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Little Things/Observations That Annoy You


People who eat with their mouth open.
People who talk while eating.
People who swallos their snut instead of blowing their nose.
People who breath too loud.



Americans saying "guyses".

"I listened to you guyses talk about this"

I assume they think it's plaural for "Guys".


People who refuse to hold themselves accountable for their own actions.

Anyone who needs to be a victim 24/7, not realizing that life is a system of inputs and outputs.

People who try and convince me that their air fryer is anything more than a tiny oven with a cup you can shake and a fan.


Dont mean any offense to anyone but girls who put "she/her" in there profile when they were born female and still are female. Like..what are you doing? Same with males. Just stop. I feel like it should only be used for anyone who has done a change or identifies in a different way than they were born.
I'm not trawling though hours of Youtube videos to find instances :messenger_grinning_smiling: (You knew I wouldn't. Which is why you asked.).

Google exists. You'll find everything you need to know about "Guyses".
I knew you I knew you wouldn't? I thought maybe you had a specific example. No, I won't Google something that annoys you, because I find that annoying.


That one word in french people say wrong and it triggers me BAD. s'assir, instead of s'asseoir
Speaking of, I hate when people use "sans."

They often even use it as "minus" instead of "without" and there is a difference. I don't know why people think it sounds smart to say sans in the first place.


When someone steals my snacks without my permission even though I never told them it was mine to begin with...
People who fidget.

Women who think they're being sexy by calling me "daddy".

People who film themselves driving for the sake of a snapchat story.

People who think smoking weed & posting it on social media makes them such an edgy fucking Badass.


People who don't clear the timer on the microwave. I wish it would just keep running if you open the door before the timer is off. It's the only way they'll learn.
People who fidget.

Triggered me mate. I have restless leg syndrome and fuck me it's impossible to sit still for extended periods, like lightning up your legs randomly. Drives me nuts and I'm the one fidgeting. My old man always told me off for it, never changed the fact I have to move my legs when the feeling strikes....often.


This guy I work with rides his spacebar and enter key so motherfucking hard it's crazy, you would swear he was trying to break it when he types.


This has always been a thing that’s bothered me and it happened recently and I made a mental note to remember it because you often see these kind of “Little things that annoy you” threads online:

When you’re in a group, say at a party, and having a group conversation. Let’s say it’s 4 people. And the discussion flies from person to person..but sometimes..whether it’s the personalities or what, the conversation breaks off. So now it’s one person talking to you, and the other two are talking about their own thing.

Shit drives me crazy. I dunno why, dunno if it’s ADHD or me liking group discussions but it drives me nuts.

Deleted member 801069

Unconfirmed Member
People who try to get in the elevator before letting people get out of the elevator


“yeah I know right?”
“In real life”

Tiktok, IG reels
All these dumb girls staring off vacantly into their cameras dancing

social media activists

Donate here donate there, help with this and that and when it comes down to it, they are just there to spread the message and not be proactive about any cause.

unsolicited advice in the gym, especially from someone that doesn’t know what the hell they are doing

people that need to react to everything

YouTube reaction videos

people filming themselves crying


people that don’t keep agreements/ arrangements

people with no background in science discussing solutions for the virus as if they know everything based off of anecdotes

The “In the jungle” song from the jungle book

family guy

out of shape people saying that it’s their chest day

cancel culture

people that write down their pronouns on social media

vegans that tell me that they’re reducing their carbon foot print
People that say "SMASH that like button!"

People that think they're hot rebel shit by calling others "mask wearing sheep" but obviously pay taxes, Do what their employers tell them, wear their seat belts & obey speed limits.

Dumbasses who have multiple people in their Tinder profile picture. Which one are you?

People who reply to a text message or email by calling you.


Most people on Twitter.
People who only wants to talk about politics all day.
People who feel entitled because they are a manager or they have some decent money.
People who are rude for no reason, don’t matter what your day or life is like, don’t be rude to people who are being nice to you, I hate seeing that shit.


