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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Brettison said:


So I made a separate thread, but I got a Cr-48 from google yesterday and this afternoon decided I'd try out the 3g which is 100 megs free per month for 2 years through this google/verizon deal. Now you had to sign up and activate service with a credit card just for validation. That all worked fine, but then it kicked me back to the sign up page again despite getting a confirmation e-mail on my phone. The e-mail had a tech support number.

So I called and did the prompts. Eventually got a chick on the phone to actually help me.

She wanted me to use the shortcut keys which gets you into the chrome os terminal. I was like oh shit real deal fixing here nix style. LOL@the girl on the phone. So she tells me to type modem status and read the Gobi # which I do. Then she has me type this long as thing to try and manually activate. Well back up 1st we did a battery reset as that sometimes fixes things.

Anyways she was dumb because she said type modem status which worked, and I tried typing in just modem and it gave me terminal commands for modem. The big line though which I found out later was instructions from google she said they had to follow which keyed me in she was clueless was a cluster fuck. 1st time failed, but I told her hey no biggie it's over the phone and I could have miss typed or miss heard. We went back over it and tried another command to reset. None of that all worked.

I noticed something after she had a conference with her manager while they put me on hold. Her long string started Modem which I caught during the hold. She made me type modem status before, but not she wants me to type Modem. So finally I was like yo chicka linux systems rely heavily on upper and lower case. It had kept giving me a "modem unknown command" or something. This was when she said she had to follow the instructions. I was like yo it's ALWAYS gonna fail cause the command modem and the commands I can use when I type modem are always lower case. The file structure has to be typed right for upper and lower case but this has to be lower.

I was like yo give me the whole line again, but I'll use my own judgement thanks on the upper and lower. 1st it was weird, but then we rebooted and tried to factory reset with the lower case. I was like hey no error code that time doing it my way. Still didn't work but I figured hey maybe the manual activation string will work now. Tried that, and boom no error! Did a reboot, and bam it activated.

Hope she either corrected her sheet or told her boss yo whoever type or wrote this shit down for us = failboat. LOL She was cool though obviously frustrated cause my call was a long one. I apologized for it being such a hassle and she was cool. Still my nix sensibilities came into real world use again today!

Go go Linux GAF!!!

Hey at least they gave you support instead of saying "lin..what? R U a hacker? You need windows to use your router. Linwhatever is shit and never works anywhere."

It's not really a cult if its the right way to do things, is it?

Don't look at me, I'm a nano follower. Simple text editing done rigth!


The only time I've used nano was when I was doing the Gentoo install (since it didn't seem to have vim and I would never lower myself to checking to see if there was Emacs).

It was alright, I guess.

Seriously, no one uses vim here? I am disappoint


zoku88 said:
The only time I've used nano was when I was doing the Gentoo install (since it didn't seem to have vim and I would never lower myself to checking to see if there was Emacs).

It was alright, I guess.

Seriously, no one uses vim here? I am disappoint

I use visudo if that helps...and I hate it the whole 30 seconds I have to try to remember which complicated combination of shortcuts I have to press so my Pc doesn't blow up :p


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Anyone else find the "grabbable borders" of windows too small in the default Ubuntu theme these days? It's like you have exactly one pixel to grab which makes me miss it quite often when I want to resize stuff. It's been bothering me for a while now, is there any way to change it? Am I the only one bothered by it?

zoku88 said:
Seriously, no one uses vim here? I am disappoint
Well I started trying it out yesterday after your comments. So far it's quite nice, I've done some tutorials and stuff.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble with those borders.

@peakish : Good man, even if you don't end up liking it.


I know enough vim to search, duplicate lines, delete lines, and save a file. Thats pretty much all I need to know, but sometimes it weirds me out how a normal command, like i to insert and start typing, will on some terminals start entering in bizarre data instead. That's when I just open the file using the text editor built into WinSCP and edit it normally :p


zoku88 said:
@peakish : Good man, even if you don't end up liking it.
If it'll help me use the mouse less when TeXing I'll probably love it. If not, at least I'm having a blast right now reading the users manual, seeing a lot of promise and trying things out. Experimenting with stuff is probably one of the things I love most with computers.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Only one more day... shit basically right before the super bowl... and boom...

