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LTTP: The Walking Dead seasons 1-3 and RTTP: seasons 4-5 (old spoilers, + season 6)

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tl;dr at the botom

Got high and
decided to make this thread when I caught up on showing my mom the Waling Dead from the beginning, which I also hadn't done because I started watching the show from season 4.

Season 1: I liked a lot of the characters, in fact I'd go so far as to say if I watched this show from the beginning, then Dale would've been my favorite character.

Season 2: I also used to hear people talk shit about this season coz it was so slow. I didn't really care for that, I hate the horror genre let alone the zombie subgenre, it's the characters is why i watch the show, now obviously shane was a villain, the only that annoyed me was how long they were taking with his antagonization. it was dragging.

Season 3: Milton I felt kinda bad for and honestly I felt like Andrea could've survived that but they killed her off maybe the actress didn't wanna do the show no more or something.

Season 4: This is where I started watching the show, and I found the characters madd compelling but the dialogue pretty bad sometimes, and yeah that is just one of the weakpoints of the show I guess. It ended on a cliffhanger with me wanting to see more.

Season 5: Eventually I felt they were being a little annoying with how the handle the villains. The season 5 trailer was not only misleading, it was literally false advertising - with Gareth having a convo saying the words "We go to Washington, and cure this thing." Anyways, the hunters didn't last long but I thought they'd keep Gareth around, unfortunately no because...that horrific origin story they were giving to the Terminus people, you'd think they wanted to show some sort of humanity side to them, but...they were once good people, bad people came in and took over, then they took back over and turned to cannibals? Okay... and they're all dead by episode 3. Why were we supposed to sympathize with any of them if they all end up dead?

Then there's the Beth storyline... And it was fine, but the way they had her die in the midseason finale...It really felt unnatural, inorganic and routine. As if they felt like they had to kill someone by the midseason finale and had it be Beth, with this (arguably filler) storyline, build up her character for half a season, and then kill her? Fuck that shit. I think it would've been awesome seeing Beth with a designated role in Alexandria by now.

Season 5 didn't really end on a cliffhanger, I thought the ending was pretty conclusive. Season 4 ended on a cliffhanger though, but it was a conclusive one. It was appropriate, now...


...Season 6: This season was a bunch of bullshit. It had some high highs, one of which in my opinion a highest of a high, but this season had the lowest of the lows. Again with the villains, I thought there was gonna be more come out of I guess the alpha wolf, based on showing how capable they were if not with firearms than with traps because of all those zombies they had in those trucks and the way to get all of them back in there.

First of all, that Glenn bullshit - here's the fucking thing with that, it's like the show's narrative is breaking the 4th wall and playing a game with the viewer, making them think it's Glenn getting eaten alive. And then the next episode, they have the nerve to not even show what happens next, but stick in an extended episode catching up exclusively on Morgan.

That's bullshit because it puts a cliffhanger ending episode right before it and puts that shit on pause for an irrelevant flashback! If they did this episode after the midseason premier, or just had it be the season premier, then it would've been fine. Then eventually we get to the episode where we see what happens to Glenn, where the camera now takes better shots showing the viewer that it was Nicholas getting devoured all along and Glenn got under the dumpster. All stuff they could've showed when it happened the first place but they just wanted to play a fucking game,

and then we get to that bullshit cliffhanger of this season. This cliffhanger is injustice. They explained it on Talking Dead as "This is this part of RIck's story coming to an end, and a new one beginning at the beginning of season 6."

Except the problem with that is that yes Rick and his family sees the person getting beat to death, but the viewer did not see him/her. And that's the narrative again playing another fuckin game with the viewer.

Based on my living situation, I'm probably not gonna catch the season 6 premier or any episode on time this year, and I feel like part of the reason for that is lost interest. I'll probably still watch it all, but the reason for my massive disinterest in Fear was the walking dead season 6 finale that came right before it. But this show finally did Rick x Michonne, and that'll make the show still worth watching.


This show was good and even story was good, the actual presentation was getting so fucking bad, parts of season 5, and then 6...I'll still watch the show but maybe not as avidly as before.

What do you think?
It's a show that has amazing potential that is constantly stifled by AMC being cheep fuckers who clearly have major influence over the writing, IE ending Season 6 halfway into a fucking scene and making the cliffhanger be who got killed.

Season 2 suffered because of a reduced budget per episode and the firing of the only reason this show became the hit it was, Frank Darabont. The show heavily suffered in seasons 2-3 with some decent episodes, but mainly horrible direction, little action, boring character interactions that were all partly caused by being forced to work within a reduced budget.

Season 4a was clearly a soft-reboot of the prison arc to try and rectify just how fucking horrible season 3b's ending was. "OMG THAT WAS A SLAUGHTER!!!!" not a single person died in the failed assault and Ricks crew could have easily taken out the entire town, but didn't because reasons

Season 4b, again, was pretty good considering it was split between multiple groups. Had some good highs, not many lows.