- Have you noticed in games and movies, whenever a monster or creature is on camera they do the intimidating "ROAAAAAAR" pose and sound?
- Have you noticed in games and movies, whenever an animal appears on camera they make whatever sound it is that they make? Especially horses?
- Have you noticed in games and movies, whenever a police car or ambulance appears on camera their siren makes a sound?
- Have you noticed in games and movies, whenever a computer or sci-fi gadget is used on camera they do some kind of blip blop electronic sounds?
- Have you noticed in games and movies, whenever someone goes through a hologram it makes a sound? How does that work?

Like every single fucking time. That sound guy who apparently works for every game and movie company in existence needs to retire.


i hate my bluetooth headphones, and having to disconnect them from one device, before the other will connect to them. or having to unpair them completely from the 2nd device, because otherwise it won't let me pair them to a 3rd device.

I thought bluetooth 5 was supposed to connect to multiple devices at once, and pressing play on each would cut the other off, no repairing or dis/connection dance needed?


Could be anything. Let's keep it here.

- People that use the word 'selfie'
-Anyone that buys toilet roll instead of wiping their ass and jumping in the shower.

There's so much more
I mean you got to atleast do a couple wipes before the rinse...what if you tailed and got a big ass dingleberry?
My biggest ones are:
  1. People who don't take a shower after they take a shit. When I found out there are people out there that will take a shit and not shower, and then proceed to engage in sexual acts? My God...
  2. The guys who piss on the rim/seat and don't bother to at least wipe it down. What the hell man, are you even looking or are you just retarded?
  3. The guys who spit in the urinal before peeing on it. Is it symbolic or something?
  4. The guys who literally pass their hand under the sink water instead of properly washing their fucking hands. What is the point you dirty fuck?
  5. Smelly and or dirty people. When I see ear wax sticking out of someone's ear I want to just end the world. Especially hate smelly fucks at the gym. There is no way you smell like that from just your workout.
  6. Guys with long nails, and especially that long little pinky nail shit. Disgusting looking.
  7. The people who speed up to block you when they see your blinker go on. You wanted to casually cruise or pay attention to your phone, but now that I'm moving you suddenly care? Eat my ass.
  8. Piercings anywhere but the ears, also going to include those fucking gauges. Fuck those things.
  9. Tattoos. Don't like them, sorry, especially on a woman. It's like a beautiful canvas, smeared with shit. I can live with small ones but those entire arm/leg designs?
  10. Girls who don't paint their hands/feet. What kind of woman are you?!
See? Almost nothing bothers me. I'm a completely normal guy.
People who enable their mic in an online game but don't contribute any thing other than literal noise. Dog barking, baby crying, dumbass burping, slobs stuffing their faces with food...

Fucking ruins a game because sometimes your already balls deep in an intense situation and you can't afford to pause the game to mute the dumb bastards!


The whole pet situation. I understand people have had cats and dogs as pets for thousands of years. That history doesn't make you smell any better or your chair at work any less hairy/furry.
The expression "Not gonna lie..." has been misused by 95 percent of the American population for the last 5 years.

Detective: Sarah, said you and your wife were having a lot of arguments lately.

Suspect: I'm not gonna lie, we were fighting a lot because I lost my job, but I didn't murder her!

That's appropriate.

Billie Eilish Fan: I'm not gonna lie, I love the new Billie Eilish single.

Me: Why would you lie about that? You're a Billie Eilish fan and many many people enjoy the new Billie Eilish song.
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Something I find annoying, as well as kind of amusing. When people ask me how I'm going (or whatever other pleasantry people use at the beginning of a conversation) and I respond with 'I'm well'. Some people will then insist on telling me that they are good too, despite me not asking.

Its a pretty good indicator that said person probably isn't going to be listening to everything I'm saying.

Related to that, those sort of pleasantries especially for random people you've just met, I just find kinda empty. Ask the supermarket checkout teenager guy who asked me how my day was after a particularly bad day a few years ago, and I decided to fill him in.

I know people are just trying to be being polite, but they're asking me to blatantly lie a lot of the time and say 'good thanks' and sometimes you just wanna tell the truth


People not paying attention to what they are doing in public. (Ie, drivers, people walking slowly because they are reading their phones, etc.). I have built my whole life of doing things quickly and effectively. These morons just seem to blob their way through life getting in my way. (Its cool if thats the pace, just stay out of the fast lane and don't cause issues).
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