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looks like wild arms isn't making out this year

It was discussed back in this thread that Wild Arms Alter Code: F might be delayed from its previous November release in NA. Well, I have it pre-ordered with EBgames and today I got an e-mail saying it's not shipping until February... which now matches what Gamestop says. Agetec.com still says "4th Quarter" but it's probably not updated that much

Sorry if everyone already knows, but it seemed like there was still some confusion in the previous thread and there was never a thread in which the news got posted for sure (I searched).


hrm, if it was for competition reasons, i don't see this game doing any better up against xenosaga 2. much luck to them, though, although i think it's pretty weak as far as the PS2 RPG library is concerned from what i played of the import (a couple hrs.)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
TekunoRobby said:
Good, it was going to get looked over anyways.

Yeah, there was a crapload of rpgs, and combining that with the busy fall release already... there were going to be a bunch of overlooked rpgs. But now with all the delays it gives others a chance and more to play in the spring, which I think developers are understanding that games CAN sell othertimes then the busy fall season.


damn it all to hell. I was really looking forward to it. To anyone whose played it, have they messed with the soundtrack? The original's soundtrack is in my top ten of all time, and I hope they left it alone.


I didn't play Wild Arms 1 or 2. BUt having played a large chunk of three (about 25 hours) I have to say that I was not impressed with any aspect of that game. Boring story, boring and long combat, searching for destinations sucked.

Was wild arms one substatially better? because based on three I would never play another one. Please convince me this is worth playing.


wipeout364 said:
I didn't play Wild Arms 1 or 2. BUt having played a large chunk of three (about 25 hours) I have to say that I was not impressed with any aspect of that game. Boring story, boring and long combat, searching for destinations sucked.

Was wild arms one substatially better? because based on three I would never play another one. Please convince me this is worth playing.

WA1 is more or less Final Fantasy VI with less plot, characters, and a less established battle system.

Ranger X

WA1 was a good game back then. And it was before FF7 and around Suikoden so there wasn't much competition. One of the first truly great PS rpg.
The story is simple but it's message is pretty deep and that's what was important to me playing this game. Graphics were descend for the time and in the remake, they look descent for today.
The most interesting part in Wild Arms is the dungeons. There's a fair amount of puzzles that are a bit more puzzling than in boring FF puzzle. And there's the "tool system". Your 3 characters gather items called "tools". Those gives you an ability to use when you're not in battle mode. It makes the dungeons more interesting than boring FF dungeons of "i-walk-in-a-sinuous-path-and-only-get-random-battles-and-nothing-else" style. It gives you more interaction in the dungeons (what is sadly missing in traditional console rpgs).
Try the remake dude. I'm sure you won't loose your time.

Ranger X

ferricide said:
one of the biggest misconceptions of the early playstation days. WA is a good RPG like toshinden is a good fighter.

Every past RPG can be seen as "good but for it's time". The quality of a game is also (and most of the time) related to the times of it's original release.

99% of games are not timeless good...


Wyzdom said:
99% of games are not timeless good...
yeah, but the point is that wild arms was hella mediocre and derivative when it came out, but everyone ignored that and talked about how awesome it was for some reason. i totally remember being bored off of my ass by the story and the mind-numbingly simplistic battles.

the puzzle elements just ripped off lufia II but did a half-assed job, and all in all it was a 7/10 at best, *at the time*. but it's held up to be some sort of amazing classic of the PS' early lifespan, and people are always confused when the new games aren't so hot.

ferricide said:
yeah, but the point is that wild arms was hella mediocre and derivative when it came out, but everyone ignored that and talked about how awesome it was for some reason. i totally remember being bored off of my ass by the story and the mind-numbingly simplistic battles.

I actually enjoyed WA1 all the way through - derivative isn't the end of the world when you can consistently execute it. The story wasn't breaking any boundaries either, but was more intelligible than Legend of Mana and Chrono Cross put together.

It's the other games in the series that confuse me - WA2 has the worst localization I've ever heard of, worse than such 'classics' as Robotrek and Secret of the Stars, while WA3 is basically an attempt to simplify the first game with some bizarre gameplay downgrades.
wipeout364 said:
I didn't play Wild Arms 1 or 2. BUt having played a large chunk of three (about 25 hours) I have to say that I was not impressed with any aspect of that game. Boring story, boring and long combat, searching for destinations sucked.

Was wild arms one substatially better? because based on three I would never play another one. Please convince me this is worth playing.

I think WA3 is the weakest of the series. I liked it, but it's kind of lacking in anything special to help it stand out. The other two games are a little more polished and interesting.

WA2 is my favorite of the series (I can manage to overlook the awful localization), though I haven't played the remake of WA1 yet.

Ranger X

Wild Arm was pretty solid. I mean, the story and the battle system weren't ground-breaking but it was pretty solid.
What i liked the most except the dungeons about this game it's actually it's ending. My fav RPG ending actually... until Lunar litterally destroyed it that is.


Doesn't surprise me that it's pushed back. The fall/winter is busy as is and any sort of sales Alter Code: F would get would be eaten up by the compeition.

