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Looks like there won't be another Riddick movie...

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Weekend Boxoffice Estimate for Riddick

Total as of Jun. 13, 2004: $24,606,000 (Estimate)
Production Budget: $105 million

Hopefully the Riddick game will be successful enough to continue the story that way...that would be cool, as I get the sense the game is better than the movie anyway (but I don't know for a fact until I see the movie in a few days).
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Weekend Boxoffice Estimate for Riddick

Total as of Jun. 13, 2004: $24,606,000 (Estimate)
Production Budget: $105 million

Hopefully the Riddick game will be successful enough to continue the story that way...that would be cool, as I get the sense the game is better than the movie anyway (but I don't know for a fact until I see the movie in a few days).
25 mil? yeah right, it's pulled in more than that.


Did it depend on a certain exact figure? Because I thought the next one was already started..

I guess it might still make 80-90M and perhaps 170M worldwide + dvd sales. Does't look good though.


The film needed to be R-rated. You can't have a dark hero who's weapon of choice is the wonderful knife without a little blood spilt. Heads need to come off.. frequently.


That's a pretty respectable first week. It will end up doing like 75-80 million or so probably and then make it up in the overseas market and on DVD. An article recently said that in major blockbusters, the domestic theatrical gross represents only like 12% of the profits for a film's distributor.
"That's a pretty respectable first week. It will end up doing like 75-80 million or so probably and then make it up in the overseas market and on DVD. An article recently said that in major blockbusters, the domestic theatrical gross represents only like 12% of the profits for a film's distributor."

Shrek 2 made $354 million so far and should end up well over 400....so you're telling me they will make 4 billion in profit?

Titanic made $600 million and ended up with 1.8 billion worldwide, which is the most ever.

The first Harry Potter made $317 million and ended up with $900 something million worldwide.

The trend seems to be 33%, not 12%. Of course the trend for movies that aren't popular might be different.:)


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
The trend seems to be 33%, not 12%. Of course the trend for movies that aren't popular might be different.:)

Err, that has little to do with the amount a movie profits and is not a correllation. The theatres get roughly 45% of a film's box office take as is. A movie has to do approximately 2x its budget (which very rarely happens) to turn any profit at all off of theatrical receipts for the financiers. In all but the very rarest of cases, the majority of the money these days is made by the DVD/home video release with the international box office typically pulling in a similar or greater amount to the domestic for major films.
Sorry, misunderstood you. :)

But I think an unpopular movie usually doesn't do all that well on DVD, with the obvious exceptions of some movies that aren't that popular until they reach DVD. (Austin Powers)But those are the exception, not the rule. A movie that didn't do very well at the boxoffice probably won't suddenly become popular because you can spend $20 on it now instead of $10.


You'd think that but be incorect. For instance, the Rundown only did ~$48 million in box office receipts but managed to sell over 1 million DVDs in just its first week.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
neg, it wouldn't be 45%.

think about it. How would the profits in theatre business be so minimal? hmmm?

the theatres would probably take about 30-35% of the share
"You'd think that but be incorect. For instance, the Rundown only did ~$48 million in box office receipts but managed to sell over 1 million DVDs in just its first week."

That's only $20 million dollars more added to its total though ($20 x 1 million). How many has it sold since?


This is what you get when you make a $100mil spin-off of a movie that wasn't very popular to begin with, named after a character nobody (90% of the movie going population) has ever heard of.

Seriously what were they thinking?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Tenguman said:
This is what you get when you make a $100mil spin-off of a movie that wasn't very popular to begin with, named after a character nobody (90% of the movie going population) has ever heard of.

arguably one of the coolest characters ever conceived.

really though, pitch black is the spin off to riddick, not the other way around.


DopeyFish said:
arguably one of the coolest characters ever conceived.

really though, pitch black is the spin off to riddick, not the other way around.
yeah maybe, but tell that to movie goers

besides. I didn't say "sequel"...I said spinoff. Big difference.