After years in the making we finally get a new version of the master race Debian 6!


markot said:
Definately, its weird how accurate you need to be to grab the borders >.<

Alt + left click lets you resize the windows from anywhere :D

Also, sees to be fixed on natty!



Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Just decided to try out the web app version of Jolicloud on my Chrome OS netbook. So far so good though since it's a web app obviously it's slightly gimped. I like how it has support for things like dropbox built in. Plus I like how it'll pull stuff from your local drives though obviously again I can't do that right now.

It seems to fix the few small gripes I have with chrome os currently though. Mainly I want a 90% cloud os but with an option to pull some stuff to the cloud from local storage + an option for local storage for music verses cloud streaming.


I was thinking of replacing the OS on my netbook (Ubuntu) with something else, but I haven't decided.

I was looking into Jolicloud, but that's mainly a cloud OS, right? Usually, when I use my netbook, I'm on a plane or an airport where I may not have network access. Would it be bad for that?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
zoku88 said:
I was thinking of replacing the OS on my netbook (Ubuntu) with something else, but I haven't decided.

I was looking into Jolicloud, but that's mainly a cloud OS, right? Usually, when I use my netbook, I'm on a plane or an airport where I may not have network access. Would it be bad for that?

I might not go that route, BUT unlike Chrome OS Joli seems to have some local storage stuff to. It would just depend on what you do on your netbook when it's well not online. Obviously you can set stuff like google docs to offline mode. Joli just tries to treat online and offline apps the same so google docs looks just like vlc. One is obviously a cloud app and one a local app. So yeah you can do local app stuff unlike chrome OS which is the one Chrome OS downfall.

You can always test run it on a usb stick or else just install the free web app version in chrome. You can then see all of the features it has even if you can't use them all really.


zoku88 said:
I was thinking of replacing the OS on my netbook (Ubuntu) with something else, but I haven't decided.

I was looking into Jolicloud, but that's mainly a cloud OS, right? Usually, when I use my netbook, I'm on a plane or an airport where I may not have network access. Would it be bad for that?
All apps, settings and files are saved locally, the cloud lets you sync stuff between computers though, I think. Unless you install cloud specific software, of which a lot is available.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
zoku88 said:
I guess I could always try it then.

Just try out a live version on a spare usb stick. Then you can test it out in full without having to install if you dislike things!!


I used to have eeebuntu on my netbook (asus eee700). I got tired of it, switched to jolicloud recently and I like it.

I mostly do web browsing, play music and write/edit small documents, so it fits.
So I tried reinstalling Ubuntu via Wubi, but than AVG Anti-Virus notification popped up stating that it was installing malware (wat?). So I asked it to quarentine it now I get this shit everytime I try to install:


I go to the directory it says and delete the file, but everytime I install it it just makes another one!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
You probably have to somehow un quarantine it in AVG somehow to get around this.

Also what happened to your earlier problem with Ubuntu? Is this why you are doing another install?

No offense Flying but damn man you have more problems! LOL
Brettison said:
You probably have to somehow un quarantine it in AVG somehow to get around this.

Yep. Just figured it out and it worked.

Brettison said:
Also what happened to your earlier problem with Ubuntu? Is this why you are doing another install?

Brettison said:
No offense Flying but damn man you have more problems! LOL

Just going to do a reinstall.
Brettison said:
Hate on me, but knowing you umm don't touch anything. :p

What? Oh come on. All I did was simply use update manager. People in this thread have said it's a common problem.

It's not like I messed with permissions or anything, I just did a simple update and POOF Ubuntu gone!

It was Grub right?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Flying_Phoenix said:
What? Oh come on. All I did was simply use update manager. People in this thread have said it's a common problem.

It's not like I messed with permissions or anything, I just did a simple update and POOF Ubuntu gone!

