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LTTP - Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition (minor spoilers)

I have finished Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition yesterday and it was a truly epic journey of brotherhood and tragedy.

With its gorgeous graphics, fascinating world, fun comabt, beautiful music, and gripping story, I enjoyed every hour of this game.

Plus Ardyn is an amazing villain :messenger_smiling_hearts:

And that is why I wholeheartedly recommend FFXV to anyone who considers themselves a true gamer.
An incredible Final Fantasy and one of the best games ever made.

Don't let the haters dissuade you from playing this gem.

Okay, now that I'm done with the D.Final D.Final impersonation (sorry, I really wanted to do it), allow me to elaborate on why I enjoyed this game so much despited its flaws:

- The world is fascinating and unlike the standard JRPG settings. I don't think we will see this "fantasy based on reality" concept attempted again any time soon. The blend of classical FF elements (monsters, airshps, crystal) and a world similar to ours was well crafted and made for a unique, immersive setting. While other RPGs are content with featuring generic RPGs environments, FFXV has the guts. The landscapes are gorgeous and I shudder to think of how much work went into them. The cities in particular were a joy to explore, I spent an hour in Altissia walking down every street and corner. While you can't enter buildings and talk to everyone, the city felt very lived-in. FFXV goes out of its way to simulate real life, except when you stand in the middle of the road and cars gently and patiently stop at a distance lol.

Unfortunately, there are so many locations you can't explore. Tenebrae was just a train station with a burning castle in the distance. Both Insomnia and the imperial capital are mainly just a bunch of buildings in the background. I know making them was impossible but a cutscene that shows the people and their daily life would have sufficed.

Similarly, the world of ruin is just a shot trip from Galdin quay to Hammerhead. Again, I know Square couldn't afford to expand on it and I'm pretty happy with what we have. But I still think an FMV cutscene would have done a great job of conveying the horror of the situation throughout the world.

- Driving the Regalia never got old for me, probably because in most other RPGs you mostly travel on foot. Gawking at the environments while listening to the various soundtracks made the long car trips worth it.

- The character animations are insanely detailed. Noctis and his bros in particular have so many varied gestures and they even make small sounds every now and then like real people. I love how they complain when Noctis draws a weapon right next to them.

- The writing and voice acting are excellent. Noctis, Ignis, and Ardyn in particular benefit from brilliant performances. The casting is perfect and goes a long way to make these characters believable. The dialogues are also very well written, especially the party banter and every scene that has Ardyn in it. Ardyn was a great villain, very charismatic and imposing.

- Most characters have very limited screentime, which is a shame because they are interesting. Too bad we don't see Iris, old man Cid, etc. in chapter 14. On the bright side, the four main characters are given plenty of scenes and dialogues to let you become attached to them. The whole game revolves around the four bros going on a journey and it totally delivers in that regard.

- The photos that Prompto takes create an emotional connection with the party that other games lack. Seeing the bros posing for a photo, hanging out together or caught on camera during random daily moments (fishing, sightseeing) made them human in a way that's not done in other games. It really feels like you're traveling with them and witnessing every small moment of the trip. Choosing one last photo to keep with you at the end of the game is the cherry on top.

- The game has some great set pieces and boss battles. The gondola traversing Altissia in that water lane was a jaw-dropping sequence. The Titan and Leviathan boss battles in particular were incredible. Yes, I know the old trailers had more impressive footage.

- Chapter 11 was an impressive feat of conveying story through gameplay. I won't go into spoilers but if you played the game, you know what I'm talking about.

- Chapter 14 was very satisfying despite an overly easy final boss. As rushed as the story was before, the conclusion was wrapped up very well imo. The logo change almost had me tearing up. Despite the missing story content, FFXV has emotional poignancy.

- The female NPCs are so hot. And so is Aranea.

- The combat is fun and well thought but ultimately devolves into button mashing and spamming potions/elixirs. Switching to the other party members was a cool addition but they didn't feel as effective as Noctis.