Season 5 has been the best the show has had to offer. Only a few "meh" episodes, the group was constantly moving (seriously I thought they were going to stretch the Terminus crew out for half the season). Although the hospital arc was pretty silly near the ending, especially forcing Beth to die because "well it was a mid season finale, someone has to die!" (again, most likely the byproduct of AMC meddling with scripts)

The second half of Season 5 was actually really, really good. Seeing the group struggle with a someone civilized life style, freaking out over not having to be completely paranoid, really good stuff.

Then season 6 came and it started good, then had like a month of nothing happening, and then had a mid season end on a cliff hanger, only to get retconned in the next mid-season opener. It got a little better with the expansion of the world and learning about other groups, but it quickly ruined how decent of a second half the season was with some questionable story arcs, character actions, and a cliffhanger that should make people completely abandon ship, as there is zero effort to mask just how much pull AMC has with the writing/direction of the show.

AMC doesn't want a good show, they just want a money maker. The two don't need to be mutually exclusive, but AMC knows that it's such a cultural icon, they can basically do what they want to make a few more bucks.

EDIT: Oh yea, and that fucking Glenn drama was the first big red flag of just how low the show will go to create drama for the original Atlanta crew.
Started watching the show after Playstation Plus released the first twp episodes of the Telltale series in September 2012 so binged Season 1 and 2 before Season 3 started been around ever since. Season 1 is a "decent start" I suppose but I honestly don't know if I could've sat through it weekly as far as Season 2 is concerned. Season 2 is the absolute worst Season. Season 3 picked up the pace a bit but Andrea and the finale really did a number on alot of people for sure speaking of finales I would like to say the Season 2 finale was great despite the overall season. Seasons 4 and 5 are so far the best seasons while Season 6 kind of staggered a bit Morgan , Dumpstergate and etc but I love Jeffrey Dean Waifu and happy to see how he played Negan and i'm nowhere near as bothered by the finale as most are and i'm also enjoying Fear alot too. Season 7 is keeping me with Negan and the war but I can see that Season 4 and 5 might've been the best they could offer.

Season 4
Season 5
Fear: Season 2 (so far)
Season 6
Season 3
Fear: Season 1
Season 1
Season 2


The Glenn dumpster crap and one of the worst cliffhangers I've ever seen ruined the show for me. Not even gonna bother watching the show anymore.


It was a show I followed every week since season one, but realized I didn't really care about it all that much or even need/want to watch when I stopped at the beginning of season six. It's also a massive pile of bs because no one that matters can ever die because fans are hung up on their favorites and the show runners lack the balls to actually make any cuts. Like, wtf is up with their Negan shit anyway? Fucking commit to killing one of your characters and just do it. Or cop-out and throw in a redshirt so all the fan favorites can be safe for another full season.

The comic kind of fell into the same kind of rotatation where you'd get the idea that no one is safe, but really everyone is. Not current past the
, but the last time it felt like anyone could die was during the Negan arc.
It's a show that has amazing potential that is constantly stifled by AMC being cheep fuckers who clearly have major influence over the writing, IE ending Season 6 halfway into a fucking scene and making the cliffhanger be who got killed.

Season 2 suffered because of a reduced budget per episode and the firing of the only reason this show became the hit it was, Frank Darabont. The show heavily suffered in seasons 2-3 with some decent episodes, but mainly horrible direction, little action, boring character interactions that were all partly caused by being forced to work within a reduced budget.

Season 4a was clearly a soft-reboot of the prison arc to try and rectify just how fucking horrible season 3b's ending was. "OMG THAT WAS A SLAUGHTER!!!!" not a single person died in the failed assault and Ricks crew could have easily taken out the entire town, but didn't because reasons

Season 4b, again, was pretty good considering it was split between multiple groups. Had some good highs, not many lows.

Season 5 has been the best the show has had to offer. Only a few "meh" episodes, the group was constantly moving (seriously I thought they were going to stretch the Terminus crew out for half the season). Although the hospital arc was pretty silly near the ending, especially forcing Beth to die because "well it was a mid season finale, someone has to die!" (again, most likely the byproduct of AMC meddling with scripts)

The second half of Season 5 was actually really, really good. Seeing the group struggle with a someone civilized life style, freaking out over not having to be completely paranoid, really good stuff.

Then season 6 came and it started good, then had like a month of nothing happening, and then had a mid season end on a cliff hanger, only to get retconned in the next mid-season opener. It got a little better with the expansion of the world and learning about other groups, but it quickly ruined how decent of a second half the season was with some questionable story arcs, character actions, and a cliffhanger that should make people completely abandon ship, as there is zero effort to mask just how much pull AMC has with the writing/direction of the show.

AMC doesn't want a good show, they just want a money maker. The two don't need to be mutually exclusive, but AMC knows that it's such a cultural icon, they can basically do what they want to make a few more bucks.

EDIT: Oh yea, and that fucking Glenn drama was the first big red flag of just how low the show will go to create drama for the original Atlanta crew.
yep I think I agree with pretty much everything you said.

Although I honestly didn't mind season 2 and season 4 was fine, I don't know what you mean by soft reboot
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