I don't really have many quirky habits or anything, but...
- I'm
incredibly self-conscious despite having no reason to be so. This mostly has to do with being self-conscious about my physical appearance, as I have no trouble speaking in front of moderately sized groups. It's weird, because I'm very good looking (by others' accounts

). Go figure.
- When I'm walking down a corridor at school or in a building or something, I'll usually walk along the right side and tap along the wall with my right hand and/or drag my right hand along the wall by my uppermost "knuckle" (digit) of the hand. Weird.
- I can do this "thing" (I'm not sure what to call it or even how to explain it) with my legs that makes it feel like all the blood comes out of my legs; it's a very odd sensation that has to be felt to be understood. I just concentrate on my legs in this weird way and this happens. This state can't be maintained for more than a few seconds, because then my legs just shiver and it forces me "out of it". It feels like the legs are literally empty-- very hard to describe. But it's
definitely a physical sensation and not just in my head. Something's going on, but who the heck knows what it is?

I can do it at will, so maybe one day when I have some money, I'll do it under an fMRI machine or something.
- I'm very good at reading people, to the point that I know when a girl likes me almost before she does. Even if it doesn't come up for years and years due to other considerations (I was dating her friend, she was shy, etc.), if I feel that a girl liked me, it has
always (as in 100% of the time) proven true somewhere down the road, if not immediately. Similarly, I can judge people's motives and general nature in such a way; only a couple of people in my life have I actually found revolting, and that's because I could literally
feel their wretched and debauched characters oozing off of them. After knowing these two for a couple of years, my suspicions were
more than confirmed, as they were two of the most "evil" people I've ever met (I shouldn't use the word "evil", but you get the idea).
- I
adore children. Perhaps some people here have picked up on that over the years if they're perceptive, but I doubt that anyone has any idea of just how much they make my day. If I'm driving around and I'm stopped at a red light, and some mother crosses the street in front of me with her toddler in tow, with their stubby little legs and disequilibrated gait, pointing and laughing at the world, my heart melts. Even if I'm driving alone, and I see a child in such a scenario, I'll say out loud "heeeeellooooo!" in this clownish voice (yes, I really shouldn't be admitting this

). Call me a
girly-man (/ahnuld) if you wish, but words really can't express how much joy suffuses me when I'm around children. Dogs have somewhat of the same effect on me, but to nowhere near that extent. Luckily, I'm still an intimidating-looking man, so I can afford to be mushy around the kids.
- I'm what you'd call a "straight arrow"; I've never so much as
tried a cigarette or any sort of illicit substance. Though I would have a glass of champagne for a toast on New Year's Eve earlier in my life, the first time I got drunk was at age 19 1/2. Yeah, I know-- you never took me for a goody-two-shoes, eh?
- I can multiply numbers in my head fairly rapidly, up to 3 digits (i.e., 468x782 etc.) I'm not nearly as good as I used to be at it, but I can still do it. Back when I was younger (age 7-10), I would play with numbers in my head on long car trips instead of just looking out the window pointlessly; this is how I developed that "skill" (if you can call it that

). When I was 9 years old, I used to
fly through problems such as these (division, too).
- I
need to read when I eat; the exception is when I'm out at a restaurant, obviously. If I'm home eating a meal or a snack, I must have something to read handy, be it a newspaper, magazine, or even some nonsense knick-knack catalog that my mother gets delivered.

My dad's the same way, but neither of us understands why we're like that.
I think that's about it...