- The sidequests could have expanded on the worldbuiding but remain very basic RPG stuff. Some of the hunts were cool though.

- The music is arguably the best thing about this game:

About the DLCs, they did a good job of fleshing out Noct's companions and expanding on the world some more. The combat was hit or miss. Too bad they weren't inlucded in the day one edition, but playing them in the Royal Edition made me appreciate the story a lot more.

In conclusion: I had a blast with FFXV and I'm going to miss this game. Obviously, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much had I played the day one edition alone. I think you have to be aware of the context of XV's tumultous development before playing it. Of course, even with the DLCs it is severly unfinished but even so, what it does right far outweighs what it fails to do.

Let me say this, had it been released in a 100% finished state, whilst drawing all of its potential (proper first act, you can explore the entire world and all cities from Insomnia to the Imperial capital, the entire story and lore are included, the combat is more polished), it would have wiped the floor with all the other RPGs of the generation. The tale of FFXV is that of a game too ambitious too succeed. It took a decade to reach a playbale, but still unfinished state. I dare say it was ahead of its time in terms of conceptual scope and I'm curious to see how FFXVI measures up.





Boss Mog

I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Thankfully i played the Royal Edition as well and it still seemed a bit rushed storywise at times.i have like 122 hours on my save but I'd say the main story is probably only 10 hours of that. There's a ton of content that opens up after you finish the game and most importantly that's when you get access to Armiger Unleashed which basically makes you godlike and is a million times better than the regular Armiger. I'm playing through the episodes when I feel an urge, I beat Gladiolus' and I'm probably half-way through Prompto's.


The core of the game, the roadtrip with the bros, is impeccable. One of the best feelings in gaming is seeing all the pictures at the end. Wow, that really drives home what Noctis is feeling. How much he has to grow and change is just insane. The very unique setting is also a blast. Great summary!

You guys are the best.....


I played FFXV OG Edition. Got to the final boss. Then I just turned it off, because i wasn't interested, anymore.

Haven't played it since.

The story was just so poorly told. I don't think they really wanted to make that game, otherwise they would've actually made something that kept my attention.

I doubt the Royal Edition will change that.

Boss Mog

I played FFXV OG Edition. Got to the final boss. Then I just turned it off, because i wasn't interested, anymore.

Haven't played it since.

The story was just so poorly told. I don't think they really wanted to make that game, otherwise they would've actually made something that kept my attention.

I doubt the Royal Edition will change that.
Royal Edition does add the Insomnia City Ruins huge dungeon with bosses before you get to the last boss. It made it feel way more epic for a final dungeon/boss. In fact one of the bosses in that dungeon, Omega, was probably the hardest fight in the game for me by far.
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I remember enjoying it on PC for the most part (combat was dull imo). Then SQEnix released the Ardyn DLC (iirc) and it fucked up performance on a lot of PCs. Then they abandoned the game. Never went back though I hear they did eventually patch it.


Fantastic game indeed, and my favorite RPG from this generation. The game was full of great ideas, world traversal was contemplative and I liked that. The world was also very open, with a lot of optional places (some very difficult and still accessible early on, I like this in RPGs). Great story, characters and narration. It was simple, yet rich in emotions. Battle system was fun and also pretty simple, it could have been better, but what was there was functional and this is the most important.

The quantity of animations and interactions between the bros is pretty insane as well. It depicts a very rich relationship. I really enjoyed this.

However, I prefer the vanilla version. I did not like the changes and additions made to the Royal Edition (especially how they changed the final chapter).
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The tale of FFXV is that of a game too ambitious too succeed. It took a decade to reach a playbale, but still unfinished state.

which is kind of makesense when Nomura before he step down as director, he want to turn this in to trilogy. what we get now is already take 4 years to develop, not count the dlc and is still not complete. things would be different if they could add 1-2 years in development or if fans can wait, throw 6-7 years of development like RDR2 and Cyberpunk is.

thinking back, this situation also made me dont mind the split nature of FFVII Remake. i rather has them work it as multiple part rather than forcing it in one game within 4 years of development disregard the scope that later gonna end up same incomplete state of FFXV is.
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I played FFXV OG Edition. Got to the final boss. Then I just turned it off, because i wasn't interested, anymore.

