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LTTP: Def Jam: Fight For NY

so hows the psp version?
The biggest change is that they took out the ability to pick a guy up off the ground and replaced it with an MMA style mount. You could finish anyone in danger with some nasty ground and pound and some characters had submissions. It was sweet.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
I still have this on my og xbox. Great game.

Edit: Which did you choose, Kimora or Lil' Kim?

I chose Kimora at first....something about exotic women for me lol. In other playthroughs where I experimented with fighting styles I picked Lil Kim, but it was always between those two....Carmen is gorgeous but I LOVE me some exotic/black women lmao


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Did these games only have rappers on the Def Jam label? If not, I could see a new roster being quite good. Action Bronson, Killer Mike and El-P tag team, MC Ride and DOOM would all be pretty great.

A few weren't but looking at the state of EA right now and I don't even know who's still on Def Jam's label...I just feel like it would be disappointed.

Would still check it out though
The biggest change is that they took out the ability to pick a guy up off the ground and replaced it with an MMA style mount. You could finish anyone in danger with some nasty ground and pound and some characters had submissions. It was sweet.

I was hoping they would port that up to consoles at some point but eh...

There was some really good mechanics in there once again making it closer to an MMA game than its wrestling predecessor.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Couldn't happen. The game was a product of its' time. Hip-Hop back then wore it's bravado and influences on it's sleeve. DEF JAM was a perfect time capsule, and replacing the rappers with the new era would be disingenuous.

I could see a kingdom hearts style 'kid video' adventure game with the new guys, but the gritty, kung fu inspired, slum-ridden, chest pounding swagger of the old Def Jam games? Only an HD remaster would do it justice.

Considering the legal rights quagmire that EA would have to deal with to get this remade, I highly doubt we'll EVER see an HD remake.

One can dream, though.


I would love to see some other rappers like someone mentioned before....a fight between Nas and Jay-Z...with 2Pac jumping in outta nowhere and Rakim coming in from the crowd would make my head explode


Amazing game. I didn't even like wrestling style games or anything before this, but this was something else. Some shit was ridiculous and kind of stupid though, like Snoop Dogg being the best character made no sense.


Banstick Emeritus
[QUOTE="D";93916131]Despite the "urban" setting and projected audience, Fight for NY was a pretty decent game that had great appeal.[/QUOTE]
What do you mean "despite"?


Decent ?

Decent is a small word when this game is the 2nd best brawler of the "ps2-gc-xbox" area behind smash bros melee.

This game need a PS4 remake , but that would be impossible since there are so many "people" in it.

A true sequel then !

So it was the best? Those games were not even in the same realm of fighting, def jam was closer wrestling games. The technical differences between a nintendo fighting game and a hype ass wrestling game with rappers in it aside...

Was hype, snoop crow forever.

Hey guys let me make you all feel worse

NFL and NBA street


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
What do you mean "despite"?

See post #40

And before it gets twisted like a racial thing...I'm black. It's clear the game was made with those tones..but I wasn't saying it couldn't have been enjoyed by everyone cause it SHOULD. Pretty much the prime reason I posted this thread.


Banstick Emeritus
Alright, never mind.

Def Jam is the best fighter of the PS2 console generation. Customization, music, stars, and gameplay above all else. I still play it faithfully to this day.


Couldn't get into this game. Was actually the last thing I ever rented from Blockbuster. Racked up a $300+ late fee holding on to it, thinking I'd eventually get into it if I gave it a proper chance. Aesthetically, it just felt too gritty for me, which sapped the fun out of it. Weird, considering I'm a dyed-in-the-wool rap fan.

"despite" lol

I'm pretty sure having "urban" in quotations is more of a potential alarm than anything.
Playing this against with friends in VS was incredible.

There were two games I always wished to see ports of this gen..The Warriors and FIght for NY. The Warriors finally happened..not looking good for Def Jam.

This is the only game I ever rage smashed a controller for...that mother fucker Fat Joe was hard but having to fight him and (I think) Ice T at the same time made me lose it. I threw the controller at the wall.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Alright, never mind.

Def Jam is the best fighter of the PS2 console generation. Customization, music, stars, and gameplay above all else. I still play it faithfully to this day.

