la flama blanca
Chronicle > Akira.
Both cool movies with terrible endings.
Chronicle's ending was just less bad so it wins.
Chronicle > Akira.
Both cool movies with terrible endings.
Chronicle's ending was just less bad so it wins.
Chronicle was great. I tried showing it to my sister, brother-in-law, and cousin at a family gathering, but they made me turn it off after about 25 minutes, saying it was too slow. They did the same thing to me on Inception and Watchmen. They only watch shit like The Avengers. Stuff has to be exploding and guys have to be sent flying backwards crashing into walls every 2 minutes or they lose interest. There can't be any lulls in a movie to build tension or suspense.
Chronicle was great. I tried showing it to my sister, brother-in-law, and cousin at a family gathering, but they made me turn it off after about 25 minutes, saying it was too slow. They did the same thing to me on Inception and Watchmen. They only watch shit like The Avengers. Stuff has to be exploding and guys have to be sent flying backwards crashing into walls every 2 minutes or they lose interest. There can't be any lulls in a movie to build tension or suspense.
Are they still calling the movie "Akira", even with its westernized cast?
As someone who watched Akira and other anime for the first time this year, and having watched it after Chronicle, Akira is the most nonsensical movie ever.
My first 2 anime movies were Akira followed by ghost in the shell and I honestly though people who recommended Akira were crazy, but Ghost in the shell totally redeemed some trust in anime fans.
Might aswell just be stills from the anime.
The Manga is not that great in terms of story, i think the movie is superior.Akira got by because of its mindblowing animation, but yeah the story and pacing are bad although hard to adapt from a thousand-plus page manga. Ghost in the Shell was when I found legitimacy with anime and thought, "ok I'll stick with this". Then the tv shows came, and then Satoshi Kon (RIP), and now Mamoru Hosoda and Makoto Shinkai.
I loved the hate for the idea of an "Americanized" Akira. An American adaptation taking Japanese source material and adapting it to American culture/audience/etc? Unheard of! That's not what "adapt" means! It means being just like the original!
Not saying I think it would have been / would be good, mind you. People just chose a dumb reason to hate the idea of it.
I loved the hate for the idea of an "Americanized" Akira. An American adaptation taking Japanese source material and adapting it to American culture/audience/etc? Unheard of! That's not what "adapt" means! It means being just like the original!
Not saying I think it would have been / would be good, mind you. People just chose a dumb reason to hate the idea of it.
They already made Akira. It was called Chronicle and it was awesome.
The Hollywood adaptation still going to be made?
it was better than the original, Akira.
Oh and, it also had the best soundtrack of any fucking animated film, yeah that also contributed.
Then why title the film Akira? To please fans? Why rewrite the main characters (namely the protagonist and antagonist) as White American males and yet strangely keep the title and the storyline roughly the same? American audiences can and will identify with characters who have different backgrounds than them.
You think Chronicle is like Akira? lol. Thanks for the laughs.
Just like Akira