Haven't played it since.

The story was just so poorly told. I don't think they really wanted to make that game, otherwise they would've actually made something that kept my attention.

I doubt the Royal Edition will change that.

How I feel about the game, except I finished it.

Honestly, finishing the original version of the game actually made me hate it.

It felt super rushed, it felt half baked, and I felt cheated out of my money to play something that could have been so much better.

Worse was when they added playable party members in after years of telling us "we didnt implement it because it wouldn't have worked with the game" leading up to release.

Lies. All of it.

It was just rushed out and took advantage of fans of the franchise that were waiting for the first true Next Gen FF of the previous generation.


Bad game. Gameplay is woeful, combat and jump being the same button as confirm. Combat is about chucking near infinite items and phoenix downs. I never felt skill helped much in this game, its not like KH you can beat at level 1 actually. Got the platinum, don't know why, probably because it was a very easy platinum and wanted to beat the game since it was a numbered FF anyway. But I disliked most of it.

Kev Kev

I have finished Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition yesterday and it was a truly epic journey of brotherhood and tragedy.

With its gorgeous graphics, fascinating world, fun comabt, beautiful music, and gripping story, I enjoyed every hour of this game.

Plus Ardyn is an amazing villain :messenger_smiling_hearts:

And that is why I wholeheartedly recommend FFXV to anyone who considers themselves a true gamer.
An incredible Final Fantasy and one of the best games ever made.

Don't let the haters dissuade you from playing this gem.

Okay, now that I'm done with the D.Final D.Final impersonation (sorry, I really wanted to do it), allow me to elaborate on why I enjoyed this game so much despited its flaws:

- The world is fascinating and unlike the standard JRPG settings. I don't think we will see this "fantasy based on reality" concept attempted again any time soon. The blend of classical FF elements (monsters, airshps, crystal) and a world similar to ours was well crafted and made for a unique, immersive setting. While other RPGs are content with featuring generic RPGs environments, FFXV has the guts. The landscapes are gorgeous and I shudder to think of how much work went into them. The cities in particular were a joy to explore, I spent an hour in Altissia walking down every street and corner. While you can't enter buildings and talk to everyone, the city felt very lived-in. FFXV goes out of its way to simulate real life, except when you stand in the middle of the road and cars gently and patiently stop at a distance lol.

Unfortunately, there are so many locations you can't explore. Tenebrae was just a train station with a burning castle in the distance. Both Insomnia and the imperial capital are mainly just a bunch of buildings in the background. I know making them was impossible but a cutscene that shows the people and their daily life would have sufficed.

Similarly, the world of ruin is just a shot trip from Galdin quay to Hammerhead. Again, I know Square couldn't afford to expand on it and I'm pretty happy with what we have. But I still think an FMV cutscene would have done a great job of conveying the horror of the situation throughout the world.

- Driving the Regalia never got old for me, probably because in most other RPGs you mostly travel on foot. Gawking at the environments while listening to the various soundtracks made the long car trips worth it.

- The character animations are insanely detailed. Noctis and his bros in particular have so many varied gestures and they even make small sounds every now and then like real people. I love how they complain when Noctis draws a weapon right next to them.

- The writing and voice acting are excellent. Noctis, Ignis, and Ardyn in particular benefit from brilliant performances. The casting is perfect and goes a long way to make these characters believable. The dialogues are also very well written, especially the party banter and every scene that has Ardyn in it. Ardyn was a great villain, very charismatic and imposing.

- Most characters have very limited screentime, which is a shame because they are interesting. Too bad we don't see Iris, old man Cid, etc. in chapter 14. On the bright side, the four main characters are given plenty of scenes and dialogues to let you become attached to them. The whole game revolves around the four bros going on a journey and it totally delivers in that regard.

