People who stink.
How fucking hard is it to shower and brush your teeth every day.
It's none of your business where they're going.No turn signals is the biggest and obvious.
Wars have been declared for less you fucking apeGarlic.
Going into a business that has double doors. One for coming in, and one for going out. You open the in (or out) door and people who were about to use the other door stop and wait for you to come through. Sometimes even forming a line waiting on you.
Fuck you, use the other perfectly good door you lazy fuck.
This post is LIT y'all.-"lit"
-mumble rap
-songs that don't even belong existing
-entitled or rude customers or anyone really who holds that kind of attitude
-soy products
-cringeworthy commercials
-people who lack spacial awareness and just amble in the very middle of a narrow area, seem to be lost in their own little world meanwhile completely in the way of others
-Lifelight song in SSBU
-justin beiber not a single good song, complete fucking degenerate fuck up of an artist zero talent
-spike lee
-joe buddens
-people that honk at you when it's actually their fault or they are just impatient in some cases fucking despise that so much
-women who manipulate
-women who talk literally just to talk for the sake of talking and hearing themselves speak, ask the same damn questions repeatedly
-any manager in any line of work that tries to exercise power or any form of superiority in any minute way, tries to pull rank
-nagging women
Yeah exactly.Like people who threaten to leave the forum because they don't like the tags they get?
People who have a high school diploma in the US and never even figured out the difference between there/they're/their, your/you're, or who use "of" as a verb (could of, should of, ect).
Also "Who's listening in May 2020?"When you're listening to any song on Youtube and many of the comments are just "I'm here because of Stranger Things anyone else!?!?"
Also "Who's listening in May 2020?"
Also "Who's listening in May 2020?"
I'm only 15 bbut THIS is real music. No fucking Justin Bieber. Born in the wrong era.Yes that really is annoying bruh.
Someday, I swear I will snap and punch someone in the face, road rage is real guys.
the faster you go, the less you want to be the guy who loses controlTinfoil nutjobs who wanna tell me crazy shit as if it was fact.
People who can't drive. It drives (haha) me absolutely crazy. What kind of inbred do you have to be to not use your turn signals, its Literally just one little movement of one ´finger. Or to go 60 in an 80 zone.
Someday, I swear I will snap and punch someone in the face, road rage is real guys.