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Little Caesars Pizza crazy bread


I haven't had Little Caesars in forever. My parents would get that when I was younger and I remember always liking the crazy bread.

So I was a little let down with what I got tonight... they looked like an albino ET's fingers, with one or two being maybe 60% of the size of what I remember. Is this a sign of the times or they hired someone new?
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The size of the Crazy Bread here has also shrunk since Covid...plus they got rid of the cheese dipping sauce which makes it hard to even go back. I guess that’s how it is with inflation and wanting to cut costs.


Gold Member
I've always liked their crazy bread. I think the size depends more on who makes it. It's inconsistent and different every time. Always tastes the same, though.


im afraid its simply gotten worse over time.
your childhood nostalgia didnt lie to you, they just use cheaper,shittier ingredients now.


Everything has been shrinking in food manufacturing. Probably too late to notice differences in the supermarket now, but I remember comparing boxes of various products and finding small differences in most items. A half ounce here and an ounce there. It was probably companies' best option in terms of balance. During the actual pandemic they couldn't alarm the public with drastic increases in prices, so they initially made small increases, with minor decreases in product sizes without changing the sizes of the packaging. But they never stopped. Those changes just continued on and on. And so yeah, you come back three years later, and it can be more noticeable. It wasn't that long ago you paid $5-6 for a fast food "meal." Now, it's about $12. That's in about a 5-year span.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It isn’t what it use to be but I had some the other day and my kid ate a whole bag on the way home from school.

I think it is good but you have to have a worker be generous with the garlic sauce for it.


ChatGPT 0.1
Little Caesar’s touches on things like getting a pizza in 14 minutes, years ago they had the pretzel crust pizza that was actually good I think you get what you pay for.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Little Caesar’s touches on things like getting a pizza in 14 minutes, years ago they had the pretzel crust pizza that was actually good I think you get what you pay for.
That pretzel pizza was insane. I felt close to death when I finished it, but it was worth it.


The bread is still pretty good in Singapore. Little Caesars is actually the best fast pizza chain in the country. A large pepperoni or cheese is 10SGD and is the same size as in the US. A large from dominoes or pizza hut is like 20sgd++. Little Caesars is the only one which isn't halal. You get actual pepperoni instead of permutations of pressed turkey.
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