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Lords of the Fallen |OT| We don't praise the sun around here


Man, those who were claiming "magic" in this game is easy mode weren't joking, although it's not really "magic" as much as it is the Brawler tree.

My first character was a Cleric, because I wanted to try to play a caster build. After grabbing the gauntlet and noticing that it wasn't scaling at all, I lost the will to continue playing that character. It didn't help that I picked the Solace tree either...which is pretty much worthless for a "caster" type character, even a caster/melee hybrid.

Ended up finishing my first run as the OP Warrior with Brawler, and even though my mana pool was pretty low and I could only reliably cast something every few minutes, 3/3 Ram was a game changer against specific enemies, and it did nice damage.

Next playthrough was as a Rogue using Deception. Well, Deception fucking sucks besides the screen occluding Mimic, and it's kind of the brother to Rage (Brawler), but just more bursty and annoying to use.

Even though I knew the gauntlet would not scale with FTH (it doesn't), I wanted to play a Cleric using Brawler because I knew how strong Ram was. And holy shit is it almost broken. At 35 FTH it does 366 damage for 70 mana (best gauntlet attack is a Flawless Power Rune in the missle slot, and that cost 60 mana for 250 damage) and it seems to gain 9-10 damage per FTH after. Not only does it have moderately good tracking--so much better than Stab--it can kill an entire row of enemies and it takes the largest of the tower shield knights to around 2% health and knocks them to the ground. At 40 FTH it should outright kill them.

Earthquake does 615 damage, but it's a bit trickier to use in the middle of a fight. About the only reason to ever use the gauntlet is for some crazy burst when Ram is on cooldown (which is only 4s) and if you're using a magic regenerating consumable. The flamethrower attack is "neat" but pretty much a waste for the mana cost, although there is a rune that lets you drain health and the grenades are 100% trash tier no matter what you socket it with. The Flawless Magic rune will create an orb that is kind of like a turret that can hit for up to 450 damage, but it's way too slow to use and the enemy can run out of the range of the missiles it produces.


Just finished the game as Warrior and started NG.

Does anyone know if you can use the Stone of Heroes to say... respec to Cleric and still get an achievement for beating the game as a Cleric? I want to keep all my gear.


If they ever do a LotF 2, they have to balance the enemies for all 3 types of playstyles. Currently, there is too much effort needed for playing rogue when almost every enemy instantly recovers and their attacks are so fast. In Dark Souls it's much easier to find an opportunity to strike and evade. I just found myself going 2-handed and rushing in with a leap attack to kill everything. Most enemies just recover way too fast for anything so leap attacks and shieldbash seemed to me to be the only viable option. I'd rather have more hard-hitting enemies that actually let their guard down once in a while then having to cheeze every enemy or just jump attack them with a great sword.


If they ever do a LotF 2, they have to balance the enemies for all 3 types of playstyles. Currently, there is too much effort needed for playing rogue when almost every enemy instantly recovers and their attacks are so fast. In Dark Souls it's much easier to find an opportunity to strike and evade. I just found myself going 2-handed and rushing in with a leap attack to kill everything. Most enemies just recover way too fast for anything so leap attacks and shieldbash seemed to me to be the only viable option. I'd rather have more hard-hitting enemies that actually let their guard down once in a while then having to cheeze every enemy or just jump attack them with a great sword.
Exactly. I cannot stand how you have to stop dead in your tracks to do a light attack, feels insanely clunky. There should at least be some momentum there.


Exactly. I cannot stand how you have to stop dead in your tracks to do a light attack, feels insanely clunky. There should at least be some momentum there.

Yeah. I mean, the game was fun. But I played Heavy armor and great sword, because I found that was the only way to actually get some hits on the bosses and enemies; hits that actually mattered and not these little pricks that chipped away 5% of their health as a rogue.

I'm currently playing rogue now and holy shit I have to work so much harder. Maybe it's by design but you don't get anything extra for doing it. Enemies don't have a clear visible pattern before attacking; they just fling at you at mach 3 which makes parrying really hard, making tower shields just that more efficient and easier to use when you can simply shieldbash them constantly. Sure, dualwield does crazy damage, but how many enemies actually let you get a full combo out before recovering? They either knock you back or hit you right through your combo.

