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Los Angeles: mass shooting at Jamaican restaurant

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This is the new normal for California. Violence happens when you prematurely release so many prisoners. Thanks Jerry Brown.

RIP to the victims.

Jerry Brown has done a lot of terrible things (...in his prior term, and his present one) but I don't think your assessment is correct here.
Jerry Brown has done a lot of terrible things (...in his prior term, and his present one) but I don't think your assessment is correct here.

lol what. What "terrible" things has Jerry Brown done? He's been the best governor California's had in the last 30 years.


You don't think gangs and organized crime exist in countries like Japan and Great Britain? Regulating one state and expecting it to have an effect is ludicrous. We need strict, across the board, nationwide regulations if you really want to curb the supply/demand issue that allows people to get guns (legally or illegally) so easily.

comparing u.s to japan? really? this country is way bigger and culturally different. Extreme gun laws would not work.
comparing u.s to japan? really? this country is way bigger and culturally different. Extreme gun laws would not work.

I'm pointing out that this idea that "if we regulate guns, only the bad guys will have guns!" is bullshit fear mongering perpetuated by people like the NRA. Meaningful gun regulations can also have an effect on the supply of available illegal firearms.


comparing u.s to japan? really? this country is way bigger and culturally different. Extreme gun laws would not work.

The US has extreme gun laws now, and indeed they do not work. It would be much better to have moderate gun laws, to make sure only people who need them own them and there being a much more moderate amount of guns available in society in general.
The US has extreme gun laws now, and indeed they do not work. It would be much better to have moderate gun laws, to make sure only people who need them own them and there being a much more moderate amount of guns available in society in general.

what are these extreme gun laws in the US?


Junior Member
I want the state to know of every gun sold and to whom. You sell your gun go a criminal and it's used in a crime then hopefully you get charged. Straw purchases will fall and fewer bad guys will get guns.

CA already requires background checks for all firearms sales; the "gun show loophole" doesn't exist there, as all transfers must happen through an FFL.

Straw purchases are a already a federal crime, carrying a sentence of 10 years in prison.


CA already requires background checks for all firearms sales; the "gun show loophole" doesn't exist there, as all transfers must happen through an FFL.

Straw purchases are a already a federal crime, carrying a sentence of 10 years in prison.

Yeah but it needs to be done nationally to be properly effective. States with proper gun control generally have lower rates of gun crime
The US has extreme gun laws now, and indeed they do not work. It would be much better to have moderate gun laws, to make sure only people who need them own them and there being a much more moderate amount of guns available in society in general.

This is bullshit. And don't try to point to a few isolated cities or states with more extreme gun laws while ignoring that guns in many of those cases (like Chicago) it doesn't work because guns are just being brought in from another state with much laxer laws. Which is why gun laws need to be executed on a national level


Junior Member
Yeah but it needs to be done nationally to be properly effective. States with proper gun control generally have lower rates of gun crime

Straw purchasing is a federal crime; that means it's already a felony on a national level.

The other two points you advocated:
  • National requirement for background checks on all transfers; this has popular support, but I've yet to see it attempted without piggybacking other gun control legislation that's unpopular. As typical for gun control advocates, they overreach on popular ideas.
  • Pinning a crime on someone when something they've legally sold to someone else is used in the commission of a crime. This is a patently absurd idea, but would be moot if we could get the point above passed. We won't though, because it's held hostage to try and tack on unpopular gun control measures with it.


This is bullshit. And don't try to point to a few isolated cities or states with more extreme gun laws while ignoring that guns in many of those cases (like Chicago) it doesn't work because guns are just being brought in from another state with much laxer laws. Which is why gun laws need to be executed on a national level

Countries make laws, and the US just happens to let local governments muck about. There's a silly bit in your constitution that still isn't fixed.
But please tell me how many out of 50 states forbid possession of any firearm if you don't need it for your job?

And I know there's a significant portion of the population that supports these gun laws, but that doesn't make them any less extreme.


Straw purchasing is a federal crime; that means it's already a felony on a national level.

The other two points you advocated:
  • National requirement for background checks on all transfers; this has popular support, but I've yet to see it attempted without piggybacking other gun control legislation that's unpopular. As typical for gun control advocates, they overreach on popular ideas.
  • Pinning a crime on someone when something they've legally sold to someone else is used in the commission of a crime. This is a patently absurd idea, but would be moot if we could get the point above passed. We won't though, because it's held hostage to try and tack on unpopular gun control measures with it.
[A straw purchase or nominee purchase is any purchase wherein an agent agrees to acquire a good or service for someone who is unable or unwilling to purchase the good or service themselves, and the agent transfers the goods/services to that person after purchasing them. In general, straw purchases are legal except in cases where the ultimate receiver of goods or services uses those goods or services in the commission of a crime with the prior knowledge of the straw purchaser, or if the ultimate possessor is not legally able to purchase the goods/services. In some jurisdictions straw purchases are legal in spite of the fact that the end user is not legally able to purchase the good or service himself or herself.[1]/quote]

From Wikipedia. Seems to not be the case.


Junior Member
[A straw purchase or nominee purchase is any purchase wherein an agent agrees to acquire a good or service for someone who is unable or unwilling to purchase the good or service themselves, and the agent transfers the goods/services to that person after purchasing them. In general, straw purchases are legal except in cases where the ultimate receiver of goods or services uses those goods or services in the commission of a crime with the prior knowledge of the straw purchaser, or if the ultimate possessor is not legally able to purchase the goods/services. In some jurisdictions straw purchases are legal in spite of the fact that the end user is not legally able to purchase the good or service himself or herself.[1]/quote]

From Wikipedia. Seems to not be the case.

Wrong. You may want to scroll down a whole half of a page (!)...

Illegal uses
In the United States, a straw purchaser of a firearm at a federally licensed firearm dealership who lies about the identity of the ultimate possessor of the gun can be charged with making false statements on a federal Firearms Transaction Record. If a firearm is purchased as a gift, the transaction is not a straw purchase, and the person buying the gift is considered the end user. The buyer is also considered the end user if he intends to sell the firearm, as long as the initial purchase is not made at the direction of or as part of an agreement with the second, ultimate buyer. Straw purchases in lawful sales made outside of federally regulated dealerships are not subject to such rules and are legal unless the gun is used in a crime with the prior knowledge of the straw purchaser.​

Now, in case you want to jump on that last sentence, a "lawful sale made outside of federally regulated dealership" is a private sale between to people within the same state, AKA the "gun show loophole". It is still a requirement of all parties in a private transfer of a firearm to, as the text you highlighted mentions, ensure that they do not transfer the firearm if "the ultimate possessor is not legally able to purchase the goods/services."

If someone transfers a firearm to someone they suspect is not legally able to possess a firearm, it's already a crime on at least one of many levels.


This is the new normal for California. Violence happens when you prematurely release so many prisoners. Thanks Jerry Brown.

RIP to the victims.

I completely missed this theory when getting my degree in criminology. Kind gaffer, do please tell me more about the causality between prematurely releasing prisoners and violence rates.


Saint Titanfall
Not already having 300 million guns in country, 10 million north of their border and 15 million guns south of their border probably helped their situations out immensely.
Already you pretend as if that happened overnight, the only reason the US has that problem is because unlike they cast majority of western countries they thought thought having lax gun laws was perfectly fine and let persist until present day. If your government had sorted that shot out a decade or two ago the problem eoukdn't be nearly as bad. Don't use your countries inability to deal with a problem before it becomes chronic as an excuse as to why it can't fix it because it's some special snowflake.
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