Most devs won't trust us with their source code, let alone interns or students.
There's an issue inherent with needing to be compliant with Sony's certification requirements. Bootleggers don't have to adhere to those requirements and can jerryrig whatever launchers they want together. A Vita game must be a single PKG file to be put on a cartridge so the launcher has to wrap all the individual games into a single PKG. I don't think it is possible to have a PKG that contains other PKG files - so the solution to this is not easy. I certainly don't know how to approach it. The long and the short is that it's not an easy thing to do and I don't expect many developers to attempt it when some are already concerned with the super minimal effort required for an individual release.
There's also an issue with Vita carts only being able to store a max of 4GB (Sony does not manufacture bigger carts).
In any case, I'm not speaking for all our current and future developers here. Some will probably be willing to put the work into creating a compilation. It just comes down to how much time they're willing to invest in building a release for us.
4GB only? That's not very much... In theory, can they be bigger?