It seems like they designed the game only from a heavy armor way of playing, since there are so many attacks that you can't dodge. I was fighting the Worshiper as Rogue on NG+, and I could only get 1 normal strike in before the boss was doing his stun move, so I had to dodge constantly. The fight literally took almost 20 minutes. But I guess I still had fun. The feeling of accomplishment after was really nice, but there really isn't any reason in this game to make it harder for your self.


My favorite are the guys with huge tower shields and a small rapier, they can poke you insanely fast and you can't do shit. So glad I found the running shield slam, makes the shield guys less tedious.

Cool thing I found though... if you imbue your Gauntlet: Projectile with a poison rune it will slow down bosses too. It doesn't just slow their movement speed, it slows all of their animations. This allows you to get in many more hits between attacks. Pretty cool.
After you kill The Champion, how do you get behind the large door he was poking his spear into? Looks like there's some goodies in there.

Also, how do I open this door?



Go back to the circle room in your screenshot, and look for a pressure plate close to one of the coffins in that room. Cant run fast enough to the door, maybe some magic could help you out ;)

I actually got in there without
, lol. Did it a ton, door started glitching, not resetting to a completely shut position, then finally it glitched completely open and i got in. Maybe like 20 tries..

Would've saved quite some time spent running again and again and swapping to lighter gear if i had figured it out before
looking up what the pressure plate in the planetarium was for
which was impossible without.


I really enjoyed this game. I got the platinum trophy last night so I've run out of things I could really do in it, but the amount of time I spent with the game was well worth it. I ended up trading it in today to put it towards another game I'm looking forward to in December. the trade-in value seemed pretty low for a week old game, but whatever. I'd say this game is a solid 7 for me despite the glitches. I ran into probably the 2nd funniest glitch I've ever seen in a game, I was dying. Overall, pretty good game, and I hope it sold well enough to warrant a sequel. If there is a sequel, I hope they include some form of online in the game for more replayability.
Slowing chugging through this. I think I am spending waay too much time grinding and hanging around in areas i'm not supposed to e.g Cellars and some prison/jail cell area. Found this OP medium armour and now the game is waaay too easy haha. I think I found some later level areas and managed to beat them at like level 3 lol but now i'm too OP. Using Fate axe and forget the name of the armour set....Sanctuary I think?

Beat the 4th Boss last night (infiltrator i think) in like 30 seconds. I didn't block or dodge, just went toe-to-toe and still had over half health left. The RAM skill raped it while it was doing some rain dance thingy with some puddles on the ground. Damn they all got hit for 350-400, bitch let out a wail and it was all over.

Awesome game, had no idea these were the asessts used in the Unreal Engive 4 Tech demo, no wonder the graphics are absolutely phenomenal. This is a proper Dark Souls rip off, infact there are a couple of small things it does a little bit better (controls like running and jumping feel perfect). Very highly recommended, have not seen any glitches or bugs since the patch but have noticed a little bit of screen tearing here and there. If you are looking for a game to show off your setup this is the best imo.


I'm currently playing rogue now and holy shit I have to work so much harder. Maybe it's by design but you don't get anything extra for doing it. Enemies don't have a clear visible pattern before attacking; they just fling at you at mach 3 which makes parrying really hard, making tower shields just that more efficient and easier to use when you can simply shieldbash them constantly. Sure, dualwield does crazy damage, but how many enemies actually let you get a full combo out before recovering? They either knock you back or hit you right through your combo.

My last full playthrough was my second as a Rogue, and it feels like trash tier starting out. The only thing that made it tolerable for me was because I grabbed some of the better, mid-game weapons earlier (like Needle in the cellar). Ironically, Needle lasted me all of the way until the last area on a first run due to there just not being anything much better aside from Unity for some enemies.