- The photos that Prompto takes create an emotional connection with the party that other games lack. Seeing the bros posing for a photo, hanging out together or caught on camera during random daily moments (fishing, sightseeing) made them human in a way that's not done in other games. It really feels like you're traveling with them and witnessing every small moment of the trip. Choosing one last photo to keep with you at the end of the game is the cherry on top.

- The game has some great set pieces and boss battles. The gondola traversing Altissia in that water lane was a jaw-dropping sequence. The Titan and Leviathan boss battles in particular were incredible. Yes, I know the old trailers had more impressive footage.

- Chapter 11 was an impressive feat of conveying story through gameplay. I won't go into spoilers but if you played the game, you know what I'm talking about.

- Chapter 14 was very satisfying despite an overly easy final boss. As rushed as the story was before, the conclusion was wrapped up very well imo. The logo change almost had me tearing up. Despite the missing story content, FFXV has emotional poignancy.

- The female NPCs are so hot. And so is Aranea.

- The combat is fun and well thought but ultimately devolves into button mashing and spamming potions/elixirs. Switching to the other party members was a cool addition but they didn't feel as effective as Noctis.

- The sidequests could have expanded on the worldbuiding but remain very basic RPG stuff. Some of the hunts were cool though.

- The music is arguably the best thing about this game:

About the DLCs, they did a good job of fleshing out Noct's companions and expanding on the world some more. The combat was hit or miss. Too bad they weren't inlucded in the day one edition, but playing them in the Royal Edition made me appreciate the story a lot more.

In conclusion: I had a blast with FFXV and I'm going to miss this game. Obviously, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much had I played the day one edition alone. I think you have to be aware of the context of XV's tumultous development before playing it. Of course, even with the DLCs it is severly unfinished but even so, what it does right far outweighs what it fails to do.

Let me say this, had it been released in a 100% finished state, whilst drawing all of its potential (proper first act, you can explore the entire world and all cities from Insomnia to the Imperial capital, the entire story and lore are included, the combat is more polished), it would have wiped the floor with all the other RPGs of the generation. The tale of FFXV is that of a game too ambitious too succeed. It took a decade to reach a playbale, but still unfinished state. I dare say it was ahead of its time in terms of conceptual scope and I'm curious to see how FFXVI measures up.





Lmao I was reading that first part like holy shit this is D.Final’s alt and he’s being so obvious about it!

That’s funny, you got me
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which is kind of makesense when Nomura before he step down as director, he want to turn this in to trilogy. what we get now is already take 4 years to develop, not count the dlc and is still not complete. things would be different if they could add 1-2 years in development or if fans can wait, throw 6-7 years of development like RDR2 and Cyberpunk is.

thinking back, this situation also made me dont mind the split nature of FFVII Remake. i rather has them work it as multiple part rather than forcing it in one game within 4 years of development disregard the scope that later gonna end up same incomplete state of FFXV is.
XV being originally conceived as a counterpart to XIII was the biggest detriment to the game imo. The project started too soon and couldn't progress for many years. Had it been announced for the first time around 2012 or 2013, Square could have afforded 1-3 additional years to finish the game.
Bad game. Gameplay is woeful, combat and jump being the same button as confirm. Combat is about chucking near infinite items and phoenix downs. I never felt skill helped much in this game, its not like KH you can beat at level 1 actually. Got the platinum, don't know why, probably because it was a very easy platinum and wanted to beat the game since it was a numbered FF anyway. But I disliked most of it.
I disliked how spamming healing items was unavoidable. Can anyone beat late-game bosses with skill alone, without relying on healing? I doubt it.
Find a girlfriend, bro.
You're not funny. GTFO.


XV being originally conceived as a counterpart to XIII was the biggest detriment to the game imo. The project started too soon and couldn't progress for many years. Had it been announced for the first time around 2012 or 2013, Square could have afforded 1-3 additional years to finish the game.

