Big fan of both Cap movies, if Civil War is anywhere near the quality of the first two it'll be the best superhero trilogy outside of the Nolan Batman films.
Winter Soldier is by far the best film in the MCU.
Cap is one of the most subversive characters ever
As I said, I was wrong about the character. I guess it was the costume that made me think like that (aside of knowing nothing about the backstory of course).
Yes. That's my favorite scene in the movie.This movies secret weapon was Stanley Tucci. The scene with him and Steve in the barracks the night before the procedure is so great. This is when he tells Steve why he was chosen for the procedure.
This movies secret weapon was Stanley Tucci. The scene with him and Steve in the barracks the night before the procedure is so great. This is when he tells Steve why he was chosen for the procedure.
Yes. That's my favorite scene in the movie.
Cap 1 is honestly underrated.
It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
YepChris Evans is the best part of the Marvel movies I think. His Captain America feels the most relatable and human of the lot.
And yep.It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
Absolutely, I'm glad people are on board with this.This scene and the scene where Cap jumps on the dummy grenade are the best scenes in the movie.
I thought Iron Man 3 was LEAGUES better than Iron Man 2. That twist got me, too.
I would recommend the first Thor movie, but I'm in the minority there. It does give a good portray of Thor and Loki, both in ways that could be unexpected first ().Thor being dumb as a brick and unworthy of ruling a kingdom, Loki being a bitter ambitious guy who realizes everybody has been lying to him all his life
Second Thor movie is pointless, you can skip it.
I think Steve Rogers is ok, but a bit too goody-two-shoes for my tastes. His only motivation is "being a nice guy", that's a bit boring to be honest.
Thor's love interest as played by Natalie Portman might be the MCU's worst character.
why are there so many goddamn dutch angles in this movie
The last fight in The Dark World is under appreciated. People get too hung up on bububut Avengers
The last fight in The Dark World is under appreciated. People get too hung up on bububut Avengers
The last fight in The Dark World is under appreciated. People get too hung up on bububut Avengers
I feel the same. Thor 1 was too by the numbers for me to appreciate it.I really hate scenes like that, when they pretend the guy is dead ever thought everyone knows he's not dead, they have to get everyone's reactions and it drags on forever.
They're the the worst.
The fucking worst.
Eh T:TDW is more in that direction. I'd say the first is pretty fairly split between them.It's a better Loki movie than it is a Thor movie.
It really was. I was honestly suffering from fatigue from Marvel films for a bit and just didn't really care much, plus considering Tony's my least favorite character...However, it was a really, really fun action movie. Mandarin twist was hilarious. Plus, wasn't it shown in a short that there is a REAL Mandarin out there?agreed, IM3 was a blast
That's why Marvel made sure to get a lock on as many as possibleChris Evans is to Cap what Chris Reeves was for Supes.
Damn, what's with Superhero movies and actors named Chris?
It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
Under rated movie IMO.
Mark strong was great
...Mark Strong isn't in Captain America. He was in another 2011 superhero origin movie.