Hey Kawl, do you guys have a plan on how to proof you are town?
I get that (if you are town) you are in a difficult position. But up to now all you have done was claiming MillerTracker and saying "oh they visited us"... circumstances lead to the convenient thought: "hey that could be the doc, better to not reveal."
The problem with your situation is, scum would use the same explanation for no result today. Basically we are again at the point of "would scum claim early and risk their life?". Yesterday you two didn't do shit and laughed your asses off, that won't be enough for today. Note: I'm not asking you to reveal your target. But you need to step up your game!
There's no way we can prove we are town. As you say, I don't think dragging other roles into the light is the best move. Even if it might provide our claim with more credibility its just not the right play. I fully realize that my day 1 play was pretty lazy. That's a combination of getting burned on a lot of effort during d1 in VI and being attached to Blarg. It's hard not to let his brand of crazy rub off on you a bit when in close proximity.
Right now, waiting for everyone else to check in (Timeflux most importantly) before getting after it.
I do think that it's interesting that we had no kill tonight, which I think was just dumb luck of someone (doc, roleblocker etc) guessing right.
I have noticed that some people think that there might be an SK, but I don't buy it. The game would go bye way too quickly if there could be two kills a night.
Heyho, well that was something... nothing on Day One's end, but at least no night kill.
Some opinions (which were all already mentioned prior, I'm aware) of mine on current affairs, will leave it at that for today and reread stuff for scum reads etc. tomorrow.
> Doctor protection seems likely, don't think there are necessarily two bodyarmor players among us.
> the 15-player argument for no SK convinces me, 1-shot still a possibility
> Blawl's situation smells like cop-out, which would be unfortunate if they tell the truth, but it is what it is
Are you talking about the Cabot one? If so, I honestly have no idea. It didn't really make much sense to me for either scum or town to do something like that.
Heyho, well that was something... nothing on Day One's end, but at least no night kill.
Some opinions (which were all already mentioned prior, I'm aware) of mine on current affairs, will leave it at that for today and reread stuff for scum reads etc. tomorrow.
> Doctor protection seems likely, don't think there are necessarily two bodyarmor players among us.
> the 15-player argument for no SK convinces me, 1-shot still a possibility
> Blawl's situation smells like cop-out, which would be unfortunate if they tell the truth, but it is what it is
Surely, saying we tracked someone and they didn't visit anyone is the easier cop out if we are lying? We can reveal the couple right now if everyone thinks we are blowing smoke, but I legit don't think its the right call. At least one couple right now should know we are telling the truth, which is the couple that visited us.
Also, as far as the switch to Cabot, I'm putting that down as mostly nonsense, not a concentrated effort lead by scum. There could have been a scum player in there but considering that the leader in votes was town/PR scum making any big moves seems doubtful.
For the earlier switch away from UltraBoo and Hyperkitty, its hard to draw any major conclusions while their alignment remains unknown. Many of the swing votes were selfish survival votes by the aforementioned pairs but it seems possible that there was something else afoot there.
I see I missed absolutely nothing of value in the last two pages. Back to the claims:
I think Blawl made a good choice. No need to shoot your load all in one go, we've got a first piece of information that can be considered, cross-referenced and elaborated on as/when necessary.
Now we need to hear from Flux. Apparently he's only punctual when he's being terrible.
In-case Time/Flux is going to jump the gun and not re-read before posting, I personally think if they do end up revealing who their action was on last night that they should only reveal the name of the team, not who the actual team is.
Reason being is the name could give away what the role is, and if it is say, the doctor, that would be really bad to have it associated with a pair.
In-case Time/Flux is going to jump the gun and not re-read before posting, I personally think if they do end up revealing who their action was on last night that they should only reveal the name of the team, not who the actual team is.
Reason being is the name could give away what the role is, and if it is say, the doctor, that would be really bad to have it associated with a pair.
