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Looking back was .hack really worth the time

I've had the first one for a while now and I'm just wondering now that all 4 parts are out is it worth it in the long run to play all four games?


Well the gameplay time wasn't worth it as it was boring after 15 hours and never really got interesting again.

The story started off interesting, was dull in the middle and then the final volume was actually pretty cool story-wise if you connect to OAV/TV/Game stuff together and get a full grasp of why everything happened and what alot of those seemingly meaningless scenes actually meant.

I guess I'd recommend just buying vol.4 and watching the "previously on .hack" that's in the intro. Oh and I only recommend this if you've seen the TV series and OAV series and feel interested in the story.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Great Wasabi Man said:
I've had the first one for a while now and I'm just wondering now that all 4 parts are out is it worth it in the long run to play all four games?

No, but looking at your icon a few times def was.
It would have rocked had it been online. They should have offered the rest of the games free as an online download content, that would have work IMHO.
Bebpo said:
Well the gameplay time wasn't worth it as it was boring after 15 hours and never really got interesting again.

The story started off interesting, was dull in the middle and then the final volume was actually pretty cool story-wise if you connect to OAV/TV/Game stuff together and get a full grasp and why everything happened and what alot of those seemingly meaningless scenes actually meant.

I guess I'd recommend just buying vol.4 and watching the "previously on .hack" that's in the intro. Oh and I only recommend this if you've seen the TV series and OAV series and feel interested in the story.

I really didn't get that far into the game. I got my ass handed to me when I had to go meet some mystrious guy in a zone alone. I guess I'll give it a crack, since I doubt trading it in will help my Fable/Sims 2 fund.

commish said:
No, but looking at your icon a few times def was.

:D Boobies are good but big bouncy ones on a cute girls....what more can there be to an icon :D


no, it wasn't. the gameplay goes down the drain sometime during the second one. well, the second one was fun all the way through, for me ... after that, not so much. from a gameplay standpoint, the fourth one is sheer torture, both because the gameplay is totally stale, and the designers put the dumbest shit in that one.


the story really picks up towards the end. if you watch the included OAV discs and play the games, it really comes together super nicely in a very interesting way and the plot is very good. i enjoyed that aspect of it immensely.

so. if you can put up with the gameplay, you'll be rewarded. if you can't, you won't. also, a lot of the cool shit in the later discs is optional, but i didn't want to do any of it because i was so sick of the games. meh.
norinrad21 said:
It would have rocked had it been online. They should have offered the rest of the games free as an online download content, that would have work IMHO.

Do you realise what you're saying? :lol Yeah, I'd love an online .hack. Complete with realistic story and ... *goes into a coma*


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Prospero said:
If this comes out in a four-game box, with the accompanying DVDs, for, say, $60, I'll bite. Maybe even at $80.

Same here, I can find each one for $20 brand new, but I'm still waiting for more of a price drop. At least to the point where I can get all four at maybe $50 or $55. :p
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