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Lindsay Lohan punched in the face for after accusing couple of child trafficking


She really should just stick to saving her career.

Lindsay Lohan wins the most bizarre video of the month ... as she accuses parents of trafficking her children and then gets punched in the face.

Lindsay, who was in Moscow, gets out of her car and approaches the family -- 2 boys and their parents. She says they're Syrian refugees who need help.

Then it turns ... LiLo accuses them of trafficking their kids, as she speaks in both English and Arabic. At one point she says, "You're ruining Arabic culture."

After tailing the family for a bit and trying to take the children, you see the mother snap and attack Lindsay, socking her in the face.

The vid ends with a tearful Lindsay saying she was trying to save the boys.



Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Has she turn to Islam yet?
Last I heard of her she was on UK TV talking about turning to Islam.
She's a complete wacko, I don't understand what happened to her.
How did she go from

To this.
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Fuck, Lindsay Lohan used to be so damn hot. The last issue of Playboy I've ever purchased was the one with her in it. Now she's a bigger mess than Tila Tequila.


She seriously expected to walk up to them and take their kids away? That's so bizarre. Even some of her followers on Instagram were telling her to stop.


Lindsay Lohan eh. This is the same Lindsay Lohan who told people to stop bullying President Trump and start supporting him. The same so called Republian who "supported" Mitt Romney. Wake up sheeple. This so called Reptilian is a Commie spy.
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They are the bard's selling us a tale.
Yeah, but that doesn't excuse the idiots who latch on to it.

If a person is so hungry for their quippy appeal to authority, go spend $2 on a dusty old copy of Dictionary of Quotations by Bergens Evans and you have (superficial) access to quotes by Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare, Plato, and countless others.

At least then you can sound smart.

Parroting a celebrity is like having too many bumper stickers on the back of your car.

Mr Hyde

It´s sad to see such a beautiful and talented woman like Lindsay Lohan turn into a complete wreck, embarrassing herself like this.


Gold Member
Yeah, but that doesn't excuse the idiots who latch on to it.

If a person is so hungry for their quippy appeal to authority, go spend $2 on a dusty old copy of Dictionary of Quotations by Bergens Evans and you have (superficial) access to quotes by Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare, Plato, and countless others.

At least then you can sound smart.

Parroting a celebrity is like having too many bumper stickers on the back of your car.

Of course, that is why there is that old saying, careful of the bard's tale.
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Lindsay Lohan eh. This is the same Lindsay Lohan who told people to stop bullying President Trump and start supporting him. The same so called Republian who "supported" Mitt Romney. Wake up sheeple. This so called Reptilian is a Commie spy.
Stop embarrassing yourself


I think Lindsey was trying to demonstrate that she is getting her life in control and doing great things to people around her. She was streaming her actions on live camera and it didn't worked well.

Honestly, I was hoping that this family would accept her generous offer and kids would spent a night in a comfy hotel.

It made me sad to see how Lindsey was crying at the end of the video, because she failed her mission of making poor kids happy.
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I feel sorry for her, because she was famous and seems a decent person in teenage, but she ruined not only his career ,also his person and its is very desperate to stream this and even worse drunk.

But if was me and she say about my kids.. i report her to the police.


Nah, this is prototypical Hollyweirdo savior complex at work. It's like Angelina Jolie and Madonna had a baby.
Nah, this is just very typical labeling someone as something you dont like, even when it makes no sense, when they do something stupid.

Lindsay Lohan is friends with Tiffany Trump, defended Donald Trump, and endorsed Romney.

But .....yeah .....sure .....shes part of the "Left".
ArabGAF, is she speaking Arabic well? She seems to have developed an accent.

Her heart was in the right place but she went about it all wrong. Sad video all around.


Gold Member
ArabGAF, is she speaking Arabic well? She seems to have developed an accent.

Her heart was in the right place but she went about it all wrong. Sad video all around.

I don't speak Arabic, but it sounds like she's just making weird noises. Like the Arabs on South Park or Team America.


So what I get from the video is that she saw a family with children on the streets, she approaches them to ask their story and then offers to put them up in a hotel for the night. The family start packing up their stuff and it looks like they're gonna come with her but rather than following her they just walk on (maybe they don't fully understand and think that she is just trying to move them along rather than put them up in a hotel?)

It then looks like the family is joined by other men and Lindsay assumes that because they don't want to take her up on her offer of help that they are actually trafficking children? Not sure how she makes this leap but I'm assuming that she believes that any mother, sleeping rough with children on the street, would jump at the opportunity to put their children in a hotel for the night rather than sleeping rough?

Maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Either way her heart seem to be in the right place...her brain on the other hand does not. Thats probably not the best way to go about offering people help. At least bring a translator with you if you plan on pulling a crazy stunt like that.

Would still fuck her silly given the chance.


Seen her trending on twitter yesterday morning and thought what could be the issue now - and this bullshit. How could this have gone for her in her head? She just walks off into the darkness with some kids she doesn't know? I agree she used to be an unfathomably pretty girl and now it's all melted down into this shit. Makes me wonder if a shit bag like me can rise up in the same fashion and kick ass - doubt it but at least we have herbie era lohan subreddits.


ArabGAF, is she speaking Arabic well? She seems to have developed an accent.

Her heart was in the right place but she went about it all wrong. Sad video all around.

A couple of people on Reddit who speak Arabic as their native language said that there were 1 or 2 Arabic words in there, but not used in their proper context, and the rest was just made up shit.

There's this too.....

I feel bad for her, cos it seems like drink/drugs have fucked her up.
Just forget all that horrible nonsense and remember the Lindsay of yesteryear:


I have no issue with trying help others if you can that what living is about but if they don't want your help there is nothing can do, you need to back off.


I have no issue with trying help others if you can that what living is about but if they don't want your help there is nothing can do, you need to back off.
She has no idea how to really help these people, especially being in russia. Was she really gonna put them in a hotel and let them apply for refugee status in the EU or US and feed and pay their rent until they got approved?

She should have just left them with money. Instead she thought she could help just by offering a hotel. As if a weeks warms nights sleep would have done the trick. Helping a refugee family is a big undertaking and she can't even take care of her own dogs.
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