While I'm doing hottakes of my own, this kind of jumped out at me.
Why the hell are you reading your own partner as if you somehow don't know their alignment?
These two quotes + the above read are a bit fluff. You don't need to do public demonstrations of how you think. Show us how you think by hunting scum and providing reasonable arguments.
These are all easy hottake reads too. I'm pretty sure both of these reads have basically been made by others before this post.
Obviously I know Orb's alignment but I sat back and looked at how people may perceive Orb without knowing his alignment.
Those hottakes are ones I've stated before. I stand by what I said and will most likely be voting one or the other in today's vote depending on what happens.
Everytime I try and show it always gets shut down in past games. So now when someone's trying to dismiss a read they'll at least maybe be able to look at it like I do. I don't know. Maybe, maybe not.