If I still had a Ps2 or a BC ps3 I would be too. Luckily I still have a hard copy.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Playing this against with friends in VS was incredible.

There were two games I always wished to see ports of this gen..The Warriors and FIght for NY. The Warriors finally happened..not looking good for Def Jam.

This is the only game I ever rage smashed a controller for...that mother fucker Fat Joe was hard but having to fight him and (I think) Ice T at the same time made me lose it. I threw the controller at the wall.

Ohhhh don't worry...Ice T and Fat Joe kicked my ass too...so did Bubba Sparxxx..David Banner...Bless..etc
Playing this against with friends in VS was incredible.

There were two games I always wished to see ports of this gen..The Warriors and FIght for NY. The Warriors finally happened..not looking good for Def Jam.

This is the only game I ever rage smashed a controller for...that mother fucker Fat Joe was hard but having to fight him and (I think) Ice T at the same time made me lose it. I threw the controller at the wall.

Sadly for us Xbox 360 fans, it didn't happen. You must be in my brain. Those were my two favorite games of last gen.

Xbox owners got the double fatality of Def Jam: Icon and The Warriors: Street Brawl.




I bought so many different copies of this across the PS2, GameCube and PSP, I never tire of both gifting it and having it on hand to play it. It's definitely the best brawler of last generation, and it is wickedly brutal. The inclusion of rappers made for a dope soundtrack, and the weapon combat was gruesome and fitting.

What Kudo Tsunoda and his team did to this game is unforgivable. Icon was slow as molasses, and focused more on invisible turn tables rather than fight mechanics.

I'd kill for an HD remake.
So it was the best? Those games were not even in the same realm of fighting, def jam was closer wrestling games. The technical differences between a nintendo fighting game and a hype ass wrestling game with rappers in it aside...

I have a hard time ranking them both

I know they aren't in the same -subarea but both are brawlers even if they took diferent paths to get there.

Both game are at their core 4p brawlers , it's just that Fight for new york had a deep customisation , takedown combos and that magnificent campaign.

i think i almost bought a PS3 to play ICOn only to hear the cries of players everywhere ..after i got my PS3 , the demo didn't even start but seeing all the reactions at the time i cannot imagine how bad ICON was.
i think i almost bought a PS3 to play ICOn only to hear the cries of players everywhere ..after i got my PS3 , the demo didn't even start but seeing all the reactions at the time i cannot imagine how bad ICON was.

I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a game in my life.

Actually there were a lot of disappointments this gen, that's probably why I'm so jaded.


I love Def Jam FFNY. I played it on Xbox. The game is so fantastic! Lol

I bought a copy that is waiting for my Xbox revival gaming spree. My character was pretty bad ass with decent clothes. I used kickboxing and martial arts mix. Game is mad dope.

I played the original on GC though.

I loved the OG Xbox. Great system.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that fucking loved this game. So great! Great music, great characters, and fun combat.

The taunts and the specials were probably my favorite part.
Alright, never mind.

Def Jam is the best fighter of the PS2 console generation. Customization, music, stars, and gameplay above all else. I still play it faithfully to this day.

Well, I do think VF4 beats it on a technical level, this is still the best Single Player fighting game ever made. And multiplayer wasn't a slouch either. I loved when my friends would bring over their pre-made characters and we would duke it out. So great.


Busta bitching about his car followed by me wrecking it, by throwing him through the windshield.

Henry Rollins as the trainer, perfect.

Getting ready to fight Warren G, expecting to run all over him and getting my ass kicked. I mean it was Warren G, that should not have happened. Guess I didn't realize he was A tier.

Final fight with Crow.

And being able to create a badass gangsta version of myself. Yeah I'm a fat white guy, so what, I will still destroy you!
Toughest fight in the game to me had to be Sean Paul.

Every time I fought him it was a battle of attrition.

He was ridiculous.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
DJ:FFNY is one of my top 5 games ever made, I spent countless hours playing the xbox version..the game is basically perfect.

This and KI it were the two games I wanted a next-gen sequel for, one down.

And lets not talk about


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
I have a hard time ranking them both

I know they aren't in the same -subarea but both are brawlers even if they took diferent paths to get there.

