Poody said:
why have another charlie episode?
Because there are a whole lot of unanswered questions about all of these people. These characters have intricacies.
I don't share the apparent Sawyer disinterest. I think the character has some issues with his past, obviously, as we saw before with his parents being swindled. What we have yet to have explained about Sawyer is:
- How did he become a con-man if he despised them so much?
- Why was he arrested in Sydney? We saw him in the police station last week, being led in with handcuffs. Another con? What else?
Hurley's had NO back story at this point, but I think that's important. Considering his status as comedic relief, at this point we have no real questions other than "Who the hell is this guy?". The only thing we can even gleam anything from was his comment of "I used to be considered a warrior too" although that could have easily been a joke.
For each character, there seems to be a pattern. The back stories either focus on why they were on the plane, or some major past event that is dictating their current actions. Mind you, there's a little bit of the second part in all of them, but that's the pattern. We know Sawyer's a con man, but why was he in Sydney? Other characters have the exact other issues; we saw why Jack, for instance, was in Sydney first, and then discovered why he and his father were fighting (The operating incident).
It's a tricky thing, the back stories, and I think it needs to continue the way it is for the show to stay as interesting as it is. It is a show with three categoriesof mystery. One is "What will happen next". The next is "What does this all mean". The third is "Who are these people".
What Will Happen Next?
- Week to Week mystery of what will happen to these people on a whole. Basic actions, events. What will Claire's return mean for the people on the island? Is Boone Locke's bitch? Just basic procedural stuff.
What Does This All Mean?
- The big questions: What's with the Polar Bear, what does Rousseau have to do with this, where did Ethan come from, what IS this place, what's the monster look like, etc. The overbearing questions you constantly ask yourself, plotwise.
Who Are These People?
- This is the tricky one, because not all people will care about every single character. But I think it is important that this exists, because it kind of makes it so they don't have to answer the second question all the time. They can answer this question, satisfy their audience (generally) and leave the big questions looming, which makes for a more interesting overall story arc.
The first type is answered week by week, and is common on all shows. The second is what sets the show apart, but answering them all the time would ruin in. The third, whether all enjoy it or not, is serviced with the back story elements, and provides a way for each episode to technically answer something without having to sacrifice the big, interesting, overreaching mysteries of the series.
Dan said:
So, what do you guys think, is Michael cool with Locke now? Are they squared up? Michael didn't get too far with his raft idea, so I'm wondering if he'll be continuing with that or if maybe he's not so anxious to try something crazy to get off the island now.
Yeah, he's cool with Locke now. Locke needed to keep Walt on his side. I swear, he's got a checklist of people he wants on his team that looks something like this.
Locke's List of People to Befriend and then Brainwash
- Boone (He knows too much, can't let him go now, can we?)
- Sayid (He works with electronics, and looks to get off the island. We must brainwash him and keep him from doing so)
- Walt (The kid is freakin'...special, I think I called it earlier)
- Michael (Must brainwash father so that the kid can come into my ranks)
After that...who knows. But, does this all go back to his Backgammon speech?