The nicest person on this forum

I think everyone here knows by now that I'm not fan of most Ubisoft games, I personally find most of their game's art direction, gameplay and story really, really dull and at first I completely dismiss this game because I didn't think I would like this game at all since Ubisoft was involved so I didn't bother get it at launch. Even with good reviews it didn't convicted me because most Assasins Creed also get good reviews but I never able enjoy them.
Then I saw this game on sale and I said "why the hell not" and.........MY GOD!! I'm was in shock of how much I enjoyed this game! The visuals looked gorgeous, the story was really fun and entertaining and it was actually fun to explore which I can't believe would say this in Ubisoft game and the actual tactical combat was really interesting and made sense for Mario game, in fact it was so much fun that I would immediately go back to world already finish to do the challenges and do extra chapters.
I can easily say this game is up there as one of favorite games on Switch, it makes me wish other third party western developers stop releasing ports of PS4/X1 game and instead make new game just for Switch like this game, that's the type of third party games I enjoy on Switch.