The Rogue actually starts shaping up around level 30 - 35 and it's no longer difficult to get an opening for a full combo attack. Early though, you should be using Daze from the Solace tree. This is bullet time for Rogues and lets you do pretty much whatever you want on normal enemies. Shame it does nothing on bosses though.

It seems like they designed the game only from a heavy armor way of playing, since there are so many attacks that you can't dodge. I was fighting the Worshiper as Rogue on NG+, and I could only get 1 normal strike in before the boss was doing his stun move, so I had to dodge constantly. The fight literally took almost 20 minutes. But I guess I still had fun. The feeling of accomplishment after was really nice, but there really isn't any reason in this game to make it harder for your self.

You can wear a mix of medium and heavy on a Rogue and stay at maximum speed. You just can't put any points into VIT and only enough in FTH to unlock the next level of a spell you want. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from wearing Warrior armor at the very start of the game either, and it makes the early levels much more bearable. You'll be moving at mid speed and feel very unlike a Rogue, but at least there's no excuse for dying or taking too much damage. The reward for going lightly armored just isn't there.

On a side note, I thought it was pretty clear that it was STR >>>> AGI/FTH (until the mid levels where it's somewhat closer), but after absolutely demolishing the game as a FTH gouging build, I think it's STR ≥ FTH >>> AGI. Around level 50 or so, it doesn't feel like there's that much of a difference between STR and AGI in terms of actual damage as well as openings for regular enemies. The gap still exists on bosses though in a big way.

I have no idea what you mean about there being many attacks you can't dodge. I think the Worshiper is a bad example and an outlier; you can actually dodge all of his attacks too, but it just costs you even more damage over time. The majority of the attacks in the game can be dodged, until the very end where they decide to shit the bed with encounter design.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
What, so Rogue isn't just harder, it's somehow less fun? :( That's a bummer... might have to reconsider my initial plan to --

The only thing that made it tolerable for me was because I grabbed some of the better, mid-game weapons earlier (like Needle in the cellar). Ironically, Needle lasted me all of the way until the last area on a first run due to there just not being anything much better aside from Unity for some enemies.

...There's a weapon called Needle? Needle? Is it a small estoc?!


(Although the idea of a big bald burly man fighting with a small estoc made for a nine-year-old is damn comical. Which is why I must do it. Because NEEDLE)

The reward for going lightly armored just isn't there.
Wow, this is like the anti-Souls game then, lol.


What, so Rogue isn't just harder, it's somehow less fun? :( That's a bummer... might have to reconsider my initial plan to --

Yep, as I previously said, if you want a build that actually feels Souls like, pick STR and have fun smashing shit two-handed. You can actually just play a Rogue like a Warrior using AGI weapons and the ability to Riposte (whoopie, two enemies) while wearing heavier armors, but it ends up feeling really silly. Warriors on the other hand feel good both lumbering in heavy armor, or max speed and lightly armored. A FTH gouging Cleric is actually pretty badass too, but doesn't start out nearly as broken as the Warrior.

...There's a weapon called Needle? Needle? Is it a small estoc?!


My bad, it's called Needles, and it's a fist weapon. Requires 24 AGI and can be grabbed before the second boss. Only spilling though if you ask.

Wow, this is like the anti-Souls game then, lol.

Kind of, if you think for a game to be Souls means it's DEX/Pyro or nothing. A lightly armored STR build is fun as hell. Probably my favorite. Speaking of Pyro, I hope you aren't getting excited over the gauntlet. It doesn't scale at all (Runes make it stronger but your stats do nothing aside from increase your mana pool).

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yep, as I previously said, if you want a build that actually feels Souls like, pick STR and have fun smashing shit two-handed.
That isn't Souls for me. Well, it is in a way, because I make various builds all the time in Souls, but I always favour the agile ninja rolling dex builds since day one in Demon's.

Though ironically, my favourite build in all the Souls games is probably my DBS mage, because it's the most fun for PvP. xD

No, it's a fist weapon.
Well, that's a crushing disappointment. Also, what a stupid name for a fist weapon. Needle is meant for a slender piercing blade, duh. smh [Edit: oh, just saw your ninja edit. I guess that explains it.]

