Chuck Berry
Gold Member
What did you think of Overflow? It's very different from ATS, but it's definitely the most experimental/electronic song on the album.
Yeah I like that one too for sure
What did you think of Overflow? It's very different from ATS, but it's definitely the most experimental/electronic song on the album.
I had never even really heard Hahn or Dave talk before. Good shit mayne.
Linkin Park has traditionally been so varied with their albums' overall sound that every release since their inception basically has had a portion of the fanbase claim they're sellouts.
But it's very rare for a female vocal to do well, I only remember Candice from Eths and Angela/Alice from Arch Enemy (Metal depends more on that).
First listening was kinda disappointing, guess The Emptiness Machine and Heavy is the crown were indeed perfectly chosen to put the bar very high. Though after a few listens it's getting there alright, time will tell whether it sticks for now. But must admit for me Minutes to Midnight was pretty meh back in the day only hit harder than ever many years later.
If they do another video for this album, this needs to be it. Song makes me want to drop kick babies (jk).I Gave You Everything I Had is fucking![]()
Yeah Overflow is definitely that Thousand Suns energy
Dude, I was so "....what? lol," when I first heard it, but the production, like you said, very ATS. Has that spacey ethereal vibe that kind of floats over the beat. And then it builds the whole song and the last segment is like full band straight rock with little elements of electronic and trip hop and like....
GOD. This is what LP does. Like clockwork, without missing a beat. Seven years gone and they come back with essentially ten punches in the throat. So brief that initially you're shell shocked kind of, but they pack so fucking much into three and a half minute songs that you can pick up new things years later. Hell, I've discovered new things in Hybrid Theory just from listening to it on different sound systems. They're like a commercial rock band until you get close and realize it's a bunch of really cool eclectic genres arranged to look like a commercial rock band. I mean, yes, they're commercial regardless, but someone knows what I mean.
100%. Thousand Suns might be the outlier, but I do think the band works best when the albums are these short and intense, contained focused explosions one after another. It's a very "back in the saddle" record. Gotta get people re-familiarized before really blowing everyone's nuts off in '27 or '28 or whenever the follow up drops.
Overflow has a bunch of Massive Attack in it as well which is fuckin fantastic
You hear about all these artists that influence(d) the band over the years, and it's kind of like "Yeah, I can see it...."
But it's really fucking cool when you can HEAR it. They're base sound is a bunch of genres mixed into rock, and I'm sure that has elements of a million artists they grew up listening to, but there's a lot here in the new album where you can specifically point to influences, like Massive Attack for Overflow, or the triplet flow in Good Things Go bridge being a distinctly modern verse. Lots of really cool references to artists and genres while still having really cool references to their own past work. Album totally feels like some schizophrenic holiday where you wake up on Christmas morning and do an Easter egg hunt.
Speaking of easter eggs, there is one at the end of Overflow. When you hear the Walkman closing, the beginning of the Xero song "Fuse" plays for barely over a second before leading into Two Faced lol
I think the little intro riff with the flanger pedal at the beginning of Good Things Go sounds like the beginning of a Cranberries song from 1993![]()
I'm sorry, but this is really bad, you have the same problem as Emily. To make a good scream, it is necessary not to overdo the highs, otherwise it will become irritating.
See Candice in Eths.
They're live streaming the first 6 songs of their Sao Paulo show:
Here's the television stream recording of the entire event.
I need that IGYEIH live performance asap
Proof positive the pendulum keeps swinging. People are fucking thirsty for this type of rock music and this album proves LP can provide that still even after seven years.
Crazy good times we in
I can't believe they're playing one stop on the UK and like 5 in Germany wtf?
No way is linkin park bigger in Germany than UK.
Also fuck modern pricing for artists at arenas. Me and my friend attempt to get tickets for London show and all that was left were shit like 250 each and 500 each for standing...
It's not that hard to believe that their German fanbase is bigger than their UK fanbase. Every third German I know has listened to them or is still listening to them lol.I can't believe they're playing one stop on the UK and like 5 in Germany wtf?
No way is linkin park bigger in Germany than UK.
Also fuck modern pricing for artists at arenas. Me and my friend attempt to get tickets for London show and all that was left were shit like 250 each and 500 each for standing...
Its better and more LP than the last 3 albums they put out. Especially that dog shit One More Light that has maybe 2 "OK" songs.the album is ok but not that great. i was expecting better.
Architects opening for Linkin Park. What a world.
I can't believe they're playing one stop on the UK and like 5 in Germany wtf?
No way is linkin park bigger in Germany than UK.
I'm not suggesting Linkin Park should open for Architects. I love both bands, but Linkin Park is exponentially bigger. I'm saying I think it's cool that Architects got the opportunity to do it.LP is an older band, more established, and has bazillion more sales and mainstream appeal. Architects make jent metalcore chaotic music in an oversaturated genre where everyone sounds the same. Even Bring Me The Horizon would be opening for LP. Linkin is hundreds of times a more popular band, of course they are going to be opening for them and not the other way around. Architects had their first arena tour like 1 year ago lol, LP was doing arenas since 2001.
Ahhh ok my bad. I thought you went the other way and meant Architects are too good to be opening for LPI'm not suggesting Linkin Park should open for Architects. I love both bands, but Linkin Park is exponentially bigger. I'm saying I think it's cool that Architects got the opportunity to do it.
I was looking at their first show in LA and saw the same prices when the tickets dropped. Checked again like 2 hours before the show and floor tickets were going for $70. Kinda regret not pulling the trigger.Also fuck modern pricing for artists at arenas. Me and my friend attempt to get tickets for London show and all that was left were shit like 250 each and 500 each for standing...
Overflow is really starting to grow on me, it might just be my favorite track of the album right now
I doLets be real. No old school LP fan cares about the new shit.