Hey Lowes, how about instead of showing a shitload of annoying commercials before the trailer, why not do what the Arclight does and charge an extra $1 per ticket (assigned seats would be cool too) and NOT show a bunch of stupid commercials.
I remember seeing a movie at the Metreon (which is Loews since it's Sony) a couple years ago and there were so many commercials before the trailers some people walked out and left.
Loews Cineplex to Publicize the Start Times of Feature Presentations
Tuesday May 3, 12:17 pm ET
Movie Listings To Note That All Feature Presentations Will Begin 10-15 Minutes After Published Showtime
NEW YORK, May 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Loews Cineplex today announced that it will begin publicizing the start times of feature presentations. Beginning with the Company's locations in Connecticut on May 13, Loews movie listings will note that the feature presentation will start 10 to 15 minutes after the published showtime. The Company expects to begin including this added information in all markets nationwide over the next month. Loews anticipates that patrons will continue to arrive prior to showtime to visit the concession stand and select their seats.
Travis Reid, President and CEO of Loews Cineplex, said, "It has been a long-standing tradition to show coming attractions and advertising before the feature, and we believe most of our customers understand this practice. Recently, however, some of our customers have suggested that we also publicize the start time of the movie. In response to those requests, we are pleased to communicate the start time of the overall show, as well as the approximate start time of the feature."
Hey Lowes, how about instead of showing a shitload of annoying commercials before the trailer, why not do what the Arclight does and charge an extra $1 per ticket (assigned seats would be cool too) and NOT show a bunch of stupid commercials.
I remember seeing a movie at the Metreon (which is Loews since it's Sony) a couple years ago and there were so many commercials before the trailers some people walked out and left.