Kind of, if you think for a game to be Souls means it's DEX/Pyro or nothing.
Well, I mean that even when I make tanks or heavy weapon users/strength builds in Souls, I still keep the fast roll (or at least the medium roll in Dark Souls I) because the additional defense and poise from heavy armour is never worth sacrificing the mobility and slower stamina regen. That's especially true in Demon's (which has no poise so zero reason to wear heavy armour) and Dark II (which does have poise but it doesn't do much). It seems LotF is the other way around, which is why I said it's the anti-Souls.


Well, I mean that even when I make tanks or heavy weapon users/strength builds in Souls, I still keep the fast roll (or at least the medium roll in Dark Souls I) because the additional defense and poise from heavy armour is never worth sacrificing the mobility and slower stamina regen. That's especially true in Demon's (which has no poise so zero reason to wear heavy armour) and Dark II (which does have poise but it doesn't do much). It seems LotF is the other way around, which is why I said it's the anti-Souls.

Hmm, not sure it's much of a consolation, but you might be happy to know that once you hit NG++ poise no longer matters (the game takes around 15 hours on your first run and should be 8-10 every run after), so you may as well stick to max speed. So in that regard, an AGI based speedster might start pulling ahead at the end of NG+ and all of NG++ over the other two builds. The thing I really do not like about dodging in this game though is that more often than not you end up too far away, or you recover too slowly to do anything offensive after. You CAN roll backstab, but it's pretty tricky compared to Souls.

I've found the best way to offensively roll in this game is just by doing a backstep to avoid an attack and then roll forward to do a roll attack on a fast rolling character through enemies that do longer combos such as bosses. Although step/roll back > jumping two-handed R2 seems to do about as much and is a bit more brain dead.
Currently on the last boss, seems to be a lot of slow down. Is it laggy for anyone else? Playing on ps4. The citadel was the king of glitches. I nearly decided to stop playing and kept pushing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm enjoying the game more than I'm not, but it is extremely flawed in so many places.

It really makes me appreciate the Souls games even more. I guess they just aren't that easy to copy.

The more I play this, the more I want to go back and play Dark Souls II.


Exploring the catacombs and related areas was pretty great. Beat the champion first time. Currently rolling with a warrior with most of my points going to strength and endurance and decent amount to faith to make the most out of my gauntlet and ram. Wielding an axe called fate and the shield you get from defeating the second boss in a Special way.

Being able to wear heavy armour and still capitalise on the movement bonuses for wearing a low percentage of your maximum load is great.


Exploring the catacombs and related areas was pretty great. Beat the champion first time. Currently rolling with a warrior with most of my points going to strength and agility and decent amount to faith to make the most out of my gauntlet and ram. Wielding an axe called fate and the shield you get from defeating the second boss in a Special way.

Being able to wear heavy armour and still capitalise on the movement bonuses for wearing a low percentage of your maximum load is great.

Why AGI over END for a STR build? END gives you more energy and also lets you wear even heavier gear while retaining a faster speed. Unless that's what you actually meant.

After two hours with Lords of the Fallen, I'm of the same opinion. Lords looks great but the game mechanics are just not as fun compared to Souls.

It's a fun diversion for a week or maybe even two, but it doesn't have the longevity of the Souls games. And like the above poster, initially while playing this all I could think about was how I wanted to replay DS2 (my least favorite) again. Never bothered with the DLC either, but I think I will sometime soon.


I'm enjoying the game more than I'm not, but it is extremely flawed in so many places.

It really makes me appreciate the Souls games even more. I guess they just aren't that easy to copy.

The more I play this, the more I want to go back and play Dark Souls II.
After two hours with Lords of the Fallen, I'm of the same opinion. Lords looks great but the game mechanics are just not as fun compared to Souls.