I disliked how spamming healing items was unavoidable. Can anyone beat late-game bosses with skill alone, without relying on healing? I doubt it.

You're not funny. GTFO.

I'm sure you can't. It seems enemies will phantom hit you anyway and even at max level you will get one or 2 shot. FFVII R is more advanced, you can minimize a lot of incoming damage with blocking and unblockables generally have huge tells and can be avoided. Elixers are easy to stock up on, phoenix downs are nearly infinite anyway. But its tiring. And I hate that shit that does limit your max HP.


Nice to read this.

On release I was extremely hyped ! I was a bit disappointed by the game not being "Final Fantasy enough" but still had a lot of pleasure playing it.

I did another playthrough last year and again it gave me a lot of pleasure. Love the characters and story, especially the second part (after Altissia).
And in the end, I consider it like a true Final Fantasy, it's just a bit hidden by a layer of "shiny paint".

Main issues for me are the "open world follow the marker" thing (it lacks the hidden sidequests from previous FF) and the almost unlimited supply of healing item (special fights in DLC show how even greater the combat system is with a very limited healing items stock).


I'll preface this with the statement that I played the shit out of the game & DLCs, and fully completed it all. I haven't had enough interest in going back for the Royal Edition additions or Ardyn chapter.

The narrative in the game was a disjointed mess. The battle system was fun, but you spend 80%+ of the game on a single map and 85%++ of the time on that map traveling to pick up or drop off mini-quests for xp. Once you leave that map and move into the last portion of the game it is super super linear, and even MORE disjointed storytelling.

Each of the bros leave and return at points with their DLC offering background on what happened to them. Those DLCs make less sense than the game proper in most cases, but are at least a little something extra....problem is the DLCs came out a long ass time after the regular game meaning you'd probably already completed the main story which suffered due to the absence of the "full" narrative. Each of the DLCs has different control gimmicks that aren't in the game proper, making each of them more powerful in their DLC than they are in the game proper.

The way Lunafreya was handled felt really incomplete. It's like they had plans for something more and it just got scrapped. That is how most of the game felt really.

Conceptually Ardyn was an interesting villain, but the conflict lacks real impact since for the majority of the game Noctis doesn't know who he is at all, and there's tons of time he just isn't doing anything other than being flamboyant Deus Ex Machina in cutscene cameos.

It's like they gave the team that made FFXIII-3 the incomplete game and engine and said "just finish this up."
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XV being originally conceived as a counterpart to XIII was the biggest detriment to the game imo. The project started too soon and couldn't progress for many years. Had it been announced for the first time around 2012 or 2013, Square could have afforded 1-3 additional years to finish the game.
yes. the problem is they announce it too early when the production not yet started. then years passed with nothing progressed. all they give to us merely concept trailer until around 2013 where they properly started the development. in the end they forced to release the game within 4 years because fans wait too long.

also i believe if crystal tools was not such a mess, or they used better engine like UE3 that time, the game development probably started way earlier. it might launch on ps3 as Versus 13.

Cutty Flam

ValiantTraveler ValiantTraveler did you watch either Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV or the anime, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV?

Trying to figure out if it would make the experience playing FFXV more fun, after having seen them and having a feel for the story beforehand or if any of those would spoil too much?
ValiantTraveler ValiantTraveler did you watch either Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV or the anime, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV?

Trying to figure out if it would make the experience playing FFXV more fun, after having seen them and having a feel for the story beforehand or if any of those would spoil too much?
I haven’t watched Kingslaive. I’ve been thinking of watching it lately but haven’t gotten around to do it. So I don’t know how much it could spoil the story for someone who hasn’t played the game. Have you?

As for Brotherhood, I briefly skimmed through it back in 2016 and don’t remember much except that Prompto used to be fat as a child. That is shown in a loading screen in Episode Prompto. I don’t think it spoils the game story at all.


