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low calorie diet...

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alright i just wanna lose maybe 5 lbs, not really sure, since i'm basing how long i stay on the diet on looks more than anything else [i wanna get rid of some fat around the stomach area, thin up my face, and maybe make my ass smaller lol, most of my fat goes to my ass/thighs...that was probably too much info =P ] i'm not fat or even chubby, which is why my parents don't understand why i wanna lose weight...but anyway i've been trying to cut back lately, and now today i kept track of my caloric intake...total for today was around 1250. what i want to know is, how fast will i progress if i keep about that level? [ I'm 15 yo, 5'4", 115]...i plan on jogging 30 mins every weekday morning or so starting very soon, like by the end of this week or monday at the very latest...how much will that factor in? also 1250 isn't too little an amount is it? i've heard the body begins to feed off muscle if you don't intake enough calories...any help is appreciated!


Setec Astronomer
Start exercising before considering how your diet is going to change. :p

You may find that the additional activity is all you really need... and it's not good to starve yourself needlessly.

BTW, are you sure you CAN jog 30min a day? You might want to ease yourself into it, just to get your skeletal and muscular systems up to par, even if your stamina is already up to it.


lol yeah i will ease myself into it, i just meant i was gonna start trying to get up to it. it took me about a week and a 1/2 or so to get up to about 30 mins straight, about 6 months ago...the only reason i stopped doing it is i kept running out of time with schoolwork and stuff...and i was a lot lazier back then. =P


I've heard that (for men) you shouldn't go under ~1500 calories, or your body can start burning muscle mass or can go into "starvation mode" and try to hold onto reserves, making it harder to lose weight.

How are you keeping track of your cals? because fitday.com is a great site to keep track of that kind of stuff if you are currently using pen and paper. Also, you can use fitday to make sure you are meeting your nutritional requirements.


As I recall, 15 isn't the best time to think about dieting in the first place, unless you have a medical reason to do so (eg. you're obese). Advise that works for fully-grown adults doesn't really apply to you if you're still growing.

The jogging is still a good idea, however. One thing that's true for pretty much everyone is that physical exercise is healthy for you.
I'm starting to watch my caloric intake these days, and I really need to get back into my workout routine. I'm trying to lose the 30 lbs. I gained last year. It's such a bitch when you lapse into depression, gain weight, and then subsequently become more depressed due to the unhealthy state of your body. Then the depression prevents you from becoming motivated to exercise. I mean, wtf? I don't need these physical problems in addition to my mental problems.


Dracor said:
I've heard that (for men) you shouldn't go under ~1500 calories, or your body can start burning muscle mass or can go into "starvation mode" and try to hold onto reserves, making it harder to lose weight.

so roughly how much food is that? I've cut down dramatically the amount of food I eat recently, looking to lose some of the fat around my mid-section. Just to get more definition, not like i'm overwieght or anything close to that.


so roughly how much food is that? I've cut down dramatically the amount of food I eat recently, looking to lose some of the fat around my mid-section. Just to get more definition, not like i'm overwieght or anything close to that.

It really depends on what you eat, but something like...

- bowl of Rasin Bran (w/milk) = ~300 cals
- apple, whole wheat muffin (w/jam, no butter) = ~300 cals
- turkey sandwich (w/mustard, not mayo) = ~250 cals
- protein shake = ~300 cals
- chicken breast, spinach and salad = ~400 cals

Keep in mind though that a Big Mac, with supersized fries and coke is about the same as all of the above...

Here are some things that you can do to help:

- only drink water, and lots of it... even fruit juices are loaded with cals
- keep away from refined sugars (they raise your insulin levels making you hungrier), whole wheat foods have fiber, which fill you up faster, and for longer (plus it helps clean your system out)
- spread out your eating, no 2 meals at 750 cals... you won't last a week
- fruits and veges (mostly non starchy veges) seem to fill faster for less cals, and apple fills me as much as a Mars bar but has 1/4 the calories


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I've really been cutting back on calories myself...

I have also been hitting the gym about 4 times a week now. About 45 minutes of cardio (dropping 1000 cals) and several rounds of weight lifting. A lot of the food I was eating previously was just TERRIBLE for you, but I didn't even realize that. I'm eating less overall, but not by THAT much. I've simply started healthier foods, which has halved my calorie intake per day.

I can't understand how people can stand to do that low-carb shit. I mean, you NEED those carbs to really get a good workout. When I first started at the gym, I came straight from work one day after eating nothing since 11:00 AM (and not even much at that point). After 20 minutes on the machine, I was feeling awful (ultra hungry, very tired, and very weak). Now, I just eat a nice piece of fruit before working out and everything is fine. :) I would imagine that going on that awful low-carb diet would totally wear you out just due to lack of energy...


A 10 min jog (non-stop) is enough in the morning. Do it on an empty stomach so that your body will burn the fat for energy (small % of muscle too).

Just watch your diet. NO sugar (candy, chocolate junk), lower the fat (unless they're good fats from nuts). Try to eat no more than 60 grams of fat per day. Eat 5 - 6 balanced meals with a few servings of strawberries or blueberries as a substitution for other fruits to help your metabolism level.

There are no 'spot-reduction' as far as I know so don't focus on doing crunches or situps 'to lose the gut'. Cardio like swimming and jogging is very useful, or you can always start weight training which, at 15, is the perfect time.


Error Macro said:
I'm starting to watch my caloric intake these days, and I really need to get back into my workout routine. I'm trying to lose the 30 lbs. I gained last year. It's such a bitch when you lapse into depression, gain weight, and then subsequently become more depressed due to the unhealthy state of your body. Then the depression prevents you from becoming motivated to exercise. I mean, wtf? I don't need these physical problems in addition to my mental problems.

I hear ya. Especially since they say exercise is a good way to get your mind off of depression and other mental anguish. But since the depression keeps you unmotivated to do anything like that, it doesn't really help, does it? My current condition keeps me from being very active and I do fear its getting to my head. I NEED things to do, but I can't get up the energy to do them very often.
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