"Fraiser" is not a sequel to "Cheers"


Well, if it had of been pulled off correctly, it could have been a hit independently of Pitch Black. I think it needed one more big name (Judi is a great actress, but lets face it, not really a box office pull). Then again, it's hard to get anyone to star in a film when the lead character's name is in the title.


DopeyFish said:
neg, it wouldn't be 45%.

think about it. How would the profits in theatre business be so minimal? hmmm?

the theatres would probably take about 30-35% of the share

On average, theaters get about 50% of the total take.


FYI, Riddick did twice as good as Pitch Black in its opening weekend

Though, Riddick did cost 5x more to make

Production Budget: $23 million
Opening weekend: $11,577,688

Chronicles of Riddick
Production Budget: $105 million
Total as of Jun. 13, 2004: $24,606,000 (Estimate)


Not to mention that the advertising for this movie has been insane. Perhaps a bit too much, I think.
Actually, the way theaters and distributors distribute the profits varies. One standard contract most agree to is arranged such that the distributor gets 70% of the first-week ticket sales, and the percentage the distributor gets with each following week decreases and eventually stops at 30%. This is why exhibitors love long-lasting movies like Shrek 2 and The Lord of the Rings. However, since most of the "big" movies only do a week's worth of damage anyway, exhibitors end up getting a fairly small percentage of the profits. This is why exhibitors charge such high prices for concessions; they are 70% of their profits. :)

Also, the rough estimates I have for the amount of money a distributor gets for each film are:
-Domestic Box Office: 25%
-Video (DVD/Video Sales and Cable Broadcasts): 50%
-Foreign Markets: 20%
-Other Media: 5%

Again, these are only rough estimates that can vary greatly depending on the film, but this is how it usually works out.


Darn, I would've had a great 'I TOLD YA SO!' opportunity if the old GAF board didn't crap out. "40-50 million weekend gross" my ass.


Gold Member
DopeyFish said:
arguably one of the coolest characters ever conceived.

really though, pitch black is the spin off to riddick, not the other way around.

Uh? WTF? No...

The character Riddick started in Pitch Black, thus this movie (being that it takes place FIVE YEARS AFTER the events in Pitch Black) is the spin-off.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
ManaByte said:
Uh? WTF? No...

The character Riddick started in Pitch Black, thus this movie (being that it takes place FIVE YEARS AFTER the events in Pitch Black) is the spin-off.

the bulk of the story is riddick, its the universe. It might have come out after and it's 5 years after the events... Pitch black is essentially the spin-off.


well not really...yet
talking head said:
Vin doesn't do sequels anyway.
Hed do this one ;P

not to mention the measly 2500 screens the movie opened on. I think there is still a chance what with overseas gross and DVD sales...


being watched
Riddicks the type of movie that will sell shitloads on DVD with a special edition. But yeah, I doubt they'll make the sequel - if they do it will probably be a much lower budget. I'm surprised they got that much money to make a sequel in the first place to be honest given the relative obscurity of the original.


Drunky McMurder
DopeyFish said:
the bulk of the story is riddick, its the universe. It might have come out after and it's 5 years after the events... Pitch black is essentially the spin-off.

The original story was pitch black, Riddick was one of the characters in the movie. His character spun-off into its own series(or movie, whichever turns out to be the case).

I think you have the concept of spin-off confused with...well, what you're describing makes no sense no matter which word you use so you're just confused in general.


Archaix. Thing is that Chronicles is the main story of the universe while Pitch Black is a small side story. We're talking in terms of importance in canon, not in terms of which movie came out first.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>>Titanic made $600 million and ended up with 1.8 billion worldwide, which is the most ever.

The first Harry Potter made $317 million and ended up with $900 something million worldwide.

The trend seems to be 33%, not 12%. Of course the trend for movies that aren't popular might be different.<<<

Those, and the LOTR movies, are the exceptions to the rule. Some movies also do two-thirds of their business in the US. But usually, it's about half and half.