ValiantTraveler ValiantTraveler did you watch either Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV or the anime, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV?

Trying to figure out if it would make the experience playing FFXV more fun, after having seen them and having a feel for the story beforehand or if any of those would spoil too much?

Kingsglaive does kinda spoil something that happens a couple hours into the game. Basically after the first objective in the game, the guys sleep at a hotel and then the events of the movie occur, and the game shows the highlights of the movie in like 2 mins. You could watch it then, or before without much lost.

Brotherhood adds some depth the the bros, which is nice. No meaningful spoilers really. I’d go for it 100%


I'm planning to play it this year and I'm too lowering my expectations before going in.
I heard the game was improved with the introduction of the Royal Edition but the love story plot is pretty bad.
Still looking forward to play it, though.
I had been really hyped to play the Royal edition for the first time. I had done my research in following the story, downloaded and finished the 2D prequel game and watched the movie and anime. I even replayed the demo and read the prologue online script.

THEN I had the ending of the game ruined for me. It totally ruined wanting to play it knowing the ending and left it.

Absolutely gutted.
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I'll give it another shot. I've always been meaning to, but there's always other games I end up playing.

It doesn't bode well that in talking up the game's good points you ended up talking very little about the combat.


I'll give it another shot. I've always been meaning to, but there's always other games I end up playing.

It doesn't bode well that in talking up the game's good points you ended up talking very little about the combat.

The combat is good. It’s an enjoyable time, just not very difficult and easy to cheese. It’s a bit of style over substance, but it is very stylish.

Cutty Flam

I haven’t watched Kingslaive. I’ve been thinking of watching it lately but haven’t gotten around to do it. So I don’t know how much it could spoil the story for someone who hasn’t played the game. Have you?

As for Brotherhood, I briefly skimmed through it back in 2016 and don’t remember much except that Prompto used to be fat as a child. That is shown in a loading screen in Episode Prompto. I don’t think it spoils the game story at all.
I haven't watched either. The order I'll most likely choose will be Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV (anime) , FFXV Royal Edition w/ the DLC, and once 20-25% into the game I'll watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (film) if there are no endgame spoilers for FFXV


I haven't watched either. The order I'll most likely choose will be Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV (anime) , FFXV Royal Edition w/ the DLC, and once 20-25% into the game I'll watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (film) if there are no endgame spoilers for FFXV

There aren’t, kingsglave literally happens simultaneously to the start of the game, and ends during a part of the game where the game shows the end of the movie.

Cutty Flam

There aren’t, kingsglave literally happens simultaneously to the start of the game, and ends during a part of the game where the game shows the end of the movie.
So as long as you're like a few hours into the game, you can watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and essentially spoil nothing right? Just trying to make sure. Also, Sean Bean was involved. He's a pretty good actor in my book, interested to see his voice acting skills in Kingsglaive


So as long as you're like a few hours into the game, you can watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and essentially spoil nothing right? Just trying to make sure. Also, Sean Bean was involved. He's a pretty good actor in my book, interested to see his voice acting skills in Kingsglaive

Honestly you can watch it before if you want. I’m pretty sure it came out first. If you want to keep the timeline in order, watch it when you get to galdin quay. The game starts with you going to a wedding, and that’s the place you’re going to board a ship to get there.


So as long as you're like a few hours into the game, you can watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and essentially spoil nothing right? Just trying to make sure. Also, Sean Bean was involved. He's a pretty good actor in my book, interested to see his voice acting skills in Kingsglaive
separate media of the game like film and anime actually not spoiler. it exist to cover plothole of main game. its like different piece of puzzle that connected together, not a competed puzzle where the movie and anime represent additional puzzle piece added later. it is not additional content that added over completed game that expanded the universe but actually a bunch of separated content that lack in the main game. basically important stuff that should be on game but could not made in. so they separate it as movie and anime. also dlc. there is no spoiler. just 'additional' important information of the plot that not covered anywhere especially in main game that should coexist together.