It was Grub right?

I honestly can't remember. If it was a Wubi install though yeah updates sometimes bork grub. You can usually fix that by just replacing the one grub file in windows in the right directory and shit goes back to normal.

Sorry don't mean to hate. Just thought it was funny that's all. I love you Flying! <3
Brettison said:
You can usually fix that by just replacing the one grub file in windows in the right directory and shit goes back to normal.

Really? Where?

Brettison said:
Sorry don't mean to hate. Just thought it was funny that's all. I love you Flying! <3

I knew you were. I love you too Bret! <3 XOXO


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm not saying this is your problem, but I've had this happen to me before with Grub updates combined with wubi.

Ubuntu Forums Post

I just googled around and found the same fix. It's all over the web if you just google it. I'm not sure if that is an up to date file or not on the forms or if that really matters, but there ya go! :p
Brettison said:
I'm not saying this is your problem, but I've had this happen to me before with Grub updates combined with wubi.

Ubuntu Forums Post

I just googled around and found the same fix. It's all over the web if you just google it. I'm not sure if that is an up to date file or not on the forms or if that really matters, but there ya go! :p

I don't google stuff because than this thread gets less posts. We are so close to crossing the 4 digit barrier and officially becoming a megathread!


Hey, any of you able to download the Spotify for Linux Preview?

I followed the instructions but it says that there's something wrong with Spotify's repository. Not sure if it's just me.


Sorry, Spotify isn't even available in my country, so I can't help.

Anyone use Linux with AMD cards? I've heard it's awful, but is it really true? It seems like it might be a pain to have AMD cards accelerate video too...


Threi said:
wondered but forgot to ask: how do you adjust the panel so that it stays on the top right side only? And more specifically what is that panel skin?

its called wingpanel. It's still on alpha I believe.


zoku88 said:
Sorry, Spotify isn't even available in my country, so I can't help.

Anyone use Linux with AMD cards? I've heard it's awful, but is it really true? It seems like it might be a pain to have AMD cards accelerate video too...
My HTPC uses an AMD card, and XBMC has no problems rendering. HD Sound also works as expected over HDMI.


Please help me with my bad english
zoku88 said:
Sorry, Spotify isn't even available in my country, so I can't help.

Anyone use Linux with AMD cards? I've heard it's awful, but is it really true? It seems like it might be a pain to have AMD cards accelerate video too...
The AMD drivers have gotten better recently. Video acceleration is not free of bugs but it works well for the most part. A tearing-free functionality was just implemented 2-3 weeks ago.


zoku88 said:
Sorry, Spotify isn't even available in my country, so I can't help.

Anyone use Linux with AMD cards? I've heard it's awful, but is it really true? It seems like it might be a pain to have AMD cards accelerate video too...
I actually switched from Nvidia to AMD/ATI because I liked the stability of of the non-proprietary radeon drivers. Nvidia is what I'd been using for years (before last year I never used an ATI) but their stubbornness in keeping drivers closed led me to abandon ship. As for video acceleration Nvidia cards are still king for HTPCs (my XBMC box uses an integrated Nvidia chipset) with vdpau being supported by a ton of different programs.


Thanks for the input, guys. I've been thinking of building a new rig sometime.

angelfly said:
I actually switched from Nvidia to AMD/ATI because I liked the stability of of the non-proprietary radeon drivers. Nvidia is what I'd been using for years (before last year I never used an ATI) but their stubbornness in keeping drivers closed led me to abandon ship. As for video acceleration Nvidia cards are still king for HTPCs (my XBMC box uses an integrated Nvidia chipset) with vdpau being supported by a ton of different programs.
The nvidia proprietary driver seem lightyears ahead of nouveau (i think its called). Out of curiosity, is it the same for the AMD side or are they roughly equal?


I love this thread. I've never seen it before, though, which is weird. I guess I haven't been hanging in OT enough :|

I live in a CLI for my job (level 3 system admin) so this is all normal stuff. I've never personally been able to get anyone to make the switch to Linux, though. Maybe someday.