I agree they shouldn't give it all, but I'm not sure if it's better to give the role name or just tell us who they targeted. If they were giving a role name they could easily make something up, whereas mentioning who they targeted would be kind of useless on its own... useful later maybe? I'm not sure
I agree they shouldn't give it all, but I'm not sure if it's better to give the role name or just tell us who they targeted. If they were giving a role name they could easily make something up, whereas mentioning who they targeted would be kind of useless on its own... useful later maybe? I'm not sure
I'm of the opinion they should tell us the name of who they targeted and why. The role name can be their judgement (Unless it's damning, I'd personally save it for later on in the game/phase), but I think their reasoning for who they picked is useful and doesn't give scum team too much useful information.
Yeah, no. I expressed, pretty explicitly, that I find you and cabot the most suspicious lot in this game. If you mean it was a joke vote in that I knew it wasn't going to go through, then yes.
Let's not tiptoe around this. You're the scummiest fuck in this game by a mile.
Yeah, no. I expressed, pretty explicitly, that I find you and cabot the most suspicious lot in this game. If you mean it was a joke vote in that I knew it wasn't going to go through, then yes.
Let's not tiptoe around this. You're the scummiest fuck in this game by a mile.
Truly a great contribution, could you answer a question? Did you and Flux check someone during the night? Don't say anything else just yet, just whether or not you checked someone.
We are not Role Cops, we've never been Role Cops, and we never will be Role Cops. Before you scream at me, a couple of things you should know:
1) Flux came up with this on his own, without my input
2) My "lol" in response to the D1 reveal was actually in response to him telling me his plan was to claim role cop (which was never mentioned he'd do on D1).
3) My reaction to his roleclaim on D1 is genuine. I had no idea he would do it, much less do it on D1. I figured if he wasn't joking, I would at least get the opportunity to talk him out of it. Not so.
4) I was being so wishy washy yesterday because I did not want to commit to the roleclaim.
However, my non-commital became more suspicious, so I had to do soemthing, eventually. You have to realize here I was between a rock and a hard place, here. My two options were:
a) Confirm Flux's untrue roleclaim and dig ourselves deeper into this hole. Woo.
b) Say Flux is full of shit and draw suspicion on why Flux claimed in the first place and probably die on D1.
Neither was appealing, so my strategy was to be vague and silent. Eventually, you guys wanted an answer, so I quietly agreed that we were rolecops. Here was the post, by me, in response to Kark pushing for an answer.
I felt that throwing my partner under the bus so late in the day was a sure suicide. Furthermore, Flux and I both figured we'd make a good scum target last night so we could maybe draw the fire from another PR. Obviously, we didn't die, so that didn't work. But no one did, so who knows?
Well now that a new day has begun, I'm coming clean. We have no information and I'm not going to pretend we do. I feel like transparency is the best course of action right now, and in general, and it really pained me to lie to town yesterday, so I avoided even talking.
I can't speak for Flux's intentions, but he definitely did it as a gambit, as he confirms in our chat. I'm not sure what information he was going for, you'd have to ask him.
I'm willing to answer whatever questions you guys have about this.
Haha ding ding ding. I was just typing this up as I read this! I'd argue that why the hell would we fake claim rolecop on D1 as mafia when we know we wouldn't get any info the next day? That's suicide, but I mean of course I understand why this is so weird.
Anyway, I'm tired of playing the game of "yea we're rolecops lol guys". I never signed up for that shit to begin with.
I'm not moving my vote yet, but in a way, you making it out of Day 1 Flux/Time was dependent on getting information today. I feel bad for you Time, sorry it worked out this way.
So Flux claimed role cop on Day 1 to generate discussion (confusion) and now I imagine he just wants us to let him live?
Time, did Flux know you were going to come clean today with all of this?
I told him in chat, yea, although it was fairly recently. He also mentioned earlier (during the night phase) that he would let me decide our course of action on D2. And this is my decision.
So if Flux/Time aren't cops, is there any reason the real cop shouldn't out a report? It seems generally agreed that two killing roles in a 15-person game would be a bit much, and whatever role kept maf from killing last night is still alive, so it's not like we'd have to worry about the cop getting offed tomorrow. Plus, if we get some cc's then maybe this game can really get going.
