivolous, social, and collectathony/tickboxy than I'd like. I kind of wish it would kick into gear already. Where's my melodrama? But I'm in Hawaii, so I'm going with the flow. (For reference, I'm about 9 hours in, so these are early impressions.)
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Mr Branding

13 hrs in and I kind of have mixed feelings on this purchase. Game is mid at best, there is some fun to be had and some moments are really cool/funny but overall I feel this is a 40$ game.
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Gold Member
still not sure should i get this or upcoming wreckfest 2 , but at least this doesnt have turnbased combat :sick:
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