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Little squiggly things floating around in your vision

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For as long as I can remember, I've had these little squiggly things that float around in my vision that annoy the hell out of me. I've talked to my eye doctor before, and he called them floaters. I don't think he understood though how easily I can see them. He referred to them as those "little squiggly things that you see when you look into a bright light." Well, I can see mine on pretty much any area that isn't dark. Like the white background of this text input box is perfect. I can easily see them floating around. Another example would be looking up at the sky. Looking up at a blue sky, they are instantly viewable.

Does anyone else have these as prevalent as I describe? I would be estatic if there was some way to remove these. From what I understand, they are dead skin cells that are still in the eye someone. It seems like there should be some way to correct this.


I formed a big one in my eye like 2 years ago. I can see it as long as the room is fairly bright. But most of the time I don't notice it since I've just learned to live with it. It's part of growing older....

And no there's no real way to correct it. Supposably Laser surgery can bust them up, but there's VERY HIGH risks of fuck up.. and it doesn't get rid of them... just busts it into smaller pieces.
Some times for a few seconds something very strange happens to my vision. It is like their is glitter everywhere. Its like I see small dots everywhere that look kind of like glitter. It last for a few seconds and then it stops. This happens about 2-3 times a day and the last from about 5 - 10 seconds. Does anyone know what this is.
I have a ton of them. They are easier to see if you squint.

There are like 4 that are easily visible, and then a bunch of other little ones.

I swear, they are going to drive me insane one of these days. Whenever I'm with other people and interacting though, I usually don't notice them.
Idle Will Kill said:
I have a ton of them. They are easier to see if you squint.

There are like 4 that are easily visible, and then a bunch of other little ones.

I swear, they are going to drive me insane one of these days. Whenever I'm with other people and interacting though, I usually don't notice them.

Same here, especially when looking out of windows in the train.


For a moment I thought you meant eyeworms but I'm wrong.

Yes, I see the little cell-like things too from time to time. I also had a permanent burn-in of one of those, and it was on the bottom left of my eye. You can see it EASILY on a well lit white peice of paper. If I stared straight, then looked downwards, there was a little lag with it and I could see it. But it seems to have gone away now, but I still get minor ones from time to time.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
They're the broken down remains of the veins that used to feed blood and nutrients into your developing eyeballs when you were in your's mother's womb, it is impossible to get rid of them without getting rid of your eyes as well.


I get the same thing, my friend says I'm crazy, but I swear, it doesn't look like a dead cell.

......................\_ /..................

(the bottom sections is looped over itself)

It looks like that, but transparent and a little thicker than that. If it slides down I can usually keep it afloat for a while so long as I dart my eyes up and down to keep it within a viewable range. It'll slowly slide over my eye and I can focus on it if there's a bright light in the distance.
3pheMeraLmiX said:
It looks like that, but transparent and a little thicker than that. If it slides down I can usually keep it afloat for a while so long as I dart my eyes up and down to keep it within a viewable range. It'll slowly slide over my eye and I can focus on it if there's a bright light in the distance.

I do this all the time as mine is a basically a perfect circle, and against the bright light I can make the light look as if it's an eye ball looking around. Gosh I'm so easily entertained.


DarthWufei said:
I do this all the time as mine is a basically a perfect circle, and against the bright light I can make the light look as if it's an eye ball looking around. Gosh I'm so easily entertained.

Yea -- I used to see how long I could keep it afloat... after a while I realized that with enough practice you could keep it within the same area for quite a while, and I would have never though tmy accuracy for manipulating something that tiny would be pretty slim, but it's pretty easy to control.
I have an idea of what you're talking about. I remember during spring, I took my sister to vote (it was during the primaries) and as I sat in the car waiting for her I was staring out my opened car window into the sky, I noticed something like a scratch or blemish in my field of vision. I'd describe it as looking through a window that had a blemish on it. I rubbed my eyes but it still didn't go away. The sky was really clear also, and I remember seeing "little squiggly" things floating around.

It was the first time I noticed something like that. Overall, I have pretty good vision, so seeing all that was a real trip. It kind of freaked me out a bit actually. Haven’t seen anything like that since though. Not that I’ve tried looking for it.


They become really visible if you sit in a dark room in front of a computer screen with something white showing.

also, in the morning when you first wake up, look at the daylight going through the window and you can see them.


Tenguman said:
They become really visible if you sit in a dark room in front of a computer screen with something white showing.

This is exactly what I'm doing right now. I don't see a thing. o_O I thinK I know what you're talking about, vaguely, but i have no idea how to get those things to appear consistently. for those of you who can do it, consider yourselves lucky. :p
Ah wow, some of you can't control or make yourself see them? That's kind of interesting how it may just be a thing only certain people can do.
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