I run Ubuntu on my laptop. Always loved it and been very comfortable with it as it works great out of the box. I work on CentOS servers as that's the standard OS the hosting industry has adopted over the years (and is supported by CPanel).

I dabbled in Windows hosting too, and while it's come a loooong ways over the years, I still despise a GUI environment for remote administration. Shit is slow :|


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
zoku88 said:
Thanks for the input, guys. I've been thinking of building a new rig sometime.

The nvidia proprietary driver seem lightyears ahead of nouveau (i think its called). Out of curiosity, is it the same for the AMD side or are they roughly equal?

IDK... I'm into the whole FOSS thing, but it isn't a crazy religious like experience to me... so yeah I basically always install the proprietary ones. LOL


So, I compiled a snapshot of Gnome Shell. It will definitely take some time to get used to being a completely different kind of UI than any I've ever used, except for Jolicloud (which I liked as a "netbook interface"). Lags a bit much on my craptop so that'll have to wait though.


The first year or so will probably be a bit of a mess until they fix a lot of features, but that kinda goes without saying right?


zoku88 said:
Thanks for the input, guys. I've been thinking of building a new rig sometime.

The nvidia proprietary driver seem lightyears ahead of nouveau (i think its called). Out of curiosity, is it the same for the AMD side or are they roughly equal?
The proprietary drivers has slightly better power management and much better 3D peformance. Other than that I find the free drivers to be much better (no having to stick with old versions of xorg!). Phoronix actually did a pretty good comparison of the two drivers. I don't play many games but the few I do run flawless with my 4770 so if you need games you're better off with the proprietary driver.
So yeah I fixed my problem.

I just downloaded some booter management program on Windows and changed the settings to boot under "Wubi" instead of "Grub Legacy". Did all of the updates and it works fine.

Zero Hero

I'm really liking the new Ubuntu. I found a Pandora client called Pianobar that runs from the terminal. The best part is that it's ad free!!


pianobar is a console client for the personalized web radio pandora

- play and manage (create, add more music, delete, rename, ...) your stations
- rate played songs and let pandora explain why they have been selected
- show upcoming songs/song history
- configure keybindings
- last.fm scrobbling support (external application)
- proxy support for listeners outside the USA

The sourcecode can be downloaded at
http://github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar/ or http://6xq.net/0017


Brettison said:
IDK... I'm into the whole FOSS thing, but it isn't a crazy religious like experience to me... so yeah I basically always install the proprietary ones. LOL

angelfly said:
The proprietary drivers has slightly better power management and much better 3D peformance. Other than that I find the free drivers to be much better (no having to stick with old versions of xorg!). Phoronix actually did a pretty good comparison of the two drivers. I don't play many games but the few I do run flawless with my 4770 so if you need games you're better off with the proprietary driver.
Yea, I was just wondering. I usually use the proprietary drivers as well, since I can see why someone would keep the drivers for their own hardware closed sourced.

There are some things that I totally can't stand being closed, though. (like, mathematical algorithms, esp things like video, pictures and music, which are mappings from some R^n to R)

I actually play a lot of games. (Funny, most of my games work perfectly. though, the text for japanese games is a little bit bigger than it's supposed to be. Anyone play japanese games in wine?)

peakish said:
So, I compiled a snapshot of Gnome Shell. It will definitely take some time to get used to being a completely different kind of UI than any I've ever used, except for Jolicloud (which I liked as a "netbook interface"). Lags a bit much on my craptop so that'll have to wait though.


The first year or so will probably be a bit of a mess until they fix a lot of features, but that kinda goes without saying right?
Yea, i tried gnome-shell not too long ago. I kinda liked the UI, but mutter was too slow for me (I have a 7700 Go, haha.)

I'm trying to use some gnome-shell ebuilds in gentoo now, but the dependencies are hard masked, so I think I will wait. Either that, or I will pull them from the repository again.