I guess Time didn't just claim Ordinary, so I guess it wouldn't really clear them, but
Weren't we under the assumption that Blarg would check Flux/Time, and Flux/Time would check Blarg?
If Blarg/Kawl indeed saw something, but Time is claiming they have "no information", all it takes is Blarg/Kawl confirming that they didn't target Time/Flux for their story to get more credibility.
So if Flux/Time aren't cops, is there any reason the real cop shouldn't out a report? It seems generally agreed that two killing roles in a 15-person game would be a bit much, and whatever role kept maf from killing last night is still alive, so it's not like we'd have to worry about the cop getting offed tomorrow. Plus, if we get some cc's then maybe this game can really get going.
I guess Time didn't just claim Ordinary, so I guess it wouldn't really clear them, but
Weren't we under the assumption that Blarg would check Flux/Time, and Flux/Time would check Blarg?
If Blarg/Kawl indeed saw something, but Time is claiming they have "no information", all it takes is Blarg/Kawl confirming that they didn't target Time/Flux for their story to get more credibility.
I guess Time didn't just claim Ordinary, so I guess it wouldn't really clear them, but
Weren't we under the assumption that Blarg would check Flux/Time, and Flux/Time would check Blarg?
If Blarg/Kawl indeed saw something, but Time is claiming they have "no information", all it takes is Blarg/Kawl confirming that they didn't target Time/Flux for their story to get more credibility.
I guess Time didn't just claim Ordinary, so I guess it wouldn't really clear them, but
Weren't we under the assumption that Blarg would check Flux/Time, and Flux/Time would check Blarg?
If Blarg/Kawl indeed saw something, but Time is claiming they have "no information", all it takes is Blarg/Kawl confirming that they didn't target Time/Flux for their story to get more credibility.
So if Flux/Time aren't cops, is there any reason the real cop shouldn't out a report? It seems generally agreed that two killing roles in a 15-person game would be a bit much, and whatever role kept maf from killing last night is still alive, so it's not like we'd have to worry about the cop getting offed tomorrow. Plus, if we get some cc's then maybe this game can really get going.
I think it would be a bad idea for a cop to come out until Day 3 or 4, any earlier and the mafia will be able to get them before they get to do some work. Town would want a cop to lie low for awhile, gather results, and then have a blowout day later on, anything else helps scum.
It wasn't really a "gambit," but hell no. Obviously, a power role still ended up being lynched on D1. Would have rather we died instead; that was the point. Then again, no one died on N1, so who knows.
It wasn't really a "gambit," but hell no. Obviously, a power role still ended up being lynched on D1. Would have rather we died instead; that was the point. Then again, no one died on N1, so who knows.
Branching off of this, if they were the ones targeted, then wouldn't that imply that the role names for the mafia are obvious enough to warrant a night 1 kill?
It wasn't really a "gambit," but hell no. Obviously, a power role still ended up being lynched on D1. Would have rather we died instead; that was the point. Then again, no one died on N1, so who knows.
It wasn't really a "gambit," but hell no. Obviously, a power role still ended up being lynched on D1. Would have rather we died instead; that was the point. Then again, no one died on N1, so who knows.
Yeah, with your claim, there was no way you could be lynched. It would look horrible for everyone who voted you. You would have had to say you were faking it all to get lynched.
It wasn't really a "gambit," but hell no. Obviously, a power role still ended up being lynched on D1. Would have rather we died instead; that was the point. Then again, no one died on N1, so who knows.
Yeah, with your claim, there was no way you could be lynched. It would look horrible for everyone who voted you. You would have had to say you were faking it all to get lynched.
Which is why I felt I couldn't come clean yesterday. It would almost certainly lead in a lynch for us. However, it may have been better to do it yesterday and take the L than end up lynching our two True Lovers. It's something I weighed yesterday, but decided against it.