There is no problem watching it. infact should watch it since the main game not even covered important stuff. the best way is watching it in chronological order so it helped to makesense.

the movie kingsglaive supposed to be the game prologue. think this section is like midgar part of ffvii or narshe part in ffvi but it separated into standalone movie and the game kickoff after that event. watch kingsglaive first. then the movie continuation is the main game. the anime just tell backstory of these character so can watch it wherever you want once you started the game.

the prologue is important as it serve as world building introduction and set tone for the rest of the story.
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Gold Member
ValiantTraveler ValiantTraveler did you watch either Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV or the anime, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV?

Trying to figure out if it would make the experience playing FFXV more fun, after having seen them and having a feel for the story beforehand or if any of those would spoil too much?
I haven’t watched Kingslaive. I’ve been thinking of watching it lately but haven’t gotten around to do it. So I don’t know how much it could spoil the story for someone who hasn’t played the game. Have you?

As for Brotherhood, I briefly skimmed through it back in 2016 and don’t remember much except that Prompto used to be fat as a child. That is shown in a loading screen in Episode Prompto. I don’t think it spoils the game story at all.

The Kingsglaive movie was freaking awesome. The events of Kingsglaive occur prior to the beginning of Final Fantasy XV. Sorry, I had that section wrong. It takes place just after the beginning of the game. For the best chronological experience you should play the game up to leaving in the Regalia (which is right at the beginning), then watch Kingsglaive, and then keep playing the game. Honestly, the movie was far better than the game. The game had a terrible story because Square Enix majorly screwed it up, but that movie was pretty epic.

I cannot imagine what drugs the OP is on (I'm just using hyperbole - no offense is actually intended here!) to be able to say, "Of course, even with the DLCs it is severly unfinished but even so, what it does right far outweighs what it fails to do." What it fails to do is have a logical consistent story.

Final Fantasy games are renowned for their story, not just for pretty graphics. Final Fantasy XV was Square Enix's way of saying, "If we make it look good the rest won't matter." At one point in the game you jump ahead in time a bit and all of a sudden you find out that:
Ignis is now blind.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the base game that explains how or why this occurred until you play the DLC. If you need to release DLC in order to explain the story (not give it more depth, but just to explain what everyone should have been told in the original game from the start) then you have a terrible story.

This game is absolute garbage, and I feel like anyone who disagrees is just begging Square Enix to keep making trash.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. ❤️
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The Kingsglaive movie was freaking awesome. The events of Kingsglaive occur prior to the beginning of Final Fantasy XV. Sorry, I had that section wrong. It takes place just after the beginning of the game. For the best chronological experience you should play the game up to leaving in the Regalia (which is right at the beginning), then watch Kingsglaive, and then keep playing the game. Honestly, the movie was far better than the game. The game had a terrible story because Square Enix majorly screwed it up, but that movie was pretty epic.

I cannot imagine what drugs the OP is on (I'm just using hyperbole - no offense is actually intended here!) to be able to say, "Of course, even with the DLCs it is severly unfinished but even so, what it does right far outweighs what it fails to do." What it fails to do is have a logical consistent story.

Final Fantasy games are renowned for their story, not just for pretty graphics. Final Fantasy XV was Square Enix's way of saying, "If we make it look good the rest won't matter." At one point in the game you jump ahead in time a bit and all of a sudden you find out that:
Ignis is now blind.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the base game that explains how or why this occurred until you play the DLC. If you need to release DLC in order to explain the story (not give it more depth, but just to explain what everyone should have been told in the original game from the start) then you have a terrible story.

This game is absolute garbage, and I feel like anyone who disagrees is just begging Square Enix to keep making trash.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. ❤️
If I were patiently waiting for this game for 10 years since its first announcement, surely I would have felt massively disappointed. But I played it knowing full well what I was going into, so I wasn't as shocked or disappointed as other players. I think that allowed me to appreciate its qualities (the world, the music, the party) more. That's what I meant by what it does right, of course it doesn't do the overall story right although some story beats are very good on their own.

