I saw me a giant stone-like object with the 'Numbers' carved into it (Snowy TV)...what in the hell was it? The crazy door thing Locke found? They showed it in the previews, I assume that it was that.
In other news, a fascinating hour of television. The thing about the Numbers is pure, unadulterated Abrams, here, with huge coincidences and crazy ass theories. This is the kind of stuff I love. It gave us a few answers, but mostly just a lot of awesome, fantastic new questions. I don't care if people want questions answered, interesting questions are more than enough for me.
On that note, the hiatus is going to suck. In other news, MAJOR props for explaining Hurley's original actions in the Pilot. Remember? He was all like "Dude, you don't want my help". Great attention to detail.
Hiatus sucks and all, but it will be very interesting to see how this continues. There are 6 episodes left, so I wasn't expecting anything major...but it was fantastic nonetheless.