And, theaters definitely do not get half. Why? Their cut pretty much maxes out at 50%, a few weeks after a movie is released. Studios get the majority of the opening week take.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
There seems to be a bit of confusion about Riddick's importance to the movie Pitch Black.

As a Pitch Black fan of old you can argue Riddick is the main character of Pitch Black, after all he leads/saves various characters, kills an "evil" character and eventually makes it off the planet with two other characters. IIRC the movie even opens to a narration by Riddick. (I've never seen the screen version only the unrated DVD version which I know has a few added scenes). The only other character that could be considered lead was killed at the very end of the movie. (Love how that was done BTW).

Chronicles picks up a few years from the escape of Pitch Black our narration of Pitch Black starts with Riddick, the opening of Chronicles picks up once again with Riddick.

Now again Pitch Black was not originally envisioned as a series of movies. PB stood alone, but Vin Diesel really like the character and got back together with Twohy to plot out a whole series, which we might now never see.

With that being said I can away from Chronicles with mixed feelings. I felt like the movie spent too much time on the prison planet, Densch who said she loved working in a flick like this did very little, and the VERY ending was completely unexpected... I'm still hopefully that the next chapter in this story gets told.


DopeyFish said:
the bulk of the story is riddick, its the universe. It might have come out after and it's 5 years after the events... Pitch black is essentially the spin-off.

Damn, you have no fucking idea wtf a spin-off is, do you?


Gold Member

Main Entry: spin-off
Pronunciation: 'spin-"of
Function: noun
1 : the distribution by a business to its stockholders of particular assets and especially of stock of another company; also : the new company created by such a distribution
2 : a collateral or derived product or effect : BY-PRODUCT; also : a number of such products <the spin-off from the space program>
3 : something that is imitative or derivative of an earlier work; especially : a television show starring a character popular in a secondary role of an earlier show

That can apply to movies as well.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ManaByte said:

Main Entry: spin-off
Pronunciation: 'spin-"of
Function: noun
1 : the distribution by a business to its stockholders of particular assets and especially of stock of another company; also : the new company created by such a distribution
2 : a collateral or derived product or effect : BY-PRODUCT; also : a number of such products <the spin-off from the space program>
3 : something that is imitative or derivative of an earlier work; especially : a television show starring a character popular in a secondary role of an earlier show

That can apply to movies as well.

So this isn't a spin off, Riddick wasn't a secondary character...

one other thing that people aren't talking about in regards to the amount of money Riddick made this weekend. OF the 3 movies that opened this weekend Riddick opened in the least amount of theaters.

2,757 vs. 3,057 for Stepford and 3,094 for Garfield. Potter is in 3,855.

Something else to chew on.


GameFan Alumnus
Not that surprised. Riddick and Garfield both got shelled by rottentomatoes.com with their 7% cream of the crop ratings. I hope movie-goers are becoming more picky about what they choose to see. Not to mention the Stepford Wives is doing poorly as well. Hollywood has to learn to make better movies.


I think there's confusion between "sidestory" and "spinoff"...in the overall(and not originally planned) Riddick Universe, the story of Pitch Black is just a diversion...but in terms of franchises, Riddick spun-off from Pitch Black. PB was retconned into being a sidestory instead of a standalone.


Just to see this spinoff/side story debate continue, what would that Riddick DVD that's due out shortly be labeled as?


well not really...yet
Shinobi said:
Just to see this spinoff/side story debate continue, what would that Riddick DVD that's due out shortly be labeled as?
The Chronicles of Riddick
The movie will be profitable when the overseas boxoffice hits, and the DVD is released. I think it was posted once that a movie makes 50% of it's money in DVD sales. The whole idea was to build a franchise off a pre-existing character but the new movie would carry most of the weight not Pitch Black. The expectations can't be too high, they will grow a user-base with the new movie and videogame and the eventual DVD release. There will probabaly have two versions of the DVD and then the box-set.

I would expect the budget for a potential sequel to be roughly in the same range maybe throw in an extra 5-10 million.
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