All those fancy HD-based mp3 players are nice, but I need something that's durable enough to jog with. I've been reading the some old threads that have a few posts that mention this, but couldn't find anything in particular that caught my eye.
Since I go jogging everday, and running around the track can get pretty boring all that time while counting laps, I need something to entertain my ears while I voluntarily give myself a heart attack struggling through the drudges of exercise.
So far, from word of mouth, people seem to suggest the following:
Creative Muvo
iPod Shuffle
Just need some feedback from people who own/heard/are familiar with said products and your opinion on its capapbilities vs price. I'm willing to spend upwards to $150.oo if I have good reason to
Since I go jogging everday, and running around the track can get pretty boring all that time while counting laps, I need something to entertain my ears while I voluntarily give myself a heart attack struggling through the drudges of exercise.
So far, from word of mouth, people seem to suggest the following:
Creative Muvo
iPod Shuffle
Just need some feedback from people who own/heard/are familiar with said products and your opinion on its capapbilities vs price. I'm willing to spend upwards to $150.oo if I have good reason to