Both game are at their core 4p brawlers , it's just that Fight for new york had a deep customisation , takedown combos and that magnificent campaign.

i think i almost bought a PS3 to play ICOn only to hear the cries of players everywhere ..after i got my PS3 , the demo didn't even start but seeing all the reactions at the time i cannot imagine how bad ICON was.

Thank god you didn't. Seriously. That game was nothing like it predecessors...like someone came out of nowhere and dumped Wheaties into your bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
Toughest fight in the game to me had to be Sean Paul.

Every time I fought him it was a battle of attrition.

He was ridiculous.

Sean Paul was a slippery bastard. The fact he had martial arts counters made it even worse...Every time you'd try to start something up he twists your arm or some stupid shit like that


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
I was pissed when I found out DMX wasn't gonna be in it like he was in the first one. He was pretty wicked but from what I heard Def Jam was trying to screw him over on royalties or payment for appearing in the previous game or something like that.


Incredibly fun game. I don't know or enjoy a ton of rap, but it didn't matter. The game was a joy to play.

Camp Lo

I think ICON ruined whatever sequel we'll get to see of this, that and Def Jam might not want to put their name out there. FFNY was a diamond in the rough.


Hooooooly shit I never thought anyone would mention this game again, I really though that me and 3 friends were the only people to have played it... haha

So so good, hilarious times jamming to this game. I don't want to get into detail though, I have too many memories of being spammed with the haymaker move from fuckin' David Banner. So cheap



I feel like if aki were american we'd get a kick starter wrestling game out of them hopefully we get at least one good wrestling or brawler like this on these new consoles.


Man, i don't hear of this game for years now. Both Vendetta and Fight for NY were among two of my favorite fighters of that era. I got the PSP version later and enjoyed it a lot too.

I honestly don't like rap at all, and still don't know 90% of those guys, but i love the games, and i think they're still pretty good.

I wish they could make another one, i mean a proper one, not that piece of shit ICON. They managed to get everything wrong and kill the franchise with one game.


I have a hard time ranking them both

I know they aren't in the same -subarea but both are brawlers even if they took diferent paths to get there.

Both game are at their core 4p brawlers ,
it's just that Fight for new york had a deep customisation , takedown combos and that magnificent campaign.

No, because one is a wrestling game, and one is more of a fighting game. Like they are WAY different. Like all of the fighting comparative franchises you chose you chose a psudo wrestling game, that isn't even in the same realm of the thing. There just happened to be 4 players. They way in which you reach your objectives are too different. And that is A-ok, not all games who share one feature go under the same genre.

That is like saying fight night and street fighter are the same, because it has two people fighting. No. Those are not the same sub genre of fighting.

By the way I like all these games, this isn't some " get this heathen shit away from my smash" nah, I just get a bit ancy of genre.

i think i almost bought a PS3 to play ICOn only to hear the cries of players everywhere ..after i got my PS3 , the demo didn't even start but seeing all the reactions at the time i cannot imagine how bad ICON was.

Bad tekken.

It was bad tekken

You might be like " hey that is pretty good" because tekken is really good so the bad version must hold some merit. NO, its really really really bad tekkem.


[QUOTE="D";93916131]Despite the "urban" setting and projected audience, Fight for NY was a pretty decent game that had great appeal.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand why the urban setting was something the game had to overcome for you

but yes, it was a great game
This game was completely bonkers.

My friends and I all had completely crazy custom characters.

We must have kept this game in rotation for a year or so.


Having a GC, Smash and Def Jam was on god tier level with my friends.

Fuck ICON. What a load of complete fucking shit.

All I wanted was Def Jam: Fight For NY 2, was that too hard to ask for? You didnt even have to do much.

Such a shame.

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I'm from the M I crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I humpback humpback I make em all die!


This game looks rad as fuck, but I don't have a PS2, and I'm looking for a new game to play with friends... Def Jam: Icon any good?


This game looks rad as fuck, but I don't have a PS2, and I'm looking for a new game to play with friends... Def Jam: Icon any good?

Oh goodness, NO. No, no, no.

It's awful. The stages are beautiful. The rappers look fantastic. The soundtrack is awesome.

And then they forgot to make it a fighting game. It's terrible- slow, poorly animated, and the gimmicky DJ mechanic is horrendous. The environmental triggers for damage are neat- a good idea, but terrible execution.

Stay as far away as possible. Greatest letdown of the generation. :/
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