About what you put in spoilers:
Of course the game doesn't explain how Ignis got injured, but that doesn't make it illogical. He got wounded while helping evacuating the civilans. That makes sense. Of course, this section not being included in the base game is a big weak point.


I liked the beginning and the whole road trip with your bros thing but everything after that, especially the ending, main villain and romance aspect was unsatisfying.


The Kingsglaive movie was freaking awesome. The events of Kingsglaive occur prior to the beginning of Final Fantasy XV. Sorry, I had that section wrong. It takes place just after the beginning of the game. For the best chronological experience you should play the game up to leaving in the Regalia (which is right at the beginning), then watch Kingsglaive, and then keep playing the game. Honestly, the movie was far better than the game. The game had a terrible story because Square Enix majorly screwed it up, but that movie was pretty epic.

I cannot imagine what drugs the OP is on (I'm just using hyperbole - no offense is actually intended here!) to be able to say, "Of course, even with the DLCs it is severly unfinished but even so, what it does right far outweighs what it fails to do." What it fails to do is have a logical consistent story.

Final Fantasy games are renowned for their story, not just for pretty graphics. Final Fantasy XV was Square Enix's way of saying, "If we make it look good the rest won't matter." At one point in the game you jump ahead in time a bit and all of a sudden you find out that:
Ignis is now blind.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the base game that explains how or why this occurred until you play the DLC. If you need to release DLC in order to explain the story (not give it more depth, but just to explain what everyone should have been told in the original game from the start) then you have a terrible story.

This game is absolute garbage, and I feel like anyone who disagrees is just begging Square Enix to keep making trash.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect that. ❤️

Regarding Ignis, you do have context that there was a huge battle beforehand, in which people were lost. Seeing the material impact on a friend is impactful even without the full context.


Is there a way to check if you have all the episode DLC in game? Anyone have a list of all of them? I think there are ones for each member of your group and one for a bad guy.
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I played it at launch and thought it was fantastic. I didn’t get to dabble with the ability to change party members in battle which would have been great. I did play every DLC though. Great game, and like all FF games people like the direction of the new games or hate it.


Reseterror Resettler
Enjoyed XV, but was super underwhelmed and kind of...let down by it. With all of the DLC and the Royal Edition, it got bumped to a pretty good, fulfilling experience. Though I wish Royal Edition was kind of directors cut-like, and reincarnated the DLC straight into the gaps in the storyline to make it all feel more coherent. LOVE the added Insomnia final Dungeon, though. Decent game.


Did not like the fighting system at all. And not a fan of the "bros" cruising in a car. Never paid for it though (thank you playstation plus).
It looks nice though. But it's not for me.


One of the worst games I played on ps4, stupid battle system, stupid open world fetch quests, incomplete story , It was a mess of a game and made me give up on FF/SQUARE to the point i didnt even bother to check FF7RE, last great ff was x ... 8 was my favorite, modern FF its not for me....
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Is there a way to check if you have all the episode DLC in game? Anyone have a list of all of them? I think there are ones for each member of your group and one for a bad guy.
Check "DLC" in the main menu. Or you can head to the PS Store, type FFXV and check the DLCs. The ones you already have will be marked as installed instead of showing the price..
That Kingsglaive was a mess. I didn't entirely get what happened.
I have yet to watch this film.
One of the worst games I played on ps4, stupid battle system, stupid open world fetch quests, incomplete story , It was a mess of a game and made me give up on FF/SQUARE to the point i didnt even bother to check FF7RE, last great ff was x ... 8 was my favorite, modern FF its not for me....
FFVIIRE is vastly different, the combat is often praised.

"Last great FF" is one hell of a resilient meme. But VIII is great, I'll give you that. Maybe I should do a LTTP when I finish it... along one for XII The Zodiac Age, because I'm having a blast with it right now.
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