New to ubuntu, love it, but have some questions. FYI, I used WUBI to install it next to windows or whatever (I choose between Win7 and Ubuntu upon (re)boot.

1) Why do all of my flash videos play super fast? Installing Adobe's drivers didn't work (because I have 64bit machine? I don't know) so I installed the next on on the firefox list (Gnash maybe? Sorry...). Didn't work as Firefox and/or Youtube were still asking for the plug-ins, so I restarted the system. Still nothing. I got frustrated and downloaded Google Chrome, which is what I use normally and because I remember not having to worry about the plug-ins. Flash worked, but it's sped-up. Tested on Youtube AND Newgrounds. Switched back to Firefox and the same thing is happening. Why? How can I fix it?

2) Does anyone know where I can find Wacom drivers for Intous4? Pressure sensitivity and flip-button side (I'm left handed), options panel, etc... Am I out of luck here? No biggie, I can switch back to Windows if I want to draw. :D


3) I learned how to install things through the terminal, but how do you install things already on the drive?


D-Pad said:
3) I learned how to install things through the terminal, but how do you install things already on the drive?
The three usual ways to install stuff is through the software center (or using apt-get), getting a .deb-file of the program (most programs I've installed have either been in the software center or had a .deb-file available) and running it, or compiling it. If you've downloaded a .tar.gz or similar you'll probably need to compile it - I'm no expert on this, but there's usually a readme that you can follow, often you just need to use a terminal and
sudo make 
sudo make install

Hopefully someone else can give you a better answer.


D-Pad said:
New to ubuntu, love it, but have some questions. FYI, I used WUBI to install it next to windows or whatever (I choose between Win7 and Ubuntu upon (re)boot.

1) Why do all of my flash videos play super fast? Installing Adobe's drivers didn't work (because I have 64bit machine? I don't know) so I installed the next on on the firefox list (Gnash maybe? Sorry...). Didn't work as Firefox and/or Youtube were still asking for the plug-ins, so I restarted the system. Still nothing. I got frustrated and downloaded Google Chrome, which is what I use normally and because I remember not having to worry about the plug-ins. Flash worked, but it's sped-up. Tested on Youtube AND Newgrounds. Switched back to Firefox and the same thing is happening. Why? How can I fix it?

2) Does anyone know where I can find Wacom drivers for Intous4? Pressure sensitivity and flip-button side (I'm left handed), options panel, etc... Am I out of luck here? No biggie, I can switch back to Windows if I want to draw. :D


3) I learned how to install things through the terminal, but how do you install things already on the drive?

1) No fucking idea. Seriously :D It shouldn't happen. Have you tried to totally remove flashplugin and reinstall it again:

Sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer

If that doesn't work, try adding the sevenmachines ppa which has the updates 64bit flash packages - > https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash

To add a ppa in a terminal do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-nonfree

If you do this, remember to first purge the old flashplugin installer!
Sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer

2) http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Main_Page
Should be info there regarding any wacom tablet under linux :D

3)dpkg is the package installer which the other tools like aptitude or apt-get use to install

sudo dpkg -i nameofthepackage.deb

Is there any software in Ubuntu that is dedicated to me creating my own comics?

Inkscape? No idea if there is a especialized app for that. What would the app need to do? I think comic writers just use inkscape to draw them.

Hopefully someone else can give you a better answer.

Make doesn't need sudo privileges, only make install needs them ;)


peakish said:
The three usual ways to install stuff is through the software center (or using apt-get), getting a .deb-file of the program (most programs I've installed have either been in the software center or had a .deb-file available) and running it, or compiling it. If you've downloaded a .tar.gz or similar you'll probably need to compile it - I'm no expert on this, but there's usually a readme that you can follow, often you just need to use a terminal and
sudo make 
sudo make install

Hopefully someone else can give you a better answer.

I'd personally recommend doing this instead:
auto-apt run ./configure
sudo checkinstall

Auto-apt uses apt-get to find and satisfy any dependencies. CheckInstall creates a deb and installs the program using the deb, allowing you to use apt-get later to remove it.
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