To anyone whose played it, have they messed with the soundtrack? The original's soundtrack is in my top ten of all time, and I hope they left it alone.

As I recall, Naruke remixed a few tracks to add a few things to a few tracks (and of course it's higher quality) but the primary composition remains the same.

one of the biggest misconceptions of the early playstation days. WA is a good RPG like toshinden is a good fighter.

So that would make FF7 the equivalent of Eternal Champions?

Every past RPG can be seen as "good but for it's time". The quality of a game is also (and most of the time) related to the times of it's original release.

The problem with measuring games by the time it was originally released is that it creates skewed views and an easy excuse to fall back on. If anything, games (especially RPGs) should be judged on what it does and how well it did it. Some of the more superfluous to judging a game's quality (like graphics and sound quality can be left out with a few exceptions.

yeah, but the point is that wild arms was hella mediocre and derivative when it came out, but everyone ignored that and talked about how awesome it was for some reason. i totally remember being bored off of my ass by the story and the mind-numbingly simplistic battles.

the puzzle elements just ripped off lufia II but did a half-assed job, and all in all it was a 7/10 at best, *at the time*. but it's held up to be some sort of amazing classic of the PS' early lifespan, and people are always confused when the new games aren't so hot.

Deriative? Yes. Mediocre? Hardly. If anything, the game holds up fairly well as a game even today except for the battle graphics which make the game reallly hard to play now (this was the exception I was talking about above). All the prinicpal elements of the game were done quite well. It did battles, dungeons, and story just as good as any RPG that came before it, if not better in some regards. Heck, the puzzle element that it ripped off from Lufia II was still well done (and comparing any RPG to Lufia II in this area makes them look half-assed anyway).

The reason the two sequels were lackluster (desptie the fact I liked both games, I do recognize they have problems) have nothing to do with the first game at all. It has to do with the choices the designers of the games made as opposed to anything the first game setup. I can write a nice, fat post for you (perhaps the same length as my Growlanser posts) on it if you'd like. =b

I actually enjoyed WA1 all the way through - derivative isn't the end of the world when you can consistently execute it. The story wasn't breaking any boundaries either, but was more intelligible than Legend of Mana and Chrono Cross put together.

Yep, most people think that deriative = bad game. It isn't always the case. It just happens that the worst games are deriative and that games with derivative elements get a fat generalization attached to them. And yeah, the story wasn't breaking any grounds but it certainly was better than a lot of games that can before and after it.

It's the other games in the series that confuse me - WA2 has the worst localization I've ever heard of, worse than such 'classics' as Robotrek and Secret of the Stars, while WA3 is basically an attempt to simplify the first game with some bizarre gameplay downgrades.

WA2's localization was atrocious but even if it did get a good localization, the game still had problems (and good points). This was thanks in part to the incredible stupid second disc of the game. WA3 had some really stupid things about it (like the second half of the game which had the same problem was Wild Arms 2, but if anything it did an excellent job in other areas. A lot of people thought WA3 had too simplistic of a battle system but simply never investigated the options given to the player and how well it worked. In fact, the customization found within the seemingly limited systems is unparalleled in most Console RPGs.

I think WA3 is the weakest of the series. I liked it, but it's kind of lacking in anything special to help it stand out. The other two games are a little more polished and interesting.

WA2 is my favorite of the series (I can manage to overlook the awful localization), though I haven't played the remake of WA1 yet.

Personally, WA2 > WA3 > WA1 however, based on quality. WA1 > WA3 > WA2.


Shouta said:
Deriative? Yes. Mediocre? Hardly.
i totally disagree -- for example, the battle system has absolutely *nothing* interesting about it. and thus its derivation makes it seem all the more boring. if they're going to rip something off (lufia II, again, and IP meters) why not rip off something better? lufia II's battles were hardly its strongpoint.

Shouta said:
If anything, the game holds up fairly well as a game even today except for the battle graphics which make the game reallly hard to play now (this was the exception I was talking about above).
i didn't even think it held up to its competition at the time (persona, suikoden) or even better 16-bit RPGs.

Shouta said:
All the prinicpal elements of the game were done quite well. It did battles

Shouta said:
OK, fine

Shouta said:
and story
the story is crap. the characters are stupid, the plot is (again) derivative and boring, the enemies are particularly uninspired and insipid...meh.

Shouta said:
Yep, most people think that deriative = bad game. It isn't always the case. It just happens that the worst games are deriative and that games with derivative elements get a fat generalization attached to them. And yeah, the story wasn't breaking any grounds but it certainly was better than a lot of games that can before and after it.
well, i certainly don't think that derivation = death -- hell, one of my favorite RPGs is skies of arcadia -- but you're exactly right. when a game is derivative and has nothing that makes it stand out from the pack except some decent puzzle dungeons, it rightly deserves getting called out for being a piece of crap. =)

wow, i can't believe i'm arguing on the web about wild arms 1 in 2004. heh.

anyway, i am not gonna touch ACF with a barge pole.
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