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LTTP or RTTP - Sunset Overdrive


I picked up Sunset Overdrive when it first came out and played for around an hour or so and just forgot about it. I know, weird.

Anyway, fast forward X years to the weekend and I decide to install it on my Series X and give it another go. Eight hours later I’m thinking, “why the hell didn’t I continue playing all those years ago!”

I love it! It’s crazy fun, great, over the top dialogue, bonkers action and just a really fun game.

It’s on Gamepass if anyone is interested :)
I picked up Sunset Overdrive when it first came out and played for around an hour or so and just forgot about it. I know, weird.

Anyway, fast forward X years to the weekend and I decide to install it on my Series X and give it another go. Eight hours later I’m thinking, “why the hell didn’t I continue playing all those years ago!”

I love it! It’s crazy fun, great, over the top dialogue, bonkers action and just a really fun game.

It’s on Gamepass if anyone is interested :)
You got to 8 hours, so yeah, that's about the time the game starts clicking. The beginning of the game feels very try-hard with the humor, and you also don't have the air dash. Once the game settles in and you get the air dash, it goes from mediocre to incredible.


You got to 8 hours, so yeah, that's about the time the game starts clicking. The beginning of the game feels very try-hard with the humor, and you also don't have the air dash. Once the game settles in and you get the air dash, it goes from mediocre to incredible.
That’s what I’m finding now. I’m REALLY enjoying it. It’s got something that quite a few modern games don’t have (for me); fun :)


The game becomes immensely fun when you get towards the end, you are ridiculously over-powered and can move around easily barely dropping out of combo. Its been a while since I completed it but i remember a really powerful nuclear sword thing that just wrecked everything! Unlocking air dash is when things start to open up.


It’s legit one of my fave games of the last generation. I had a blast playing it and occasionally dip into it again to dash around the city and blow stuff up.


Resident Crybaby
Super fun game. I wish Microsoft would've enhanced it on One X / Series X though. 900p/30fps is a little rough.


To me its so close to being perfect, I wish they put more effort into full co-op and less on that weird tower defence parts of the game.


I have twice this game two or three times and can never get into it. Does it ever evolve past, basically, Single-Player Horde Mode?


Absolutely loved this game, never understood the hate for it.
I guess maybe it's not for everyone, but if you like the arcade genre, it's near perfection to me. The gameplay is amazing, it's really fun with one of the best traversal systems I ever played.

I think it's just one of these games where you have to like "playing" to really enjoy it. When I saw videos on youtube before playing it, I never thought I would like it this much, because it always seemed boring in vdieos, most people play it like some slightly faster dead rising, without using the full gameplay. But if you do like to make your own fun, if you like free roaming, doing nice looking stuff, scoring etc, you will absolutely love it, it can be super satisfying.

Also, even if it might seem weird, I think the game plays a lot better with mouse and keyboard, it really unlocks the full potential. The movements are based on the camera, and having the free look of the mouse allows you to do instant quick turn, all kind of moves that you can't really do with a stick, all weapons can switched instantly without opening a menu etc, it's a lot smoother and faster paced, more freedom, a bit like when you play doom on a controller vs keyboard and mouse.

Also I really love the look of this game, it's very rare to see such vibrant cartoony games in AAA.
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Have always wanted to play this. I was so nervous when I learned that it was exclusive to XBOX. I cannot believe that Insomniac remained independent for so long. Their pedigree of games is insane and I was really nervous XBOX was going to scoop them up.


Really good traversal in a game, I never wanted to use fast travel as moving around was so fun. Shame we won't get another one.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Super fun game, just short and the writing is pretty cringe. But mechanically it's great and I love the traversal. It more or less primed the way for Insomniac's Spider-Man, even if it isn't quite as good.


I might go honestly as far as saying it's the last great Xbox exclusive we've had outside of the Forza Horizon games. Gameplay was super slick and fun, the game and artstyle looked great and the humour is right up there with the best in video games.

Shame we'll never get a sequel but also amazing that Insomniac got Spider-Man because they've killed it with that franchise.


I definitely perved out in this game. Went the female character, dressed her in undies, left her like that.

Many disapproving looks from the wife.

(Good game, disappointed it never got a 60fps patch)
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