Oh holy shit, this is news to me!
I was going to suggest tracking down a VHS copy of The Rapture, but it appears someone snuck out a DVD release while I wasn't looking.
This is easily one of my all time favorite religious wacko movies. Mimi Rogers is a hottie too, but ignoring that if you want religious wacko shit - you should add this to the list of things to watch.
The Wicker Man - It's a bit dated, but it's one of those timeless movies in which you can see how it would have scared the shit out of White Christian America back in the day.
I'd also suggest Angel Heart.
Frailty rocked, so I lend my voice to that vote as well.
Now if you'll pardon me - it's time to go punch Best Buy employees in the face until they produce a copy of The Rapture for me on DVD. HOO YEAH!
If I think of any other cool shit, I'll post it.