Deleted member 59090

Unconfirmed Member
Just in case anyone's curious the game shipped 700k copies and they sold through 200k in the first 4 days. Haven't read the thread so sorry if it's old news.
I am really trying to enjoy this game but...I'm just not :( It started out fun but the further I get in it the less I like it, and I'm not even that far in (I think, I'm just after the graveyard guy). I guess I just went in expecting something other than what I'm getting. All the Souls hype and it just doesn't feel anything like a Souls game to me, but even taken for what it actually is, I'm still not enjoying it.

However, I'm glad to see I seem to be in the minority feeling that way since I believe we need more Souls inspired games/new IPs...and if this one is successful, it means maybe we'll get a more refined (mechanically) sequel. Just disappointing to me personally given I was really looking forward to it and end up not enjoying it. Oh well.


After more testing, it seems like Rage is bugged. It's supposed to increase "damage" and attack power on top of removing the energy requirements for attacks. All it does is removes the energy requirements and damage per hit is not increased in any way. Furthermore all three ranks last exactly 12.5s.

Mimic on the other hand summons a copy that literally doubles the damage of every attack you do, and at rank 3 lasts 13s. With how often you need to reposition in later fights, and especially NG+, having infinite energy is still only going to allow you to get off so many attacks before it expires. You can also just use an energy consummable if you really need to before engaging. To me, this lessens the overall impact of the Brawler tree for a Warrior.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
So I'm reposting my problem again for those that missed it on the last page. CI Games says they're on patching it but after a week there's no news. Wondering if any of you guys had a similar problem?

So, my game is broken :(

Got to the
, and died near the top of the stairs just as I killed the last enemy.

Kaslo (or whatever monk)
just continually walks in the same place. Tried restarting, new checkpoint blah blah and nothing. According to my internet research this has happened to other folks and there's no fixing it.

Well, fuck this game, what a broken piece of shit. I'm pretty cheesed. I was definitely digging the game up until this nonsense.

Total waste of time.


Just cleared the catacombs and stopped before the boss.

Catacombs was fun to explore, speaking of which the reason I love this game is the exploration. I agree it has big issues in other areas, but it doesn't ruin the game.


Beat the 3rd boss last night but the chromatic abberation on the xbox version bothers me so much it is hard for me to see clearly sometimes. It makes the resolution look so much lowerm If they patch an option to turn it off I will play more but for now I will return to Gamefly. I may just get the PC version down the road if the CA isnt removeable on consoles eventually.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Need some help on where to go. I'm past the 3rd boss:

Killed the graveyard boss. The portal is open to the new realm, but I also have the area behind the graveyard door (catacombs?), and an area past the savepoint if you go up the long stairs above the graveyard boss. All three of these are extremely difficulty for me at level 26. Which one am I supposed to do now, or is there a fourth area I'm not noticing?


Need some help on where to go. I'm past the 3rd boss:

Killed the graveyard boss. The portal is open to the new realm, but I also have the area behind the graveyard door (catacombs?), and an area past the savepoint if you go up the long stairs above the graveyard boss. All three of these are extremely difficulty for me at level 26. Which one am I supposed to do now, or is there a fourth area I'm not noticing?

You enter the portal
and once you've finished in there
You clear the catacombs

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
devs are streaming speed run, they got sales data today, 700k shipped 250k sold as of november 1st (ex witcher dev said that). they just had a crash on stream lol


they are working on dlc but wont announce price or date due to wanting to fix game first


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
devs are streaming speed run, they got sales data today, 700k shipped 250k sold as of november 1st (ex witcher dev said that). they just had a crash on stream lol


they are working on dlc but wont announce price or date due to wanting to fix game first

Any ETA on that fix, then? While my PS4 has shipped, apparently my game hasn't (lol stupid Amazon), but now I'm wondering if I should postpone my playthrough until the next patch to avoid frustrations...


Any XB1 users wanna tell me how good the game performs? Any tearing, framerate drops, lower quality shadows, or less lighting?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fuck it, got into the mood to play some more Lords before Blizzcon starts!

Onwards to NG+x5 :D

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
press controller stick in and options button for a free move around pause mode or something (they mentioned and showed it on stream can remmeber exact button press is also possible on consoles)
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